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小李子在联合国霸气演讲 Thank you, Mr. Secretary General, for the honor to address this body once more. And thanks to the distinguished climate leaders assembled here today who are ready to take action. 谢谢秘书长先生再次给我机会让我站在这里发言,谢谢各位卓越的气 候领导人今天在联合国大会汇聚一堂准备开始采取行动。 body:团体;组织 President Abraham Lincoln was also thinking of bold action 150 years ago when he said: “The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy presentAs our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country.” 150 年前,亚伯拉罕 林肯总统也曾考虑过采取大胆的行动,他说:“那 些属于宁静往日的教条已不足以应付风雨飘摇的现在,由于我们面临 新的问题,我们要有新的思维、新的行动,我们必须打破自身的枷 锁,才能拯救我们的国家。” dogma dgm :教条,教理 disenthrall ,disinr:l:释放;解放 He was speaking before the U.S. Congress to confront the defining issue of his time slavery. Everyone knew it had to end, but no one had the political will to stop it. Remarkably, his words ring as true today when applied to the defining crisis of our time climate change. 当时林肯总统在美国国会发表了这席演讲,正视他的时代所面临的关 键问题奴隶制。所有人都知道奴隶制要终结,但是没有人有政治 意愿去解决这个问题。今天他的话听来仍然振聋发聩。我们可以用他 的话来描述当今时代的关键挑战气候变化。 As a UN Messenger of Peace, I have traveled all over the world for the last two years, documenting how this crisis is changing the natural balance of our planet. Ive seen cities like Beijing choked by industrial pollution, ancient Boreal forests in Canada that have been clear-cut, and rainforests in Indonesia that have been incinerated. 作为联合国的和平使者,我在过去两年中走访了世界各地,记录气候 变化给地球的自然平衡带来了怎样的改变。我曾经目睹过像北京那样 因工业污染而窒息的城市,加拿大古老的寒温带森林被夷为平地,印 度尼西亚的热带雨林被焚烧殆尽。incinerate insinreit: 焚烧 In India, I met farmers whose crops have literally been washed away by historic flooding. In America, I have witnessed unprecedented droughts in California and sea level rise flooding the streets of Miami. In Greenland and in the Arctic, I was astonished to see that ancient glaciers are rapidly disappearing well ahead of scientific predictions. All that I have seen and learned on my journey has absolutely terrified me. 在印度,我遇到一些农民,他们的庄稼被百年一遇的洪水冲走;在美 国,我经历了加州空前的干旱,并目睹了迈阿密海平面上升淹没了街 道;在格林兰和北极,我惊讶地看到古老的冰川迅速消失,其速度远 超过科学家的预测。旅途中的所见所闻,让我深感恐惧。 There is no doubt in the worlds scientific community that this is a direct result of human activity and the effects of climate change will become astronomically worse in the future. 我想科学界已经明确证明这是人类行为所带来的直接后果。今后,气 候变化的影响还将更具灾难性。 astronomically ,strnmikli :天文数字地;巨大地 I do not need to tell you these statistics. You know them better than I do, but more importantly, you know what will happen if this scourge is left unchecked. You know that climate change is happening faster than even the most pessimistic of scientists warned us decades ago. Its become a runaway freight train bringing with it an impending disaster for all living things. 你们不需要我来援引数据,你们知道的比我清楚,更重要的是,你们 知道如果不加以制止,气候变化的灾难会造成怎样的后果。气候变化 的速度比最悲观的科学家几十年前所警告的还快,对此你们心知肚 明,它已经成为一列可给所有生命带来灾难的失控货车。 scourge sk:d :灾祸,苦难的根源 freight freit :货运列车;货轮 Now, think about the shame that each of us will carry when our children and grandchildren look back and realize that we had the means of stopping this devastation, but simply lacked the political will to do so. 现在再来想想,当我们的子孙回首往事,发现我们拥有遏制这一灾难 的手段,但却由于缺乏政治意愿而无所作为,那时候我们每个人会是 多么羞愧难当。 devastation,devstein :毁坏,破坏 Yes, we have achieved the Paris Agreement. More countries have come together here to sign this Agreement today than for any other cause in the history of humankind and that is a reason for hope but unfortunately, the evidence shows us that it will not be enough. Our planet cannot be saved unless we leave fossil fuels in the ground where they belong. 的确,我们通过了巴黎协定,汇集于此签署这项协议的参与国的 数量,远超过人类历史上其他伟业,这是我们心存希望的原因之一。 然而,不幸的是,证据表明,这还远远不够。除非我们把化石燃料留 在它们本应沉睡的地方地下,我们的地球才能够得救。 cause:事业;目标 fossil fsl:化石 An upheaval and massive change is required right now one that leads to a new collective consciousness, a new collective evolution of the human race, inspired and enabled by a sense of urgency from all of you. 现在我们需要作出彻底而重大的改变,这一改变将带来新的集体意 识,将带来人类新的集体进化,正是你们所有人的紧迫感激发并促使 了这一改变的形成。 upheaval phi:v()l: 剧变 collective :集体的 We all know that reversing the course of climate change will not be easy, but the tools are in our hands, if we apply them before it is too late. 我们都知道,扭转气候变化并非易事,但是如果我们想在为时已晚之 前采取行动的话,工具就在我们手中。 Renewable energy, fossil fuels and putting a price on carbon pollution are beginning to turn the tide. This transition is not only the right thing for our world, but it also makes clear economic sense, and is possible within our lifetime. 可再生能源、化石燃料和给碳排放定价是扭转这一趋势的开始。这一 转变不仅有利于我们的世界,而且也更符合经济规律,并有可能在我 们有生之年得以实现。 But it is now upon you to do what great leaders have always done: to lead, to inspire and empower as President Lincoln did in his time. 现在,世界需要你们做出伟大的领导人所做的事情去引领、去激 励、去赋权,就像林肯总统当年那样。 We can congratulate each other today, but it will mean absolutely nothing if you return to your countries and fail to push beyond the promises of this historic agreement. Now is the time for bold, unprecedented action. 今天我们可以互相庆贺,
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