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Unit11What do you think of game shows? Section B (P68)审核:_ 审批:_ 班级_ 姓名_ 【学习目标】1掌握词汇:sunglasses ; belt ; wallet ; key ring2. 熟练运用目标语言What do you think of ?lovelike doesnt mind doesnt like cant stand . 3.能力目标:熟练进行会话表达喜好。 【学习重难点】能熟练使用所学语言表达个人的喜好。【自学指导】 一、一对一过关P68单词。 二、独立完成1a.三、领读并熟读及分角色读背P682a,2b。【活动与探究】合作探究下列知识点:sunglasses是一个合成词,由“sun+glasses”构成。sunglasses只有复数形式,没有单数形式。一副眼镜 a of sunglasses【拓展】类似这样只以复数形式出现的常见名词还有:jeans ; headphones ; trousers clothes ; pants 练习:Susan looks very cool with(太阳镜).Dont you think so?四完成P66 2c(pair work)。五语言交流:讨论一件物品,看看你的同学对这件物品的看法如何?运用lovelikedoesntmindcant stand这些词,写一篇对话小作文 。 _ _ _【过关检测】一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. How about _(see)the film Titanic ? 2.The girls enjoy _(sing) this song in English 3. Thank you very much for _ (help)me with my English .4. Do you mind my _(open) the window?5.I would like _ (tell)you what I think .二、根据汉语完成句子。1.我的父母不介意我星期天起得晚一点儿。My parents dont _ _ _ _ a little late on Sunday.2.“你认为这部电影怎么样?”“棒极了!”“_ _ _ _ _ the movie ?”“Its great .”3. 我不能忍受她在课堂上什么也不做。I cant stand _ _ _ in class 4. “来点喝的怎么样?“不,谢谢。”“_ _ something to drink ?”“No,thanks .”5.事实上,他年龄并不大。_ _ ,he isnt old .【作业卡】一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. He _(say) he did a good thing last week . 2.I can _ (put) the book back into your bag when I finish it . 3.I cant stand Jack _(sing)here ,because my little brother is sleeping . 4.Would you mind _(lend) your coat to me? 5.Why do you like wearing colourful clothes? Because I want _(be)young and beautiful.二、 选择1. -I think Culture China is the best show. -Oh, no! I dont you.A.like it B.mind C .agree with D agree to2. I dont like to swim. How about basketball?A.playing B .to playC.playersD .playing the3. We love the sports shows. He , too. A .do B.doesC.like D.likes4.I dont like Jackie Chan._, Idont like action movies. A. On fact B .In factC. In the fact D. On the fact5. -Can I help you?-Id like_ for my twin daughters.A.two pair of shoes B.two pair of shoeC.two pair of shoe D.two pairs of shoes6What do you_ rings? A. think ofB. likeC. look likeD.think三、 根据汉语意思完成句子,一空一词。 (拔高题)1. 你觉得游戏节目怎样?我忍受不了那些东西。_ do you _ _ game shows? I _ _ them.2那是个仅5岁的男孩,但他会写字、会看书。That is only _ _ boy,but he can wtite and _.3. 晚饭后散步对健康有益。 _ _ _ _ after supper is good for _.4. 我不介意你在这儿抽烟。 I _ _ your smoking here .5. 我不同意你的意见。 I dont _ _ you .6. 我不能忍受这些围巾。 I _ _ these scarves. 7. 你同意她的观点吗? Do you _ _ her ?8. 她不能忍受这部令人厌烦的电影。She cant _ this _ movie .9. 你认为她怎么样?_ _ you _ _ her ? 10. 她去年对这个学校的看法如何? _ _ he _ this school last yearNothing is impossible!一切皆有可能4 / 4
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