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Unit1 Ive also entered lots of speaking competitions教学目标Teaching aims1. 识记词汇ever,enter, competition, prize, first prize,dream, afford, write about,make up ,invite。2. 能听懂有关个人经历的材料(参加比赛和旅游),并提取所需信息。3. 了解用现在完成时态。重点难点考点易错点了解现在完成时的句型和表达的意义教 学 过 程一、前置练习,积累知识1. Ask some students to read the new words on P11.2. Read the sentences with the new words, try to understand them.二、情境激趣,导入新课Step . Lead-in I often do my homework in the evening.I ll do my homework this evening.I did my homework yesterday evening.三、自主学习,合作探究Step II Pre -listeningGo over the tenses we have learned.Step III While-listening1. Listen and answer the questions:What competition is Lingling entering?2. Listen and repeat to check the students pronuciation.3. Read and check the true sentences.4. Read in pairs.Step IV Post-listening Let the Ss work in groups to finish Activity4.StepV Development根据汉语提示完成句子:1. 我参加过许多演讲比赛。I_ lots of speaking competitions.2. 我会邀请你和我一起去。I will invite you _ with me.3. 汽车太贵,我们买不起。The car is too expensive. We _ it.4. 玲玲没有环球旅行过。Lingling_ around the world.5. 李娜已经赢得那场比赛了吗?_ Li Na_the match?Step VI SummaryWork in groups to talk about what you have learned in this lesson.Words:Phrases:Sentences:Step VII Homework1. Copy the new words and try to remember them.2把本课的对话改编成一段短文。教学反思:
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