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浙江越秀外国语学院课程论文(学术论文写作)开题报告书论文(设计)题目:On the Difference between Chinese and Western Wine Culture 二级学院: 英语学院 专 业: 英语 班 级: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 一、阅读的参考文献1Du Li, Comparison between Chinese and Western Wine Culture J, Yangzhou University Culinary Journal, 2004, Vol.21No.1: 142Fang Weiwen. Chinese Wine.J.CHINAS GOREIGN TRADE,2000, Vol.21No.1: 483 Jiang Yanfeng, Research of Chinese Wine Culture.M. Changsha: Hunan Normal University Press, 20004Kongco. Wine Songs and Culture.J.CHINAS TIBET,1996,Vol.5No.3: 36375Liu Changsheng. Chinas Alcohol Culture-An Elementary Introduction.J.PAST AND PRESENT,1996 Vol.13No.1: 34356Qu Xiaohui, Contrast of Chinese and Western Wine Culture. J. Shanxi Radio and Television University Journal, 20107Shan Yongjun, The Different Nature in the Drinknig Culture between Chnia and W estern World. J. Journal of Ankang Teachers College, Vol118 .28 Tie Liu, Sight of Chinese Wine Culture. M. Beijing: Contemporary China Publishing House, 20009Wang Shouguo, Spirits Culture and Spirit of Art. M. Zhengzhou:Henan University Press, 200610Yang Naiji, Comparison between Chinese and Western Wine Culture. J. Journal of Beijing union university, 1994, Vol.8No.18: 849911Zhang Aijing, Wine Culture. M. Qingdao: China Ocean University Press, 199912 Zhang Changxing, Wine Culture.M. Huhehaote: Inner-mongolian University Press, 200313Zhu Di, Take a Chalice to Paris.M. Beijing:United Press, 2005二、选题理由本课题研究目的、意义和主要内容,字数要求在1000字左右)1 The purpose Culture is the sum of material wealth and spiritual wealth that created in the practice process of human social history. The differences on the wine culture between Chinese and Western world including wine brewing process, wine humanistic spirit and drinking culture and so forth. However, these aspects all can boil down to two categories of material and spirit. The reason of such differences is various, for instance, the different factors of geographical environment, the products and social mores. Whats more, the different factors of production methods and cultural traditions are also the reasons. While all of these reasons are nothing more than an objective and subjective aspects. According to this, it can easily draw the conclusion that as long as people pay close attention to the change of these two aspects, people can understand and master the development pulse of Chinese and western wine culture to a certain extent, and it is good to promote the communication and carry forward of the Chinese and western culture. Wine culture is a projection of human social culture and historical culture, and on one side, it reflects the culture essence of its subordinate group. The differences of wine culture is its own subject cultural differences, different drinking customs and wine-making technology and materials, which help people deepen the cognition of subject cultural differences. The wine culture refers to the integration of material, technology, spirit, custom, psychology and behavior phenomenon, which generated around the center. While we Chinese people always pride ourselves on the long history of wine culture, actually sometimes we only to find that we depend excessively on the traditional wine culture .As a result, we can not make any innovation. In this case, we should know more about the western wine culture and it is necessary for us to do our utmost to promote the international communication of the wine culture. For Chinese and the West, a different understanding of wine drinking culture though, the key is to make the best wine culture develop. Comparing the difference between Chinese and Western wine drinking culture can perform the unique charm of Chinese wine culture, as well make more and more people in the world under stand the Chinese wine culture and enjoy the Chinese wine culture.2Significance Wine plays an important role in peoples daily communicationSince wine is produced, it is the important carrier of emotion and cultural. China has the largest population of drinking on the world, the people who are drinking permeated nearly in every corner of the social life. Drinking has now already become a part of traditional culture, which riches deeply in the national characters. In short, the significance of wine culture is a part of the nation or the human civilization. In China, throughout all ages, whatever who he is, whatever he is a king or hero, literati or knight, scholar or beauty, or maybe he is a ordinary person, all of which are closed with wine. Whats more, whatever festival or season, wedding or funeral it is, all the time wouldnt be without the participation of wine, and even we can say that where you are there is wine. Wine is the indispensable spirit bridge of pe
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