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在外地有了妻子、儿子,也就有了家。但内心深处时常会自觉不自觉的想起故乡,想起爹娘,也便有了乡愁。乡愁是什么?有人会说乡愁是李清照对月抒写婉约的漱玉词,是李煜无言独上西楼的虞美人,是一片嫦娥思念后羿留下的月光。但这并不是我真正的乡愁。乡愁是什么?我会在心里说:乡愁是父亲的一条汗巾,越长越高,长成了洁白的云朵,一天天地在天空飘荡,时时刻刻,飘转在我的心海里。乡愁是一头厚厚一头霜白了的母亲的乱发,一座新坟,在月光里静静流淌,还有一抹亲影。我把乱发放进手心里,握紧着,握紧着,我疼恸的故乡 国庆节终于放假了,我告诉妻子,我们回老家看看,妻子满口答应了。10月1日,儿子一大早就起来,“爸爸,爸爸,快起来,快去看爷爷”我本想再晚点走的,但儿子清脆的声音和温柔的体悟让我感动,我决定不吃早饭就走。我一股脑的爬起来,穿好衣服,开上车,就一溜烟的往家赶。路上的车辆开始不多,后来渐渐多起来,像赶集似的,有的为旅游,有的为走亲,有的为回家。我通过车内的观后镜看到儿子呼呼大睡,自己开着车不由自主的想起自己儿时的一些事情。儿时的我家里子女多,我最小,姐姐最大,但她也最忙碌,她为我们做饭、洗衣,What can help you find a place(地方)?,GPS,compass,map,star,/kmps/,What do Mike and Wu Yifan use to find the restaurant?,GPS,Where is the GPS?,Its in Robin!,This is Robins new feature(特色),/fi:t(r) /,How does Robin get GPS?,Wu Yifans grandpa gave Robin a new feature. He now has GPS. He can help the boys find the Italian restaurant.,1. Where do they want to go?,2. Where are they now?,Italian restaurant.,They are in front of the cinema.,Is the restaurant far?,No, it isnt.,Robin has GPS.,a new feature,?,Q1: What is Robins new feature?,He can find food.,He can find the way.,Read and tick.,Restaurant,in front of the cinema,go straight,turn left,behind the hospital,turn right,turn right,Q2: How many places did they pass by?,经过,Read and circle.,奏效,起作用,远的,Lets check!,cinema school hospital post office science museum bookstore,选一选,填一填!,post office,near,go straight,hospital,cinema,turn left,next to,behind,library,in front of,bookstore,turn right,park,on,at,museum,restaurant,beside,walk,你能找出表示方位的单词吗?,near,next to,behind,in front of,on,at,beside,
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