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Unit 12 Whats the best radio station? 复习学案第五课时总个学案Teachers words: Listening to the radio often can help you get lots of information all over the world.Learning aims:1.单音节形容词、多音节形容词和特殊形容词的比较级和最高级形式2.进行简单的比较,并表达自己的好恶Important sentences: Whats the best cinema? Showtime cinema, its the cheapest.Jasons has good quality clothes. Its better than Trendy Teens.Jasons is the best store in town.Grammar用-(i)est, the most表示最高级不规则的形容词和比较级和最高级形式good, better, the best, bad, worse the worstWords and expressions: theater, cinema / trendy, quality, comfortable, close to seat, screen, jeans, / performer, radio station【应掌握的词组】1. the best radio station最好的无线电台2. comfortable seats舒适的椅子 3. big screens大屏幕4. friendly service友好的服务5. new movies新电影6. close to home离家近7. in a fun part of town 在城镇闹区 8. Town Cinema城镇电影院9. Screen City大屏幕影视城 10. Movie Palace电影艺术宫11. Jeans Corner牛仔广角 12.Trendy Teens时髦少年服装店13. Easy Listening轻松听力14. have good quality clothes服装质量好15. in town在城里, in the city在城市里in the country在乡下16. the beat clothing store最好的服装店17. do a survey of 对进行调查18. all the movie theaters所有的电影院19. the most interesting music最有趣的音乐20.be(get, become, feel) interested in 对感兴趣21.positive words肯定的词语22. negative words否定的词语 23. the most creative最有创造力的24. the most boring最烦人的 25. the math teacher数学老师26. a great success巨大的成功27. win the prize for赢得的奖项28. without music没有音乐伴奏下29. the funniest actor最滑稽的演员30. the worst movie最差的电影 31. action movies动作片32. beautiful beaches美丽的海滩33. in the north of China在中国的北部34. an Ice and Snow Festival冰雪节35. Central Park 中心公园36. leader of a band乐队指挥37. Forbidden City紫禁城 38. elementary school 小学自主检测I.选择最佳答案。() 1. You cant always depend _ others. A. inB. onC. with() 2. She is always trying to help others _ she is very poor.A. althoughB. butC. because() 3. Can you finish _ the magazine this afternoon?A. to readB. readC. reading() 4. Mary is _ than Im.A. much more outgoing B. much outgoingC. outgoing() 5. Nick wants to buy _ for his mom as her birthday gift.A. anything beautiful B. something beautiful C. nothing beautiful() 6. Tomorrow our family is moving _ Australia. Really? We are leaving _ Shanghai.A. for, forB. to, forC. for, to() 7. Im not feeling well today._.A. Im sorry to hear that B. You should eat some food C. Im happy to see that() 8. Would you like to go to the movie with me on Friday evening?_, but I have to go to the doctor first.A. Id love B. SureC. Id like to() 9. Could you tell me something about you?_. A. Excuse me, Im afraid not B. Certainly, Ill be glad to C. No, I dont like it() 10.Jack, what _ did you do on vacation? Went sightseeing. A. otherB. another C. else() 11. My sister was born _ July 10, 1989. A. onB. inC. at() 12. The child is _ young _ carry the table. A. so, thatB. too, to C. enough, to() 13. How long did it _ you to get to the CenterPark yesterday? A. spendB. takeC. pay() 14. There is going to _ a fashion show in France next Friday. A. beB. have C. hold() 15. _ do you exercise? Once or twice a week. A. How longB. How farC. How often.用词的适当形式填空1.This hotel has the friendly _ in our town.(serve)2.My home is the closest to school but his home is _ _ (far).3.That movie is _ _ that I have ever seen.(bad)4.I think this movie theater is _ _ than that one.(comfortable)5.Is Harbin _ than Hainan?(cold).根据句意,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Which do you like _ (well), apples, pears or bananas?2. I think this story is _ (interesting) than that one.3. In the morning he is_ (early).His father is _ (early) than him. His mother is the_(early)of the three.4. The Yellow River is the second _(long)river in China.5. He thinks his corn is _ (delicious)of all the food.6. You have a bad cold. You have to take this medicine _ ( two )a day.7. Thanks for _ ( take ) care of my dog, Im very happy.8. I like the restaurant very much. It has _ ( good ) service in the city.9. There are lots of _ ( visit ) visiting in China every year.10. Eating many vegetables and fruits _ ( help ) us keep in good health. 阅读理解 In England recently three foreign gentlemen came to a bus stop and waited . About five minutes later, the bus they wanted came along. They were just going to get on when suddenly there was a loud noise behind them. People rushed onto the bus and tried to push them out of the way . Someone shouted at them. The bus conductor came rushing down the stairs to see what all the trouble was about. The three foreigners s
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