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八年级上册 单词巧记+句型语法剖析(Unit 11Could you please clean your room)三点剖析单词巧记典句考点sweep v.扫除;清扫;清除【巧记提示】s+weep(哭泣)【经典例句】Please sweep the snow from the steps.请把台阶上的雪扫干净。【考点聚焦】1)同义词:clean2)短语:sweep away扫走;sweep away the dirt清扫灰尘【活学活用】1.根据汉语提示完成句子Your room is so dirty,please (清扫地板).答案:sweep the floorfold v. 折叠;折起来【巧记提示】f+old(年老的、旧的)【经典例句】Mum always helps me fold the clothes.妈妈经常帮我折叠衣服。【考点聚焦】1)名词:folder n. 硬纸夹 2)短语:fold ones arm抱臂;fold sb./sth.in ones arms 拥抱某人living room 起居室;会客厅【巧记提示】liv(e)(居住)+ing(后缀)+room(房间)【经典例句】There is a computer in his living room.在他的起居室里有一台电脑。【考点聚焦】类似的词有:reading room阅览室;dining room餐厅;waiting room候车室hate v. 憎恨;憎恶【巧记提示】hat(帽子)+e【经典例句】I hate to trouble you.我不想麻烦你。【考点聚焦】hate doing与 hate to do:hate doing强调经常性的动作;hate to do强调某一次的动作例如:I hate to get up early,for its Sunday tomorrow.明天是星期日,我不想早起床。I hate getting up early.我厌烦早起床。(经常性的动作)【活学活用】 2.选择I doing the dishes because its boring.A.hatesB.hateC.likeD.likes答案:Blaundry n.洗衣店;要洗的衣服【经典例句】Why not do the laundry by yourself?为什么不自己洗衣服呢?【考点聚焦】1)当“要洗的衣服”讲时,是不可数名词。如:There is not much laundry this week.这个星期要洗的衣服不多。2)短语:do the laundry 洗衣服borrow v. 借;借入;借用【巧记提示】borrow(借)tomorrow (明天)【经典例句】I want to borrow some new books from the library.我打算从图书馆借几本新书。【考点聚焦】1)短语:borrow.from.(从别处)借来2)borrow与lend的区别:borrow常与from连用;lend常与to连用He lent a book to me.他借给我一本书。(主语借出了某物)I borrowed a book from him.我向他借了一本书。(主语借来了某物)【活学活用】3.选择(2010山东淄博模拟模拟)Lin Tao,could you me your book?Sorry,but I it for only half an hour,I havent finished it.A.borrow;have hadB.borrow;have boughtC.lend;have hadD.lend;have bought答案:Cdisagree v. 不同意;持不同意见【巧记提示】dis(否定前缀)+agree(同意)【经典例句】I disagree with you.我不同意你的意见。【考点聚焦】 1)反义词:agree 同意 2)短语:disagree with sb.与意见不同【活学活用】 4.写出下列单词的否定形式1)agree 2)believe3)appear4)approve 5)like 6)honest答案:1)agreedisagree2)believedisbelieve3)appeardisappear4)approvedisapprove5)likedislike6)honestdishonestcare n.照顾;照管;管理【巧记提示】c+are(是)【经典例句】I have to take care of my sister.我得照顾我的小妹妹。【考点聚焦】1)同根词:careful adj.仔细的;小心的2)短语:take care of 照顾;保管【活学活用】5.选择The doctor told my sister to take her sick baby.A.well care ofB.good care ofC.care well of答案:B短语典句考点 do the dishes 洗餐具【经典例句】I always help mom do the dishes.我经常帮助母亲洗餐具。【考点聚焦】1)dish当“餐具”讲时用复数。2)与do相关的短语:do some reading读书;do some cleaning 打扫卫生;do some washing洗衣服;do the cooking 做饭。【活学活用】6.根据所给汉语完成句子Could you please do the (餐具)?答案:dishesmake ones bed 整理床铺【经典例句】It is good manner to make your bed by yourself.自己整理床铺是好习惯。【考点聚焦】该短语中的ones通常和主语保持一致。我的记忆卡make引导的短语有:make bread 制面包;make a coat 做一件外衣;make paper 造纸;make coffee 煮咖啡【活学活用】7.选择I dont like making bed but I like making tea.A./;theB.the;theC.the;/D./;/答案:Cwork on 从事【经典例句】I am going to work on my computer.我正要用我的电脑。【考点聚焦】1)work on后面可加名词,但有很多的意义,可灵活掌握。2)在动词后面加on还有“继续”的意思。如:go on 继续。【活学活用】8.选择Jim,come out.Lets go to play football.Sorry.Im a math problem.A.working outB.working onC.working for答案:Btake care of 照顾;照看【经典例句】Please take good care of my pet when I am out.我不在家的时候,请好好照看我的宠物。【考点聚焦】该短语后面可加名词、代词。我的记忆卡与take相关短语:take care 当心,小心;take it easy 别紧张;take ones seat坐下,坐好;take ones leave 告辞;take ones time 从容行事,慢慢来;take to heart 记在心里forget to do sth.忘记去做某事【经典例句】 Dont forget to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom.离开教室前不要忘了关灯。【考点聚焦】forget 与leave的区别。两者都表示“忘记”,但前者指“忘记事情”;而后者强调“把某物遗留在某处”。【活学活用】9.选择Remember the door before you go to another room.A.to shut B.shut C.shuttingD.shuts答案:AHave fun!祝你过得愉快!【经典例句】Youll sure to have fun at the party tonight.你在今晚一定会玩得很开心。【考点聚焦】1)fun是不可数名词,表示“玩笑,乐趣;娱乐”。have fun 后可跟v.-ing形式,但不能跟动词不定式。Look!The children are having a lot of fun with snow.看,孩子们玩雪玩得多开心啊!The two Americans are going to have fun learning Chinese here.这两个美国人将会很开心地在这儿学习汉语。我的记忆卡make fun of sb.嘲弄、嘲笑某人;for fun = in fun 开玩笑的,闹着玩的;fun and games欢乐,开玩笑;What fun!太棒了!2)have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself 【活学活用】10.选择She has fun English.A.speakB.speakingC.sayD.saying答案:D句子剖析拓展 A:Could you please sweep the floor?请你扫地好吗?B:Yes,sure.当然可以。【剖析】1)Could you please.表达“请求”。2)Could you please do.?=Would you mind+doing.?【拓展】表示请求的方式有:Will you please do.?请你做好吗?Would you please do/not do.?请你做/不要做好吗?Turn off the TV,will you?关上电视,好吗?Could you give me a hand?你能帮我一个忙吗?I need to eat breakfast.我需要吃早饭。【剖析】1)need to do表示“需要做;有必要做”。如:We need to collect the parcel before we leave for England.去英国之前,我们需要收拾好行李。【拓展】“need+名词”表示“需要,有的必要”。如:Do you need more money?你还需要钱吗?need doing=need to be done,表示“(东西)必须被”,有被动的含义。如:The TV
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