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【教学设计】PEP三年级下册Unit 5 Do you like pears?Part A Lets spell一、教学目标1.掌握字母u在重读闭音节中的发音/;2.树立拆音、拼音和分类等语言意识;3.正确书写,拼读四个单词:fun, run, duck, under。二、教学重、难点1.掌握字母u在重读闭音节中的发音/;2.正确书写,拼读四个单词:fun, run, duck, under;3.自然拼读出u在重读闭音节的其它单词。三、课前准备录音机及本节课的录音带,小黑板。四、教学过程1.激趣Revision(1)学生齐读字母a,e,i,o在重读闭音节中的发音 e /及例词 , , b - - g .bag . (2)Lets chant.(三年级上册Unit 5 We love animals)2. 导学Presentation(1) T: We have a new friend today. Please turn to page 50, and tellme whats his name? S: The letter Uu (Write on the board).(2) T: Listen to the radio, and read out the phoneme. (Write /on the board).(3) 教师讲解/的发音,并带读。(4) 小组合作让学生试着拼出课文中四个单词fun,run,duck,under的发音。(5) 小组比赛汇报成果。(6) 全班按/,/, f - /- n ,fun齐读单词fun,run,duck,under教师要给予及时的纠正。(7)完成课文听力read,listen and number。(8)教师在四线格中板书fun,run,duck,under,学生临空摩写,并拼读。3.操练Practice(1)Lets read. 大组合作完成单词的拼读。 (2)Lets chant and lets do. U,u,u, /,/,/.(用双手搭成此形状)Run,run,run(原地跑步), sun,sun,sun(用双手搭个圆形,放在头上). Its fun(做开心状) to run under the sun.4、升华在英文词典中找到发/的单词,自已学着拼读。5.Summary让学生通过回忆自我总结。6.Homework(1)抄写新单词三遍,并且画画。(2)教会家人Lets chant。7.板书设计Unit 5 Do you like pears?Lets spell U /Lets chant Lets write Lets read U,u,u, /,/,/. fun run G1 G2 G3 G4Run,run,run, duck under rub tub club cubsun,sun,sun. bud mud bus cupIts fun to run bug hug mum gum under the sun. luck tuck jump humpG1 G2 G3 G4
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