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分类号 单位代码 11395 密 级 学 号 0803210229 学生毕业论文题目 对中美电影中英雄主义的不同解读作者:景艳龙指 导 教 师: 王永杰 专业技术职称: 副教授 学科(专业) 英 语 答 辩 日 期 2012年5月 2012年5月Different Interpretations of Heroism in Chinese and American MoviesA Thesis Presented to the Faculty of Foreign Language Department Yulin UniversityIn Partial Fulfillmentof the Requirements for the Degree ofBachelor of ArtsbyJing YanlongMay, 2012AcknowledgementsThis thesis would not have been completed without much generous assistance. First and foremost, I deeply appreciate my supervisor, Associate Professor Wang Yongjie, who has afforded me valuable scholarly advice and corrected my thesis patiently.I am also indebted to all the teachers in the English Department of Yulin University, who have greatly benefited my intellectual growth through their inspiring lectures.Last but not least, I am grateful to my classmates. Without their care and support I could not have completed this thesis. Abstract: Hero is the eternal topic and dream of human beings. Reflected in movies and TV plays, heroism is a foremost theme in both Western and Eastern cultures. By comparing the interpretations of Western and Chinese heroism, the differences between Western and Chinese cultures can be observed. In this thesis, American cinema, especially Hollywood movies, is chosen as the representative of the Western cinema.First of all, the definition of hero and heroism is studied and expounded in this thesis. From the angle of analytic psychology, heroism is an original desire in opposition to the alien forces in the nature. Secondly, the thesis makes a detailed analysis of heroism in Chinese and American movies. Traditional view on heroism is discussed with Drawn Sword as an example to analyze the new trend of Chinese heroism. Meanwhile, the thesis explores the interpretation of heroism in American movies. The movie Forrest Gump is attached great importance to observing the heroism that American masses pursue. Finally, the thesis makes a comparison of Chinese and American heroism and draws a conclusion. Key words: heroism; comparison; cultural distinction; Hollywood; Chinese movies.摘要:英雄是人类永恒的追求和梦想。无论是在东方文化,还是西方文化中,英雄都是影视文学中最基本的主题。通过对比英雄主义在不同文化中的诠释,可以透视中西方文化的差异。在这篇论文中,美国电影,尤其是好莱坞电影,被选作西方电影的代表。首先,本文讨论了英雄和英雄主义的定义。从精神分析学的角度来讲,英雄主义本质上是一种反对外来势力的原始欲望。其次, 这篇论文对中美影视中的英雄主义做了详细的分析, 讨论了中国传统英雄主义观点并以亮剑为例对中国英雄主义新趋向做出解析。与此同时,文章又对美国电影中的英雄主义进行了研究,从电影阿甘正传中洞察美国大众所追求的英雄主义。最后,文章就中美英雄主义做了对比并得出结论。关键词:英雄主义 比较 文化差异 好莱坞 中国电影iiiDifferent Interpretation of Heroism in Chinese and American MoviesTable of ContentsAcknowledgementsiAbstract in EngishiiAbstract in Chineseiii1 Introduction12 Chinese Heroism: the Deification of Heroes and the New Heroism32.1 Heroes in traditional Chinese movies32.2 New heroism63 American Heroism: Heroes of Common People73.1 Traditional heroism in American movies83.2 Heroism in Forrest Gump104 Comparison Between American and Chinese Heroism.145 Conclusion15References17榆林学院2012届外语系本科毕业论文Different Interpretations of Heroism in Chinese and American Movies1 IntroductionHero and heroine refer to characters who,in the face of danger and adversity or from a position of weakness,display courage and will for self sacrificethat is,heroismfor some greater good of all humanity, originally of martial courage or excellence but extended to more general moral excellence.Heroism exists in almost every place of the worldDifferent cultures have different definitions of heroism,and each culture shapes its own unique heroesHeroism is one of the fundamental driving forces of human life and the concrete manifestation of certain cultural pursuitTo some extent,heroism affects the development of the societyHeroism comes from the human experience of overcoming adversity and fulfilling the desire to do great actsHeroism can be positive achievements such as an excellence of skill in living, not being afraid of death,never giving up or self-sacrifice.Most people learn heroism in a visual way,such as watching science fiction films,reading novels and myths,etcWestern movies like Superman,Spiderman,007,The First Blood and Chinese movies like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Hero, and Assembly are a11 familiar to the audience. All heroes in the two cultures leave a deep impression on the audience.Those people,who face death with no fear and do what they should do,can be given the title of heroBut the definition of hero doesnt necessarily mean people should seek death and destruction,because death is not equal to value,just as being alive is not equal to worthlessnessDeath is the ultimate outcome when we fight against all our livesBut sometimes loss
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