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(1)There was an old man who loved money very much. He n_1_ gave anything to a_2_. After some years he became rich.   One day he was walking near the river with his friends. When he fell into the river. His friends ran to help him. One of them held out his hand and cried, “G_3_ me  your hand and Ill pull you out!” The rich m_4_ head went u_5_ the water and then came up again, but he didnt give his hand to his friend. Again a_6_friend tried, but again the s_7_ thing happened.    Then another friend, Nasreddin, said, “T_8_ my hand and Ill pull you out!” the rich man gave his hand and Nasreddin pulled him out of the water.   “You dont know your friend well.” Nasreddin said to the others, “When you say give to him, he do n_9_, but when you say take, he a_10_ takes.”(2) When women got married in some western countries, they change part of their n_1_. That is, they take their husbands last names as t_2_.       Miss Surrey r_3_to teaching in September after she got married. She told the first-grade students that they were to c_4_ her Mrs. White. Most of the s_5_ were the ones she had taught before and quite a few of them looked confused (困惑的).       When school was over in the a_6_, a girl went home and told her mother, “ We have a new t_7_, Mum. Her name is Mrs. White, but she l_8_ like Miss Surrey so m_9_ that it will be very difficult to t_10_ one from the other.”(3)   Every year, more and more students become volunteers. Students find that there are many a_(1) to volunteering.       First, volunteering h_(2) others. When a student spends time working at a  retirement(退休) home , c_(3) up a park , or teaching a younger student , the volunteer makes the world a better place.       Second , being a volunteer makes students feel good about themselves . When a student volunteer makes students feel good about themselves . When a student volunteer knows that his or her e_(4) have made someone elses life better, the volunteer feels great. Although some v_(5) work is long or tiring , student volunteers end the day knowing they did the right thing. It makes them feel better, even if they are t_(6).       F_(7), students learn that volunteering is fun. A group of students might volunteer to clean up a riverbed in early spring . It is fun to be w_(8) their friends, to enjoy the weather , and to picnic later in a beautiful , clean area . Other students might read to young children in a playgroup . It is fun to spend time with children and to have them s_(9) and laugh . N_(10) matter what their ages or talents are , every student can be a volunteer(4) How do you like to go to school like one in Oxford(牛津大学), England ? There are no r_ classes. The students go from one group to a _ when they want to. You may find students of fourteen, sixteen or twenty-five years old all in the s_ group. They work at their o_ studies. Nobody tells them what they should or shouldnt be doing.The day I visited, school b_ at nine. Some students were working at a tape recorder and listening to their lessons. Others were watching TV on maths. A group was reading in the school l_. I didnt see anybody just sit doing n_. Everybody was studying.At lunch time I could see students w_, too. They were talking about their lessons while they were e_. When you think of these students you can be sure it is one of the best s _ in the world.
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