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字母a的发音,北海市海城区翁山小学 符其丽,人教版 三年级起点 三年级下册 Unit 1 lets spell,Lets chant: Dad has a black cat The cat is in the bag Dad has a black cat The bag is in his hand,The first task:Read cat , bag , dad and hand (第一关:拼读cat , bag , dad 和 hand 四个单词),cat,bag,dad,hand,a的发音规律是:aa-/ae/,The second task:Game Tasks (第二关:游戏任务),Game 1 : high and low voice (师大声,生 小声, 师 小声,生 大 声),Game 2: Listen and touch(听和摸),cat,bag,dad,hand,Well done!,very good,The third task:words Reading competition (第三关:单词拼读大比拼),Task:各小组找出信封内的单词卡片,在1分钟内讨论并认读单词,师检查小组完成情况。,Practice: 1. cap 2. hat 3. bad 4. nap 5. map 6. fat,The last task: Read , Listen and Circle (最后一关:读,听和圈),Read, listen and circle: 1. cat bag 2. bag dad 3. Canada panda 4.hand dad,Lets check: Read, listen and circle: 1. cat bag 2. bag dad 3. Canada panda 4.hand dad,Congratulations,Thank you !,
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