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XIAN,The oldest city in chinese history,3415N /10855E,Shanxi in China,Xian in Shanxi,Xian it also called Changan , the ancient capital of one of the worlds greatest civilizations of the world-famous . In the history of a total of 13, including the western Han dynasty, Tang dynasty had established their capitals here. Xian as the capital of China and the political, economic and cultural center of more than 1000 years, and Luoyang, Beijing, Nanjing called Chinas four big ancient capital.,The Ancient Capital XiAn,西安,古称长安,是举世闻名的世界四大文明古都之一。历史上包括西汉、唐在内的总共13个王朝都曾在此建都。西安曾经作为中国的首都和政治、经济、文化中心长达1000多年,与洛阳、北京、南京并称为中国四大古都。,Historical Relics,The Terra Cotta Warriors,Terracotta Warriors Museum is located away from Xian Lintong, 37 kilometers east of county Terracotta Warriors, is the worlds largest underground military museum.,秦始皇兵马俑博物馆坐落在距西安37千米的临潼县城东。秦始皇兵马俑,是世界最大的地下军事博物馆。,Huaqing Pool,Huaqing Pool also called Hua Qing palace, at home and abroad, it is famous for the 3,000-year imperial gardens and 6,000 years of the hot spring.,华清池亦名华清宫,以三千年的皇家园林史和六千年的温泉利用史而享誉海内外,The Bell Tower,Xian Bell Tower, was built in the 1384. It is located in xi an city center, north and south, east and west four street interchange. Former the loft hangged a bell for alarm , so given the name of “Bell Tower“.,西安钟楼,始建于公元1384年。它位于西安市的市中心,东西南北四条大街的交汇处。昔日楼上悬一口大钟,用于报警报时,故名“钟楼”。,Wild goose pagoda,The Big Wild Goose Pagoda was built in 652, located in Grace Temple, also known as Cien temple tower. Xuanzang, who presided over the Temple Service collar tube field, founded the Buddhist sects.,大雁塔建于652年,因坐落在慈恩寺,故又名慈恩寺塔。唐三藏玄奘,曾在这里主持寺务,领管佛经译场,创立佛教宗派。,The City Wall,Xi an city wall is located in xi an district, the gates have four. Each gate is composed of embrasured watchtower and towers. Existing wall built in Ming hongwu seven years to eleven years (1374-1378), is one of our most complete existing ancient city wall building.,西安城墙位于西安市中心区,有城门四座。每个城门都由箭楼和城楼组成。现存城墙建于明洪武七年到十一年(1374-1378),是我国现存最完整的一座古代城垣建筑。,Mount Hua,Mount Hua is one of the famous mountains in China, is located in shaanxi province HuaYinXian, in 120 kilometres east of xi an, is famous for its mountain steep.,华山,是中国著名的五岳之一,位于陕西省华阴县,在西安市以东120公里处,以山势险峻而闻名。,Transportation,Subway,Buses,Taxi,Xi an taxi is very difficult to take, often want to ask whether the driver can carpool. If the driver is said not to walk, when he left, you need to calm saying “e shi ni bei”(means fuck you).,西安的出租车非常难打,经常要问司机是否能拼车。如果司机说不走,当他离开后,你要淡定的说一句“额湿你北”。,Local Snacks,Classic Meal,Steam cold noodles,ice peak,Chinese hamburger,Chinese hamburger , steam cold noodles and ice peak is a classic set of xi an.,凉皮、肉夹馍、冰峰,是西安的经典套餐。,Xi an barbecue,Roast tendons,烤筋儿,roast chicken wings,烤鸡翅,cow stomach,涮牛犊,Do you know this character,biang biang noodles,Dumpling Feast,DeFaChangs dumpling feast in xi an is very famous and dumplings can be divided into 18 kinds, each have different shape and taste.,德发长的饺子宴在西安非常有名,将饺子分为18种,造型和味道各有不同。,Hui street snacks,Shredded pancake in beef,牛羊肉泡馍,JiaSan Soup dumplings,贾三灌汤包,Jing cake,镜糕,Spicy Soup,胡辣汤,Shopping,Great Tang All Day Mall,大唐不夜城,Kaiyuan shopping,开元商城,Saga international shopping center,赛格国际购物中心,If buy food, we will choose the metro and the ShanXi provincial military region service.,如果购买食物,我们会选择麦德龙和陕西省军区军人服务社。,security,Xi an is a relatively safe city,. But more is the thief.,西安是一个比较安全的城市。但就是小偷比较多。,Climate,Xi an is a warm temperate semi-humid continental monsoon climate, four seasons, mild climate, moderate rainfall. The spring warmth; Summer heat; Autumn is cool; The winter cold.,西安属暖温带半湿润大陆性季风气候,四季分明,气候温和,雨量适中。春季温暖;夏季炎热;秋季凉爽;冬季寒冷。,
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