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Unit 6 Travelling around Asia单词复习1. 名胜 _ 2. 去游览,去观光 _3. in the centre of _ 4. light up _5. 四面八方 _ 6. refer to _7. 全世界各地 _ 8. a list of _9. 点亮,照亮 _ 10. such as _11. 过得愉快 _ 12. a lot of _13. 穿上 _ 14. one of _15. 和(两者)都_知识点精讲1. My head was made there. 考点聚焦 be made in+地点,意为“_”,由于there是地点副词,故去掉介词in. 成品+be made in+地点产于某地原料+be made into+成品被制成成品+be made of+ 原料(看得出,物理)由制成成品+be made by+制造者被制造成品+be made from+原料(看不出,化学)由制成My piano is made _ Beijing. The birthday cake is made _ my mother. The table is made _ wood. Wine is made _ grapes. Grapes are made _ wine. The bike is made _ China. 2. Peoples Square is in the centre of Shanghai. 考点聚焦 in the centre of意为“_” There is a park in the centre of the city. at/ in the centre of 强调“_,_”。(一般只用于空间)in the middle of 强调“在(时间、长度、过程等)的中间”。He lives in the centre of the town. _Dont stand in the middle of the road. _3. Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world. 考点聚焦 “one of+the+形容词最高级+复数名词/代词”意为“_”,当其作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。Tom is one of the tallest boys in our class. One of us has a travel guide. 西安是中国最漂亮的城市之一。_例题巩固( ) 1. Where is the Mao-tai _? In Guizhou china. A. made of B. made from C. made in D. made by( ) 2. My shirt is _ cotton. A. is made in B. is made from C. is made of D. is made by( ) 3. There is _ big supermarket in _ center of our city. A. a; the B. the; a C. the; the( ) 4. Mickey Mouse is one of the most famous _ in America. A. symbol B. symbols( ) 5. Do you know that china is one of _ countries in the world? Yes,I do. Its much _ than the US. A. oldest; older B. the oldest; older C. the oldest; elder D. the older; elder拓展巩固用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1. This is one of the largest clothes _ (shop) in this area. 2. Mary hates _ (come) home late. 3. John doesnt know which bus _ (take) in the new city. 4. It is where the Moore River _ (meet) the Indian Ocean. 5. If you grease(给擦油)the lock, it will turn _ (easy). 6. You can find out many things about a tree by _ (study) its rings. 4. The PuDong New Area, just across the Huangpu River , has many modern buildings. 考点聚焦Across在本句中做介词,意为“_”。They live just across the road. 知识拓展 across的其他用法 Across作介词,还可以表示“_”,指从一边到另一边,强调横穿物体的表面。我们穿过街道。over 着重指从物体上方穿过,不与物体接触through着重指物体从空间内穿过他穿过大厅。_ The sun goes through the window. _Dont jump over the fence. _5. Mums advice: 考点聚焦 advice不可数名词,没有复数形式,意为“_”,表示“一条建议”用a piece of advice. 小明很聪明,他总是能给人们一些建议。_give sb. advice/ give advice to sb. _ ask sb. for advice _ take/ follow sb. s advice _ advice的动词形式为_ advise sb to do sth. 意为“_” He advises me to get up early. _6. If you make the wheels round, they will turn easily. 考点聚焦Make作使役动词,make sb. do sth. 意为“_”His appearance made me laugh. _老师让他做作业。_老板让我打扫他的办公室。_例题巩固( ) 1. They live _ the Central Plaza. A. to B. over C. across D. through( ) 2. If you dont know what it means, you can _ the dictionary. A. put away B. refer to C. buy( ) 3. Though she often makes her little brother _, she was made _him this morning. A. cry; to cry B. to cry; cry C. cry; cry( ) 4. Your _ is very helpful. I guess Ill take it. A. secret B. advice C. promise D. purpose拓展巩固按要求完成句子。1. 苏珊穿上一件红外套出去了。Susan _ _ a red coat and went out. 2. Li Ming makes us _ (read)English every morning. 3. 教她真是一件乐事。Its a _ _ teach her. 7. There are some expensive shops and also some cheap ones. 考点聚焦Ones在此处用作代词,是one的复数形式,泛指前面提到的人或物。I lost my pen, I have to buy a new one. _ 我的自行车旧了,我想买一个新的。_辨析 one, it与t
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