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PEP小学英语三年级下册微课设计 青龙示范小学 陈小英 方位介词on、in、under的用法知识目标:学习掌握方位介词on、in、under的用法能力目标:1、能够听懂会说以下句型: Where is the? Its on/in/under the 2、能够正确描述物品的位置。 3、在图片、实物或情景的帮助下能够自由问答物品的位置。 4、能听懂指令,并根据指令做出相应的动作。情感目标:培养学生自己主动整齐摆放物品的好习惯。重、难点:学生使用on、in、under三个方位介词准确表述物品在空间位置上的关系。教法与学法:直观教学法 动作反应法准备:学习用品Teaching procedures:Step 1:Presentation在情景中教学三个方位介词on、in、under。Learn the new words “on、in、under”in the scene.Look carefully at the pictures.Picture 1. Where is the ball? 球在哪里?Its on the box. 它在盒子上面。on 表示“在上面”(与物体表面接触)eg:The ruler is on the desk.Read it three times: on, on, on “在上面”. Picture 2. Where is the ball? 球在哪里?Its in the box. 它在盒子里面。in 表示“在里面”(在某一范围之内)eg:There is an apple in the bag.Read it three times: in, in, in “在里面”.Picture 3.Where is the ball? 球在哪里?Its under the box. 它在盒子下面。under 表示“在下面(方)”eg:My toy car is under the bed.Read it three times: under, under, under “在下面(方)”.(利用多媒体课件创设情景,直观呈现新单词,使学生在语境中理解单词,并学会运用。)Step 2:Practice.1.Think and answer.图片 T:Where is the book? Ss:Its on the desk.图片 T:Where is the book?Ss:Its in the bag.图片 T:Where is the cat? Ss:Its under the chair.2.Look at the picture and match the sentences.( ) (1)Where is the pen? A. Its on the desk ( ) (2)Where is the bag? B. Its in the pencil box .( ) (3)Where is the dog? C. Its under the chair.(通过出示图片创设情境,回答物品之间的位置关系,使学生快速进入了用英语思维的状态,达到了课堂教学的效果。)3.Listen and do.(1)Put your book in the desk.(2)Put your pencil in your pencil box.(3)Put your ruler under your book.(4)Put your hands on your desk.(通过听音做动作,学生对所学介词有了更加明确的理解和熟练的运用,同时也训练了学生听的能力。)Step 3:Homework. 课后熟练掌握本节课的三个方位介词的用法,并找同伴做相关物品问方位的问答练习。(鼓励学生将所学语言运用于实际中去。)
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