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优质课教案Unit 5 Can you come to my party?(Section A 1a2a Period 1)双桥区双峰寺镇中学 马清双Teaching aims 1、语言知识目标1)通过free talk,学生能回忆有关周末活动的动词短语并谈论周末的计划和安排;2)通过情景对话、表演等活动,大多数学生能使用正确的目标语言来邀请并接收或拒绝邀请。目标语言如下:Can you come to my party?Sure, Id love to./Im sorry, I cant. I Have to help my parents。Can he/she come to my party on Wednesday?Sure, hed/shed love to./ No, she cant. She has a piano lesson。2、语言技能目标1)大部分学生能选择正确的表达方法以及语调来进行本课话题的交际交流。 2)大多数学生能在教师和同伴的帮助下参与角色扮演活动。 3)部分学生能在本课话题的基础上,继续话题并进行几个回合的交谈。3、情感态度目标1)大多数学生能对party的话题感兴趣,并开口交流,参与交流; 2)大对数学生能在小组中有效合作,共同学习。学生会应用”邀请或请求许可”的日常交际用语.4教学重点:有关邀请、接收、拒绝参加派对的交际用语以及恰当的语调。5教学难点:由于跨文化交际的问题,学生可能对派对以及如何正确恰当地邀请、接收、拒绝参加派对的表达法以及语调产生困难。Teaching steps (教学步骤)Step1.Warming-up T:(Greet the students and have a free talk with them)eg: Whats the date today?/ Hows the weather?/ Hows it going with you?/ What are you doing this weekend?Ss: (have a free talk with teacher and talk about their weekend plans, using I am doing. )以谈话和问好的方式让学生慢慢感受英语并进入英语学习的状态。并在交谈的过程中帮助学生回忆be doing的形式谈论周末的安排,为后面打下语言准备。Step2.PresentationT: Do you know what am I doing this Sunday?(show pictures on the screen)On Sunday morning, I have to go to the dentist.On Sunday afternoon, I have a piano lesson.On Sunday evening, I am going to the concert.Ss: (Look at the pictures and learn the new words: lesson, concert and the phrase “have to” to talk about obligations, repeat the new words after the teacher)通过教师自己的星期天的安排呈现新单词并呈现have to来表达周末安排的表达法。T: And on Saturday, my friends and I are going to hold a birthday party. (Show pictures about thebirthday party). We are going to ask more friends to join.(Hold an invitation card and ask individuals, if Ss accept, send them the invitation card; if not, say: Thats too bad .Maybe another time.)Can you come to my party on Saturday?S1: Yes, Id love to. Thanks for asking.S2: Sorry, I cant. I have to/ am going to/ have lesson.T: Thats too bad. Maybe another time.在此环节中,首先通过大量派对的图片让学生感受派对,激起学生参加派对的愿望。此刻教师邀请学生参加派对,从简单的接收派对邀请边学边练;创设情景让学生学习拒绝邀请,并且同时进行半机械性练习。Step 3 ListeningT: My friend Sun Ning is inviting more friends to my birthday party. (Go through the names of the persons). Listen and find out “Can they come to the party?” If not, choose their reasons to decline.A.have to study for the test B. have to go to the doctorC. have to help parents D. have a piano lessonE. have to visit my auntTedcan/ cantCCarloscan/ cantTimcan/ cantAWilsoncan/ cantBAnnacan/ cantEKaycan/ cantD改编听力的目的,学生更关注的是交际功能,是交际的结果。这样更有利于学生把听力作为交际用语的模板使用。Step 4 Repeating and actingT: Lets listen and repeat after the tape. Try to imitate their pronunciation and intonation. (Play the tape again; let students imitate the pronunciation and intonation, especially the inviting tone and the declining tone.Ss: (Repeat after the tape. And try to mark some special tones.)Then, students work in groups, practice reading the dialogue and try to act it out. Teacher walks around to offer help and check if Ss read with the proper pronunciation and intonation.After that, ask students to act it out in class. Other students are to be the guide to see which group act best.充分利用听力录音,模仿并让学生在模仿的过程中做重读、语调的记号,并且鼓励学生角色扮演,用模仿后的语调来表演。Step 5 Inviting friends for the partyT: (Ask students to invite friends to join in the birthday party.) We want more friends to join the party. Can you help me to invite the friends in our class?Let students hold the invitation cards and invite the friends around them. They should ask at least 5 friends in 3 minutes. Ask them to keep down the declining excuses.Helpful dialogues are given to help them.A: Can you come to my birthday party on Saturday afternoon?B:Sure, Id love to. Thanks for asking.Or: A: Can you come to my birthday party on Saturday afternoon?B: Sorry, I cant. I have to/ am doing/ havelesson.A:Thats too bad. Maybe next time.B:Sure, thanks for asking.在听力的机械模仿及训练下,这个环节提供给学生半开放的情景,让学生根据自己的实际情况,做口语交际练习。Step 6 Inviting friends to shopThen let students work in groups and make dialogues to invite friends to shop together. They should decide on the time and more.Offer some hints:Can you go to the mall with me on Saturday afternoon?Sure, Id love to. /Sorry, I What are you? When are you? Where are we? How are we?Give them some minutes to practice and then act it out in class.最后的环节为开放式话题,让学生可以在本课的交际基础上,根据已有的语言知识对话题进行拓展,继续话题。开放性的话题也有助于学生发挥想象力和创新意识,在展现的时候可以比试各方面的实力。Step 7 SummarizingGo through the sentence patterns on the blackboard, and help students get a summary of what they have learnt today.帮学生对本课的教学内容有系统化的认识和回顾。帮助学生从整体上把握本课的重点。教学反思:从周末计划谈到周末要开派对,引出本课的目标语言以及交际用语,并且借助听力(我的朋友帮我邀请参加派对的客人)来巩固交际用语以及模仿语音语调并表演,接着让学生自己去邀请朋友进行半控制语言交际,到最后邀请朋友一起购买食物来创作对话,在开放性话题中运用所学过的交际用语,拓展本课的话题。因此,本课时步步深入,从机械操练到半控制操练再到开放性操练,让学生在情境中逐步
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