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结构法记词-10,01,02,高考词汇精讲,energy串记,n.能源;精力,adj.精力旺盛的,engine串记,n.引擎,发动机,n.工程师,n.先锋 vt.开辟,enter串记,v.进入,n.入口;进入,n.进入,equal串记,v.等于adj.相等的;平等的,n.平等,n.赤道,equip串记,v.装备,配备,n.设备,erupt串记,vi.爆发,喷发,adj.突然的,adj.腐败的 vt.使腐败,vt.打断,打扰,evidence串记,n.证据,adj.明显的,exam串记,n.考试;检查,v.检查,n.例子;榜样,exhibit串记,vt.展览,n.展览会,vt.禁止,exist串记,vi.存在;生存,n.存在;生存,expense串记,n.花费,开支,adj.昂贵的,explain串记,v.解释,n.解释,face串记,n.脸;面子 v.面对,adj.面部的,n.表面,fail串记,v.失败;没能够,n.失败,family串记,n.家人,家庭,adj.熟悉的,fancy串记,n./v.想象;想要,n.幻想,adj.奇异的;美妙的,far串记,adj.远的 adv.远远地,adj./adv.更远的(地),adj./adv.进一步的(地),fast串记,adj.快的 adv.快地,v.扎;系,finger串记,n.手指,n.指甲,fire串记,n.火;火灾v.开火;解雇,n.烟花,firm串记,adj.牢固的;坚实的 n.商号,vt.确认,flu串记,n.流感,n.流利,adj.流利的,v./n.影响,flash串记,n.闪光;一闪,n.闪光灯;手电筒,flexible串记,adj.灵活的,vt.反射,反映,fly串记,v.飞 n.苍蝇,n.飞行;航班,get串记,vt.得到 vi.变得,v.忘记,adj.健忘的,I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式,1_ n.能源;精力 2_ adj.精力旺盛的 3_ v.等于adj.平等的 4_ v.装备,配备 5_ n.设备 6_ vt.打断;打扰 7_ n.证据 8_ adj.明显的 9_ vi.存在;生存,10_ n.存在;生存 11_ v.解释 12_ v.失败;没能够 13_ n.失败 14_ adj.熟悉的 15_ adj.流利的 16_ v./n.影响 17_ vt.反射,反映 18_ v.忘记,energy energetic equal equip equipment interrupt evidence evident exist,existence explain fail failure familiar fluent influence reflect forget,II. 写出单词的正确含义,1engineer n_ 2pioneer n./ vt. _ 3entrance n_ 4entry n_ 5equality n_ 6equator n_ 7erupt vi. _ 8abrupt adj. _,9corrupt adj./vt. _ 10exhibit vt. _ 11exhibition n_ 12prohibit vt. _ 13expense n_ 14explanation n_ 15facial adj. _ 16fancy n./v. _,工程师 先锋;开辟 入口;进入 进入 平等 赤道 爆发,喷发 突然的,腐败的 使腐败 展览 展览会 禁止 花费,开支 解释 面部的 想象;想要,II. 写出单词的正确含义,17fantasy n_ 18fantastic adj. _ 19fasten v_ 20fingernail n_ 21firework n_ 22firm adj./n. _ 23confirm vt. _ 24fluency n_,25flash n_ 26flashlight n_ 27flexible adj. _ 28flight n_,幻想 奇异的;美妙的 扎;系 指甲 烟花 牢固的;坚实的 确认 流利,闪光;一闪 闪光灯 灵活的 飞行;航班,III. 单词活用,1We need to be more _(精力充沛的) in participating in social activities. 2We have collected ample _(证据)concerning what happened before and after the origin of life. 3Do you know when the Marriage Law came into _(存在)? 4He gave an _(解释) for what he was doing that evening.,energetic,evidence,existence,explanation,III. 单词活用,5Ones _(面部的) expression may tell you some of his/her inner feelings. 6It is true that we may suffer from _(失败)from time to time. However,it is important that we should not lose the enthusiasm to keep on trying. 7I often chat in voice with some English net-pals in my spare time,which really contributes to my _(流利) in oral English.,facial,failure,fluency,IV. 用所给动词的适当形式填空,1Nowadays,we can send robots _(equip) with cameras and other tools to do observation for us. 2We were chatting when a loud noise _ (interrupt)us. 3When she was young,she _(fancy)herself as a serious actress. 4He _(fasten) his coat and hurried out to the cinema.,equipped,interrupted,fancied,fastened,IV. 用所给动词的适当形式填空,5Six people _(confirm)that they will attend the lecture but ten havent replied yet. 6_(influence)by a high school teacher,he took up the study of medicine. 7It is not the story itself but what _(reflect)in the story that counts.,have confirmed,Influenced,is reflected,V. 选词填空,1. There were so many people _ the park waiting to buy tickets. 2His paintings were _ in the local art gallery last. 3The patient became seriously ill last week,and he has had to _ milk ever since. 4Under no circumstances should we seek temporary economic development _ the environment and resources. 5Because he _ the computer, he can carry out the work easily.,at the entrance of,on exhibition,exist on,at the expense of,on exhibition,be familiar with,at the expense of,exist on,at the entrance of,is familiar with,VI. 单句写作,1只要细心,任何一个人都能胜任这份工作,你应该尝试一下。(be equal to) 2很明显这项政策非常成功。(It was evident that.) 3没有你的帮助,我就会在考试中失败。(fail in the examination),Any man will be equal to the task,so long as he is careful. You should give it a try.,It was evident that the policy was a great success.,Without your help,I would have failed in the examination.,
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