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2016考研英语写作模拟(四)Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and3) give your comments.You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)范文As is ironically shown above, in front of a pile of so-called “famous brand” fake leather shoes and under a signboard of “honest dealer” stands a business man, asking an old man “what are you looking for”, with a reply from the old man-honesty/credibility (with the old man replying that i am looking for honesty/credibility.) There has been a heated discussion about this kind of pictures in the newspaper. Simple as the picture is, it does demonstrate certain thought-provoking social phenomenon.The picture tells us that the credibility remains to be an integral part in our society, especially in the commercial world. Nowadays, individuals, enterprises and organizations do attach due attention to this issue. By gaining credibility, people and organization can make money, take profits and even obtain wealth. With credibility and sincerity, not only can they accumulate wealth, but will establish their careers, fit into society and finally attain social status. Honesty can promote communication, eliminate barriers and bridge gaps between people. Whats more, were there no credibility in our society, never could we survive the fierce competition in the age of globalization.As a consequence, honesty is not something that we can afford to lose or leave it at large. It is imperative that corresponding regulations and mechanisms with the joint efforts of the media should be introduced and enforced to promote honesty by authorities. The awareness of honesty should be enhanced, which will lead us to make every effort to keep our promise and boycott fakes which are shown in the picture. Only in a reasonable, prosperous and healthy atmosphere can we hope to avoid the scene in the cartoon and witness the ideal scene in which people can enjoy their life to the uttermost.译文如图所示,在一堆所谓的名牌假货皮鞋前面,一个诚信商户的牌子下面,站着一个生意人。他问一位老者:“你在找什么?”老人回答道:“我在找诚信。”报纸上最近有很多关于这一类图画的谈论。尽管图画很简单,但是确实体现了某种令人深思的社会现象。图画告诉我们,诚信是我们社会中很重要的一个部分,尤其是在商业世界。现在,个人、企业和组织都很重视这个问题。只要获得了诚信,人们和组织就能赚钱、获利甚至获得财富。有了真诚和诚信,我们不仅能积累财富,而且能建立自己的事业,融入社会并最终获得社会地位。诚信能促进沟通,消除障碍以及人与人之间的隔阂。而且,要是没有诚信,我们永远没有办法在全球化的时代背景下获得成功。所以,诚信是我们生活中必需的东西。相应的机制和规范应该在媒体的合作努力下,由政府制定出来促进诚信。诚信的意识应该得到提升,这会使我们尽全力遵守承诺,抵制图片中的假货。只有在一个理性、繁荣、健康的环境中,我们才有可能避免图画中出现的那一幕,并见到这样的理想情形:我们的人民才能最大可能地享受幸福生活。这篇作文重要用于诚信,还可用于学术造假、食品安全等方面。补充(学术诚信素材)Honesty is paramount not only in the commercial world but in other domains. In the academic world, for instance, the plagiarizing of others research results can have damaging effect, which makes it easier to dismiss all scientific pronouncements. When we learn that the distinguished professor assuring us of the safety of a particular product holds a consultancy with the company making it, we cannot be blamed for wondering whether his fee might conceivably cloud his professional judgment. 诚信不仅在商业领域中是重要的,而且在其他领域中也是重要的。在学术界,剽窃他人的成果可能会带来毁灭性的后果。这会使人们不相信一切的科学论断。当我们得知一个著名的科学家在向我们保证一种商品的安全时,我们却得知他就是这家生产商的顾问。那么我们就有理由去怀疑:他所收的费用会不会影响他的判断呢?不同的学习内容,预习作业也有差异。概念型内容可采用阅读理解的方法进行预习,计算型的内容可采用尝试练习的方法进行预习,空间图形内容可采用实验操作的方法进行预习。of rural drinking water sources, protection of drinking water sources in rural areas by the end of the delimitation of the scope of protection, complete with warning signs, isolating network protection facilities3
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