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第二章 生产与运作战略,第一节 生产运作战略的基本概念 第二节 生产运作战略制定 第三节 生产运作战略的竞争优势选择,第一节 生产运作战略的基本概念,An effective operations management effort must have a mission so it knows where it is going and a strategy so it knows how to get there,一、企业的使命与战略,1. Mission Organizations mission states the rationale for the organizations existence and its objective to be achieved. Once an organizations overall mission has been decided, each functional area within the firm determines its supporting mission.,2.Strategy Strategy is an organizations action plan to achieve the mission. Each functional area has a strategy for achieving its mission and for helping the organization reach the overall mission. Please refer to the example in textbook P18 & p20,战略的层次关系,企业战略:一是选择企业经营范围和领域,二是在各事业部之间进行资源分配 事业部战略:是在选定的事业范围内,如何去竞争,因此也称竞争战略 运作战略:生产、财务、营销 战术解决“如何做”,运作解决具体的“做”的问题,战略选择,企业战略:单一事业、垂直一体化、水平一体化、多元化 经营战略:成本领先(抢饼吃)、差异化(做饼吃)、集中一点 职能战略:,质量,效率,响应速度,竞争优势 成本、差异,创新,二、生产运作战略,生产运作战略 生产运作战略与企业经营战略,1. 生产运作战略,生产运作战略 在企业经营战略的总体框架下,决定如何通过运作活动来达到企业的整体经营目标。它通过对企业各种资源要素和内外部环境的分析,对和生产与运作管理以及生产运作系统有关的基本问题进行分析和判断,确定总的指导思想以及一系列决策原则。,2.生产运作战略与企业经营战略,公司级经营战略 事业部级战略 职能级战略 参见p20区别,第二节 生产运作战略制定,生产运作战略的内容 生产运作战略制定的影响因素 生产运作战略与产品的寿命周期,一、生产运作战略的内容,1、生产运作总体战略 自制或购买 低成本和大批量 多品种和小批量 高质量 混合策略,2、产品/服务、生产系统的设计选择,The 10 decisions of OM that support missions and implement strategies: Goods and service design Process and capacity design Quality Location selection Layout design Human resource and job design Supply-chain management Inventory Scheduling Maintenance,Components of the P/OM Mission,P/OM Mission and Strategy,Location,Procurement,Human Resources & Job Design,Inventory,Reliability and Maintenance,Process Design,Layout,Scheduling,Quality Management,Product Design,二、生产运作战略制定的影响因素,企业外部因素 国内外宏观经济环境和经济产业政策 市场需求及其变化(生产系统) 技术进步(新产品、新方法、新工艺) 供应市场(质量、时间) 企业内部因素 企业整体经营目标与各部门职能战略 企业能力,三、生产运作战略与产品寿命周期,1. 产品的寿命周期,Introduction,Growth,Maturity,Decline,Stereo TV,Smart Phones,Home Computer,Color TV,Black & White TV,Sales,0,Time,2. 不同寿命阶段的生产运作战略,Strategy and Issues During A Products Life Cycle,Best period to increase market share R&D engineering are critical Product design and development are critical Frequent product and process design changes Over-capacity Short production runs High skilled-labor content High production costs Limited number of models Utmost attentions to quality Quick elimination of market-revealed design defects,Company Strategy & Issues P/OM Strategy & Issues,Introduction,Strategy and Issues During A Products Life Cycle,Practical to change prices or quality image Marketing is critical Strengthen niche Forecasting is critical Product and process reliability Competitive product improvements and options Shift toward product oriented Enhance distribution,Company Strategy & Issues P/OM Strategy & Issues,Growth,Strategy and Issues During A Products Life Cycle,Poor time to increase market share Competitive costs become critical Poor time to change price, image, or quality Defend position via fresh promotional and distribution approaches Standardization Less rapid product changes and more minor annual model changes Optimum capacity Increasing stability of manufacturing process Lower labor skills Long production runs Attention to product improvement and cost cutting Re-examination of necessity of design compromises,Company Strategy & Issues P/OM Strategy & Issues,Maturity,Strategy and Issues During A Products Life Cycle,Cost control critical to market share Little product differentiation Cost minimization Overcapacity in the industry Prune line to eliminate items not returning Good margin Reduce capacity,Company Strategy & Issues P/OM Strategy & Issues,Decline,第三节 生产运作战略的竞争优势选择,从生产运作管理的角度而言,在选定了经营产品与服务范围之后,另一个重要的方面就是如何高效率地生产这些产品与服务,并将它们高效益地提供给顾客,以保持企业的竞争优势。 所谓竞争优势是指一个企业在其生产或服务系统中所必须拥有、相对于竞争对手具有优越性、并以此支持它赢得市场需求的要素或能力。,一、生产运作战略的竞争要素,1.成本-低成本 2.质量-高性能、高标准设计,稳定可靠 3.交货速度(时间)-供货速度,准时供货,新产品开发速度 4.柔性(灵活性)-对顾客特除要求的适应能力,对需求量变化的应变能力,不同时期的核心竞争要素,工业化初期,消费水平低,“有没有”,产品便宜、可用 随着消费水平的提高,“好不好”,质量 当质量和价格达到一定水平,品种,柔性 时间 信誉,问题的解决,由产品或服务向产品和服务转变,二、竞争要素的选择 Identify Critical Success Factors,Critical success factors are those relatively few activities that make a difference between having and not having a competitive advantage. Competing on Differentiation/cost/response,三、制造业企业的生产运作战略,制造业企业生产运作战略的主要目的在于根据市场条件和所生产产品的类别识别和确定适合企业自身的竞争要素,并将这些竞争要素转化为对生产活动的具体要求和衡量指标,同时制定必要的计划与改进措施,以保证在生产运作方面具有足够的能力去实现和发挥企业的竞争优势。 参见p28表2-4,四、服务业的生产运作战略,制造业企业运作战略的竞争要素对服务业也具有同样的意义 但必须注意服务业的特殊要素,诸如服务的可得性、方便性、声誉等。 在服务生产中,服务水平的高低在一定程度上体现了竞争优势的强弱。,Richard Chase 对服务水平的划分,便利服务 熟练服务 优质服务 世界级水平服务(world-class),
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