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课时 1Lets try Lets talk一、将下列图片与单词及其汉语意思对应连线。1. A. chasea. 害怕2. B. hurt b. 生气3. C. angry c. 追赶4. D. mice d. 受伤5. E. afraid e. 老鼠二、单项选择。 () 1. Whats this book_?A. about B. at C. in() 2. This little girl is _ of the dog. A. angry B. afraid C. happy() 3. Im late for school. The teacher _ me. A. is angryB. is angry withC. are angry with() 4. The _ are bad. A. mouse B. cat C. mice() 5. Whats the cat doing?It _ a mouse. A. is chasingB. chaseC. chases() 6. How _ your parent feel?A. is B. doesC. do() 7. What _ they do?A. will B. areC. are going三、按要求完成下列各题。(一) 13题为对画线部分提问。1. They are at school. _are they?2. They will see a film. _will they_?3. Because the mice are bad. _are you angry with the mice?(二) 45题为连词成句。4. cat, is, maybe, now, chasing, our, a, mouse(!)_5. do, these, how, make, feel, you, pictures(?)_四、给下列问句选出答语。() 1. Whats the story about?() 2. How do you feel?() 3. Where are they?() 4. Why are they angry with her?() 5. Is she afraid of you?A. I feel happy. B. At the cinema. C. Its about three pigs. D. No, she isnt. E. Because she is bad. 答案:一、1. B d2. D e3. A c4. E a5. C b二、1. A2. B点拨:be afraid of 害怕。3. B点拨:be angry with sb. 生某人的气。4. C5. A6. B7. A三、1. Where 2. What; do 3. Why4. Maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now!5. How do these pictures make you feel?四、1. C2. A3. B4. E5. D 3 / 3
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