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反意疑问句的复习教案路下华侨中学 陆长钰教学目标Teaching aims1、 认识反意疑问句2、 分析并理解反意疑问句的结构3、 学习特殊反意疑问句的疑问方式教学重点及难点Teaching key and difficulty1、 反意疑问句的结构及回答2、 特殊反意疑问句的构成方法教学工具Teaching aid电脑多媒体教学方法Teaching methods1、 观察与讨论2、 任务型教学法3、 练习实践法教学步骤Teaching stepsStep1认识反意疑问句: 在陈述句后附上一个简短问句,对陈述句所陈述的事实提出相反的疑问,这种问句叫反意疑问句。 在句子结构上前部分为陈述句,后部分为简短问句。两部分的人称,谓语动词的数和时态都要保持一致。Step2、走近反意疑问句【一】完成步骤1.找动词. (与陈述句中一致)2.判断. (前肯后否. 前否后肯)3. 定主语.换代(将主语换为代词)4.完成(写上问号,注意语调)。【二】问句部分的动词与陈述部分动词种类,时态,数要一致。1、当陈述部分的谓语是Be动词时,问句部分肯定式为:be+主语,否定式为:be not+主语。Your father is a worker, isnt he?Jack wasnt playing soccer, was he?陈述部分是I am 或 Im 时, 疑问部分用 arent I.I am sad,_arent I?I am not sad,arent I?2、当陈述部分的谓语是实义动词时,问句部分肯定式为:do/does/did+主语,否定式为: dont/doesnt/didnt+主语。They go to school by bus, dont they ?Kate swims best in her class , doesnt she ?Alice stayed up late last night,didnt she?3含情态动词can, could , will, would, shall, should , ought to, may, must, *need, *dare的句子:情态动词+not;情态动词提前到句首。Mary can speak four languages , cant she ?must表示“推测”时,问句中则不能用情态动词,而需要用其它形式。如:She must be in the room, isnt she?You must have been to Shanghai, havent you?4、当陈述部分有助动词have/has/had时,问句部分肯定式为:have/has/had+主语, 否定式为: havent/hasnt/hadnt+主语,或陈述部分是dont/doesnt/didnt时,疑问部分用:do/does/did+主语。 She has been to Beijing, hasnt she ? She hasnt been to Beijing, has she ?She didnt go to Beijing, did she ?【三】注意这些特例1、陈述部分有have to +v. (had to + v.),疑问部分常用dont +主语(didnt +主语)We have to get there at eight tomorrow, dont we?2、陈述部分的谓语是used to 时,疑问部分用didnt +主语或usednt +主语。He used to take pictures there, didnt he? / usednt he?3、陈述部分有had better + v. 疑问句部分用hadnt you?Youd better read it by yourself, hadnt you?4、陈述部分有would rather +v.,疑问部分多用 wouldnt +主语。He would rather read it ten times than recite it, wouldnt he?5、陈述部分有Youd like to +v. 疑问部分用 wouldnt +主语。Youd like to go with me, wouldnt you?6、陈述部分的谓语是wish,疑问部分要用may +主语。I wish to have a word with you, may I?7、陈述部分如有表示否定意思的某些词, never, seldom, hardly, few, little, nobody,no,no one, nothing, 疑问部分须用肯定. There is nothing in my hand, is there? He never watches TV,does he? Very few people understand what he said,do they? There is nothing in it,is there?8、如果陈述部分是带有否定前缀un-,dis-,im- 或后缀-less时,后面问句用否定形式.She is unhappy,isnt she?9、在肯定的祈使句后,用 will you?/wont you? 在否定的祈使句后,只能用 will you?Speak louder,will you?/wont you?Dont wait for me, will you?Dont be late,will you?Sit down please,will you?Please call me,will you?Dont be late next time, will you?10、在Lets祈使句后加上 shall we? 在Let us(me, him.) 后加上 will you? Lets go, shall we?Lets have a cup of tea, shall we?Let her play the piano, will you?Let us sing a song for you, will you?11、宾语从句中,以主句为准,但如果主语是第一人称(I/We且谓语动词是think, believe, guess, suppose 时, 以从句为准. You told them Tom wouldnt come, didnt you?He never said he was a good student,did he?I think you are right, arent you?I dont believe he studies harder,does he?12、陈述部分含must表推测时,视实际情况而定,有明显过去时就用对应动词的过去式;当must表示“必须”时,疑问部分用mustnt+主语。 You must be hungry, arent you ? You must have got up late this morning ,didnt you? You must work hard, mustnt you?【四】注意这些主语:1、在there be 句型中,疑问句部分用be (not) thereThere is a book on the table, isnt there?There will not be any trouble, will there?2、 宾语从句中,以主句为准,但如果主语是第一人称(I/We且谓语动词是think, believe, guess, suppose 时, 以从句为准. You told them Tom wouldnt come,didnt you?He never said he was a good student,did he?I think you are right,arent you?I dont believe he studies harder,does he?3、陈述部分主语是 everyone,everybody, someone, somebody, anybody, no one, nobody等时,疑问部分用 they, he;陈述部分是everything, something, nothing, anything 时,疑问部分用 it Everything here is good, isnt it? Everybody knows the answer, doesnt he?/dont they?4、陈述部分主语是 this, that时,疑问部分用 it;陈述部分是these,those时, 疑问部分用 theyThis is your book, isnt it?These are your friends, arent they?5、 当陈述部分的主语为从句,V.-ing,不定式短语时,疑问部分的主语用it. Swimming is great fun, isnt it?To learn English well isnt easy, is it? What she behaved was impolite, wasnt it ?【五】反义疑问句的回答1.前肯后否要根据事实来回答,事实是肯定的用 Yes.事实是否定的用No.Hes a doctor, isnt he?他是医生,对吧? -Yes, he is.对,他是医生。-No, he isnt.不,他不是医生。2.前否后肯的Yes译为“不”,No译为“是的”。He isnt a doctor, is he?他不是医生,对吧? -Yes, he is.不,他是医生。-No, he isnt.对,他不是医生。1.Your mother isnt a doctor,is she?_She teaches English in a middle school.A.Yes,she is B.Yes,she isnt C.No,she isnt D.No,she is 2.Your brother doesnt get up early ,does he? _.But he gets up late on weekends.A.Yes ,he does B.No,he doesntC.Yes,he doest D.No,he doesStep3、操练反意疑问句1. I am on duty,_?2. Your mother is a doctor ,_?3. The weather here is very hot ,_?4. Thats a Japa
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