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H3C MSR 930 系统恢复1配置计算机IP地址并关闭系统防火墙将计算机的IP地址更改为192.168.1.210/24 ,关闭系统防火墙。2安装配置TFTP软件安装3com的tftp软件,并安装下图位置进行配置。将H3C MSR 930路由器的系统固件放到TFTP服务器的指定目录。3检查串口设备,并做相应的设置。按照下图设置COM接口。4启用SecretCRT,选择串口连接5线路连接Consol线连接电脑串口,电脑网线连接路由器的GE0口(WAN)6以下是设备升级的具体操作System is starting.Press Ctrl+D to access BASIC-BOOTWARE MENUDo you want to check SDRAM? Y/NBooting Normal Extend BootWareThe Extend BootWare is self-decompressing.Done!* * H3C MSR930 BootWare, Version 5.10 * *Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., Ltd.Compiled Date : Dec 21 2015CPU Type : P1010CPU L1 Cache : 32KBCPU L2 Cache : 256KBCPU Clock Speed : 533MHzMemory Type : DDR3 SDRAMMemory Size : 256MBMemory Speed : 667MHzBootWare Size : 1024KBFlash Size : 128MBCPLD Version : 1.0PCB Version : 3.0BootWare Validating.Application program does not exist.BootWare password: Not required. Please press Enter to continue.Password recovery capability is enabled.Note: The current operating device is flashEnter to select device.=| Boot System | Enter Serial SubMenu | Enter Ethernet SubMenu | File Control | Restore to Factory Default Configuration | Skip Current System Configuration | BootWare Operation Menu | Clear Super Password | Storage Device Operation | Reboot |=Ctrl+Z: Access EXTEND-ASSISTANT MENUCtrl+F: Format File SystemCtrl+C: Display CopyrightEnter your choice(0-9): 3 进入以太网子菜单=|Note:the operating device is flash | Download Application Program To SDRAM And Run | Update Main Application File | Update Backup Application File | Update Secure Application File | Modify Ethernet Parameter | Exit To Main Menu | |=Enter your choice(0-5): 5 修改以太网配置=|Note: . = Clear field. | - = Go to previous field. | Ctrl+D = Quit. |=Protocol (FTP or TFTP) :tftp tftp 选择协议tftpLoad File Name :MSR93X-CMW520-R2513P21.BIN :MSR93X-CMW520-R2516P02.BIN 系统文件的名称(和D:TFTP下的文件名称一致)Target File Name :MSR93X-CMW520-R2513P21.BIN :MSR93X-CMW520-R2516P02.BIN 保存到路由器的系统文件名称Server IP Address : 计算机的IP地址Local IP Address : 路由器的IP地址Gateway IP Address : 网关不用配置=|Note:the operating device is flash | Download Application Program To SDRAM And Run | Update Main Application File | Update Backup Application File | Update Secure Application File | Modify Ethernet Parameter | Exit To Main Menu |Ensure The Parameter Be Modified Before
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