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海口市新坡中学八年级英语(仁爱版)上册语言点归纳Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 1 Im going to play basketball ?一. 词组1. during the summer holidays 在暑假期间2. be going to do sth 将要做某事3. hold/have a basketball game 举办一场篮球比赛4. cheer sb. on 为某人加油5. practice (doing) sth 练习(做)某事6. bothand/both of 两者都 7. prefer doing sth/ to do sth. 更喜欢做某事8. preferto. 与相比,更喜欢9. quite a bit/a lot 许多,大量10. quite a few 相当多的11. on/in a team 在队里12. go skating/skiing/cycling/climbing/hiking 去滑雪/滑冰/骑车/爬山/远足13. arrive in/at sp 到达某地14. play for 为效力15. play against 与对抗/较量16. play with 同玩耍17. dream of/about (doing) sth 梦见(做) 某事18. take/do exercise= do sports 做运动do morning/eye exercises 做早/眼保健操19. grow up 长大成人20. in the future 在将来21. spend ( in) doing sth 花.做某事22. spend on sth 花在某事上23. be good at (doing) sth 擅长于(做)某事24. do well in (doing ) sth 在方面做得好25. there is /are going to be = there will be 将有26. take part in= join in 参加27. make sb/ sth + adj 使某人/物28. make sb do sth 使某人做某事29. keep sb/ sth + adj 保持某人/某物30. be popular with sb 受欢迎31. a good way to do sth 一个做的好方法32. keep fit/ healthy 保持健康33. all over the world = around the world 全世界34. leave for 动身去35. the day after tomorrow 后天36. be famous for 因为而出名37. be famous as +身份/职业 作为而出名 38. its too bad that=its a pity that 遗憾的是39. be excited about/ at (doing) sth 对感到激动40. be good/bad for 对有益/害41. relax oneself 放松某人自己42. stay for long= stay for a long time 久留二. 重点句型1. Whats your favorite sport? = What sport do you like best? 你最喜爱的运动是什么?2. Which sport do you prefer? = Which sport do you like better? 你更喜欢什么运动?I prefer skating. = I like skating better. 我更喜欢滑雪.3. Do you skate much? = Do you often skate? 你常滑雪吗?4. What kind of sports do you like? = Which sport do you like?你喜欢哪种运动?5. Would you like to come and cheer us on ? 你愿意来为我们加油吗?6. What are you going to be when you grow up? 当你长大后做什么?7. There is going to be a school sports meet next month.下月有一场运动会。三. 重点语言点1. see sb. do sth “看见某人做了某事” 强调动作的全过程,常与every day; often等连用.see sb. doing sth. “看见某人正在做某事” 强调动作正在进行. 如: I often see him draw pictures near the river. 我常看见她在河边画画. I saw her go across the street. 我看见她过了马路 I saw her going across the street. 我看见她正在过马路. 类似的有watch, hear, feel 等这类感观动词.2. join sb. 表示 “加入某人的行列” “和某人在一起”join + 组织 表示 “加入某个组织”join in/take part in 表示 “参加/出席某个活动”如: Will you join us? I will join the skiing club. She is planning to take part in the high jump.3. arrive in + 大地点arrive at + 小地点get to + 地点 = reach + 地点如:I arrived at the Great Wall. = I got to the Great Wall.= I reached the Great Wall.注意: reach here/there/home = get here/there/home = arrive here/there/home4. leave 离开leave for 动身去/离开到如: They are leaving Beijing tomorrow. 明天他们要离开北京.位移动词plan, come, go, leave, fly等用现在进行时表示将来.We are going fishing tomorrow. 我们明天将去钓鱼。5. make sth/sb + adj. 使某物(某人)在某种状态 keep sth/sb + adj. 保持某物(某人)在某种状态 如: Playing soccer can make your body strong. Swimming can help to keep your heart and lungs healthy.Topic 2 Ill kick you the ball again一、重点词组:1. have a soccer game against Class Five 进行一场对5班的足球赛2. fall ill/be ill 生病3. be glad to do sth 很高兴做某事4. mind doing sth 介意做某事5. kick sb sth= kick sth to sb 把某物提给某人6. keep doing sth 继续做某事keep on doing sth 反复地做某事(有间隔)keep sb doing sth 让某人一直做某事7. have a try 试一试8. give sb a hand= help sb 帮助某人9. right away= right now =at once= in a minute 立即,马上10. throwaround 乱扔11. lose a game 输掉比赛lose to sb 输给某人12. shout at sb 对某人大吼大叫(因生气)shout to sb 对某人大声喊(因距离远)13. have a fight with sb = fight with sb 同某人打架fight against 同做斗争14. try/do ones best(to do sth) 尽某人的最大努力做15. be angry with sb. 生某人的气be angry at/about sth 因某事生气be angry with sb for doing sth 因某人做了某事而生气16. say sorry to sb. 对某人说抱歉be sorry to do sth 抱歉做了某事be sorry for (doing) sth 因为(做了)某事而道歉be sorry about sth 对某事感到抱歉be sorry + that从句 抱歉.17. Its nothing/ never mind/ It doesnt matter 没关系(用于回答sorry)18. be sure to do sth. 确定做某事be sure of/ about sth 对某事有把握be sure+ that 从句
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