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1句型转换专项练习一一改为否定句:除在助动词(do, does, did),be 动词,情态动词(can, should)等后直接加 not 外,也有一些特殊的形式:1. must:肯定-cant (不可能)2. both and- neither nor3. all- none, some-any4. ever-never, already-yet5. tell/ask sb( not )to do, would rather(not) do sth , youd better(not) do sth6. 祈使句:Do sth- Dont do sth7. 注意 have,has,had 的用法:当 have ,has ,had 后加 V-ed 构成完成时态时,作为助动词,转换时直接抄写,此外均为实意动词,提取助动词分别为 do ,does ,did+V 原型。8. 注意 put,cost,cut,spread 等不规则动词时态的判断。一一反义疑问句:1. 前肯后否,前否后肯:2. 除 not 外,表否定意义的词 :hardly,never,seldom,rarely,few,little3. 区别 have/has 的句子:Eg: She has supper at 6 every day, doesnt she? She has been in Beijing for 3 years, hasnt she?4. 特殊的反义疑问句:A:祈使句:will you? B:表建议:shall we?Lets go for a walk, shall we?Let us go for a walk, will you? 一一对划线部分提问:找准疑问词:what,which,who,whose,when,where,why,how+1. how:对 adj/adv 或方式提问2. 频率:how often; 多少次:how many times3. 时间长短:how long, 距离:how far(10 minutes walk)4. in +一段时间,用于将来时,提问用 how soon.5. 对数学计算“几” 提问用 how much 或 what6. 地点提问时注意区分 which place/what 和 where7. 对 because, to do sth , for(doing)sth(做目的状语时)提问用 why8. 对外貌提问:What does sb look like?What is sb like?How does sb look?一一同义转换:1.花费:Sb spend st/sm doing/on sthSth cost ( sb ) smIt takes sb st to do sth(需要注意不规则动词时态)I spent 3 hours reading the book.=It took me 3 hours to read the book.I spent 10 yuan buying/on the book.=The book cost me 10 yuan.2. 太而不能:tooto do sth/not enough to do sth/ sothat 从句He is too weak to open the door/ he is not strong enough to open the door/He is so weak that he cant open the door.3. 感叹句:how + adj.adv.+ 主语 +谓语=What + adj. +n +主语+谓语2How beautiful the flowers are!What beautiful flowers!4.急忙做某事 hurry to do sth= do sth in a hurry= do sth hurriedly5. 发生何事:Whats going on=Whats happening= Whats the matter with ab = whats wrong6. return to sp 返回:= go/come back to spreturn sth 归还:= give back to sp7. 和一样:the same +n(year/height/weight)+as = as +adj+as8. 乘去某地:go to by= take a to , 步行:walk to=go to on foot drive to sp= go to sp in a car/by car9. 如何做某事(短语):how to do sth= how sb can/could do sth10. 发生:happen= take place11. 比较:A is not as good as B = B is better than A12. 最高级:the best of all= better than any other +n= better than the other+n(s)13. no = not any nobody= not anybody nothing= not anything14. not until : 直到 才15. continue = go on16. 过去式与完成时的转换: I have been a doctor for 3 years=I became a doctor 3 yeas ago.17. 主被动语态互换:Disney created Mickey Mouse= Mickey Mouse was created by Disney.句型转换专项练习一:改为疑问句或否定句:1. There was something wrong with the TV.(一般疑问句)there wrong with the TV?2. He never goes fishing in summer.(改为反义疑问句)He never goes fishing in summer,_ _ ?3. I need some help(改为一般疑问句)_ you need _ help?4. Lets go to the Palace Museum.(改为反义疑问句)Lets go to the Palace Museum,_ _?5. Take the book to Amy. (改为反义疑问句 )Take the book to Amy, _ _?6. We had to tell our teacher what we were reading.(改为否定句)We _ _ _ tell our teacher what we were reading.7. They thought it was difficult to work them out.(改为否定句)They _ _ it _ difficult to work them out.8. Both Peter and kitty like exciting films. (改为否定句)Peter nor kitty exciting films.9. There was something wrong with the TV set. (改为否定句 )There was wrong with the TV set.There wasnt wrong with the TV set.10. Tom has already saved enough money to buy a new car. (改为否定句)Tom saved enough money to buy a new car .11. The engineer put the machine here yesterday.(改为否定句)The engineer the machine here yesterday.二:对划线部分提问:1. We play chess three times a week. _ _ _ you play chess?2. The film will start in 10 minutes. _ _ _ the film start?3. The school is 10 minutes ride from here?3_ _ is the school from here?4. The film has been on since 10 minutes ago._ _ _ the film been on?5. The fat man weighed about 160 kilograms._ _ did the fat man _ ?_ _ kilograms did the fat man _?_ _ the _ of the fat man? How much did the fat man weigh?How many kilograms did the fat man weigh?What was the weight of the fat man?6. 1 plus 2 is 3.is 1 plus 2?7. The weather will be fine tomorrow._ will the weather_ _ tomorrow?8. She dances beautifully. _ _ she dance?9. He is leaving for Shanghai next Monday. _ _ he _ _ next Monday?10. The two boys were listening to the teacher. _ _ the teacher _ .11. She became interested in swimming last year. _ _ she _ interested in last year?12. The tower is made of metal._ the tower _ _ ?13. She took a seat by the window at last. _ _ she _ a seat at last?14. The president of the USA lives in the White House. _ _ t
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