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Unit1重点单词:geography(地理) science(科学) music(音乐) English(英语)history(历史) math(数学) art(美术)反义词:big(大的)- small(小的);girl(女孩)-boy(男孩);young(年轻的) -old(年老的)thin(瘦的)-fat(胖的);long(长的)-short(短的);easy(容易的)-difficult(困难的)cheap(便宜的)-expensive(昂贵的);fast(快的)-slow(慢的);cold(冷的)-hot(热的)boring(无聊的)-interesting(有趣的)重点句型: Whats your favorite subject?(你最喜欢哪门学科?) because(因为) I like art,because art is easy.(我喜欢美术,因为美术很容易。) I dont like math, math is boring.(我不喜欢数学,数学很无聊。) What teacher do you like?(你最喜欢哪位老师) I like Mr Green , He is funny.(我喜欢MrGreen,他很有趣)题型:What subject do you like?What subject do you dislike(不喜欢)?What teacher do you like?Give you reasons(理由).你喜欢哪门学科?你不喜欢哪门学科?你喜欢哪位老师,说出理由.语法知识:动词的时态变化的标志词 过去式 Yesterday(昨天);Last(上一个);ago(以前) 动词用过去式,加ed 或不规则的过去式。 现在时 Today(今天)usually(通常)用动词原形 现在进行时 now(现在) 动词后+ing 将来时 tomorrow(明天);next(下一个);maybe(也许,可能) 动词前面加will(将要)不规则动词过去式:go(去)-went; see(看见)-saw; eat(吃)-ate;have(有) had;live(居住)-lived;swim(游泳)-swam;are-were;is/am-was根据实际情况填空,写几句话。 What subjects do you like? What subjects do you dislike (不喜欢) ? Which teacher do you like ? Give your reasons(理由).Hello,My name is , I study many subjects in shool. My favorite subject is , because subject is the most , I like teacher, Because teacher is the most .动词过去式变化规则:一般情况词尾+ed; 以e结尾+d;重读闭音节,最后只有一个辅音字母结尾,双写尾音+ed;以y结尾,变y为i +ed。形容词比较级和最高级的变化规则 短音节(5个字母一下 包括5个)构成方法原级比较级最高级一般加-er,estshort(矮的) long(长的)shorter ,longerthe shortestthe longest以e结尾的只加-r,stlate(迟的,晚的)laterthe latest以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母单词,双写尾音,再加-er, estbig (大的)fat(肥的)thin(瘦的)biggerfatterthinnerthe biggestthe fattestthe thinnest以辅音字母加y结尾的词将y改为i,再加-er, estheavy(重的)happy(高兴)early(早的)heavierhappierearlierthe heaviestthe happiestthe earliest 多音节(5个字母以上)形容词比较级最高级的变化比较级 在单词前加 more 如 more expensive(更昂贵的)最高级 在单词前加 the most 如 the most expensive(最昂贵的)Unit2重点单词短语:have to,has to(不得不,必须); dont have to ,doesnt have to,(不必做)make my bed(铺床); walk the dog(遛狗); take out the trash(倒垃圾);polish my shoes(刷鞋) wash the dishes(洗盘子) clean my room(打扫房间);feed the fish(喂鱼); cut the grass(割草) water the plants(浇植物)every day(每天);every week(每周);once a week(每周一次);never(从不)twice a week(一周两次);always(总是);usually(通常的);hardly ever(几乎不); 重点句型: What chores do you have to do?(你不得不做什么家务?) I have to help Mom.(我必须帮助我妈妈。) I dont have to feed the fish.(我不用喂鱼。) 第三人称he后面用has He has to wash the windows.(他不得不擦洗窗户。) She doesnt have to walk the dog.(她不必遛狗。)语法总结:1.have to和 has to的区别,has 是have的第三人称单数的形式;2. hardly ever 和never的区分,hardly ever(几乎不),never(从不);3. make 和do 的用法,make: make the bed(铺床),make friend(交朋友),make breakfast(做早饭),make telephone call(打电话),make a cake(做蛋糕); do:do homework(做作业);do chores(做家务);do practice(做练习) do karate(空手道)题型:What chores do you have to do?(你不得不做什么家务活?)What chores do you parents have to do?(你的父母不得不做什么家务活?) I have to make my bed.(我必须整理床铺。) My parents have to clean the room. (我的父母必须打扫房间。)Unit3重点单词: be +doing+将来时间状语 表示将来;动词ing 表示将来= will(将要)Activity(活动):skiing(滑雪) ice-skating(滑冰) doing karate(空手道)swimming(游泳) bowling(保龄球)going shopping(去购物)playing football(踢足球) working out at the gym(在健身房健身)How often(隔多久):Saturday(周六) on Sunday(在周日) next week(下周)every day(每天)sometimes(有时候)once a week(每周一次)重点句型:1. What are you doing tomorrow?(你明天将要干什么?) 2. I am playing tennis tomorrow. (我明天将要打网球。) 3. How often do you play tennis? (你多久打一次网球?)语法:1.表示将来的时间词: tomorrow(明天) next(下一个) next week(下周)next month(下个月) next year(明年) 2.现在进行时+将来时间状语表示将来 3.人称+will+动词原形也表示将来Unit 4重点词汇:prefer(更喜欢)this(这个)that(那个)thses(这些)those(那些)单数:belt(皮带)cap(帽子)shirt(衬衫)bag(书包)复数:sweatpants(宽松的运动裤), socks(袜子), shoes(鞋), shorts(短裤), gloves(手套), glasses(太阳镜). jeans(牛仔裤)重点句型:单数动词后用加s或es,复数用动词原形 Which sunglasses do you prefer?(你更喜欢哪幅太阳镜?) I like to shop.(我喜欢去购物。)He likes these belt.(他更喜欢这些皮带。) We hate shopping.(我讨厌购物。) She hates shopping.(她讨厌购物。) You prefer this belt.(你更喜欢这条皮带。) He prefers this belt.(他更喜欢这条皮带) 单数用does 复数用doHow much does this/that T-shirt cost?(这条/那条皮带多少钱?) How much do these/those sunglasses cost?(这些/那些太阳镜多少钱?)语法知识:1.数量距离单数(一个)be动词助动词复数(两个或两个以上)be动词助动词近thisisdoesthesearedo远thatthose2. prefer 更喜欢,用于两者之间进行比较时使用;如 Between music and art,I prefer .(在音乐和美术之间,我更喜欢 。)3. spend和cost的区别: spend的主语为人称,如:I spend only 20 to spend.(我只有20美元能花。)cost的主语为物品,如: This belt costs 5.(这条皮带值五美元。)4. Buying gifts for people isnt easy. (为别人买礼物不是件容易的事。) Buyi
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