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第二讲 用高级句式增分,01,03,美句输入,完美文章,02,佳句输出,美句输入,一、美句输入,主语从句,注意it作形式主语的it isadj./n.that.及what impresses/surprises.sb most is that.等主语从句。,1,It is reported that there will be a Chinese papercutting show this Sunday in the art gallery,which is expected to last about eight hours from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.(2017全国卷书面表达) 据报道,本星期日美术馆将举行一场中国剪纸展,预计从上午8点到下午4点,大约要持续八个小时。,一、美句输入,表语从句,that在表语从句中不作成分,但不能省略。常用句型: The reason why.is that.的原因是 That/This/It is why/because.这就是为什么/因为,2,Tang Poetry is what we are going to learn the next class,scheduled on July 20 in the school library.(2017全国卷书面表达) 唐诗是我们将要学习的下一节课的内容,定于7月20日在学校图书馆进行。,一、美句输入,宾语从句,注意语序和时态。,3,Hope (that) my advice will be of some help to you and that youll have a good time in China. (2017北京卷书面表达) 希望我的建议能对你有帮助,也希望你在中国过得快乐。,一、美句输入,同位语从句,前后互相解释,地位平等。 写作中常用句式: Sb holds the belief/view that.某人坚定地认为 No one can deny the fact that.谁也不可否认的事实是,4,No one can deny the fact that environment is getting polluted more and more seriously. 谁也不可否认的事实是,环境污染越来越严重了。,补全句子,1_ this experience will become a pleasant memory. (2016天津卷书面表达) 显然,这次经历将成为一个愉快的回忆。 2_was _,which allowed us to complete our tasks very efficiently.(2016天津卷书面表达) 我们最为欣赏的是你们有强烈的团队精神,使我们高效地完成了任务。 3One day,she heard _(湖南卷满分作文) 一天,她听到了将要举行运动会的消息。,It is evident that,What we appreciated most,that you had a strong teamwork spirit,the news that the sports meeting would be held,补全句子,4The residents think highly of _(2016北京卷书面表达) 居民们高度评价了我们的做法。 5I am wondering _ for the coming summer holiday.(2016安徽卷书面表达) 我想知道你是否为即将到来的暑假制订了明确的计划。,what we have done,if you have made a definite plan,利用所学名词性从句的相关知识,结合中文提示补全短文并背诵(邀请信),Boys and girls, Im the chairman of Student Union,Li Hua,and I have big news for you 1. _ (我们学生会成立了一个英语俱乐部)Obviously,besides study,there are also other things beneficial to us. One of the benefits is 2. _ (俱乐部可以使我们的校园生活丰富多彩,充满收获)There goes the plan. 3_ (据安排) that we will see English films in the auditorium on Tuesday evening. Apart from that,there is going to be an English debate or discussion on Saturday evening;yet,the specific topics havent been settled. If you have wonderful ideas and suggestions,please let us know. Ill highly appreciate it 4. _ (如果你积极参与俱乐部活动)You will never regret joining us. So,just do it. SStudent Union,that we,Student Union,set up an English club,that the club can make our campus life colorful and rewarding,It is arranged,if you are actively involved in the club,
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