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9年级Unit 1 How do you study for a test ?一词组Section A1.为考试学习study for a test 你怎样为考试而学习? How do you study for a test? 2和某人一起学习(工作) work(study)with sb.通过和朋友们一起学习 by working with friends通过和一个组一起学习 by working with a group3制作抽认卡make flashcards通过制作抽认卡 by making flashcards4制作词汇表make vocabulary lists通过制作词汇表by making vocabulary lists5听磁带listen to tapes通过听磁带 by listening to tapes6向寻求帮助 ask sb. for help通过向老师寻求帮助 by asking the teacher for help7.看英语语言录像 watch English language videos8 和练习对话 practice(have)conversations with sb.9.朗读read aloud朗读来练习发音怎么样?What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?10.学到很多 learn a lot以那种方式我学到了很多。 Ive learned a lot that way.11.提高的口语技能 improve ones spoken skills它提高了我的口语技能。 It improves my spoken skills.12.太. 而不能. too to听懂这些声音太难。 Its hard to understand the voices.13.向询问关于的事 ask sb. about sth.向学生们询问关于学习更多英语的最好方法 ask students about the best ways to learn more English14.学习语法 study grammar当我们问到关于学习语法 when we ask about studying grammar15.具体的建议specific suggestions16.对感到兴奋 get excited about17.结果做,告终 end up doing sth.我们对某事很兴奋,结果以讲汉语告终。We get excited about something and then .speaking in Chinese.18发现令人沮丧 find sth.frustrating他发现看电影令人沮丧,因为人们讲话太快。He finds frustrating because the people speak too quickly.19.做. 的好办法a great way to do sth.他认为学语法是学习语言的好方法。 He thinks studying grammer is a great way to learn a language.20.有一点点帮助 help a little21.看某人做某事 watch sb. do sth.看演员们说单词watch the actors say the words22.做事的最好方法 the best way to do sth.刘畅说在学校参加英语俱乐部是提高她的英语的最好的方法。Liu Chang said that at school was the best way to 23做调查do a survey我正在做一个关于学英语的调查。Im doing a survey 24.记日记keep a diary25.I think it helps . 我认为这很有用。Section B1.犯错误 make mistakes2.在语法方面 in grammar 我在语法方面犯错误。 I make mistakes in grammar.3.英语口语 spoken English4.使正确 get .right我不能正确发音。 I cant get the pronunciation right.5.在杂志上 in magazines我不能明白杂志上的单词。 I cant the words . 6.写作练习 writing practice 我没有得到很多的写作练习。 I dont get 7.加入英语俱乐部 join an English club8.练习做practice doing sth你为什么不加入英语俱乐部来练习讲英语呢?Why dont you to ? 9.首先 first of all (at first)10.一开始 to begin with 一开始,她讲得太快。 , she spoke too11. 后来,随后 later on 没关系 It doesnt matter.后来,我意识到如果你不能明白每一个单词没关系。, I realized that if you dont undersand every word.12.害怕做be afraid to do sth. =be afraid of doing sth13.在课堂上 in class 我也害怕在课堂上讲话。 I was . afraid . in class.14.讥笑,嘲笑 laugh at15.造完整的句子 make complete sentences 我也总是不能造完整的句子。I couldnt always , either.16.它大有帮助。 It helped a lot.17.做大量的听力练习 do lots of listening practice18.秘密之一 one of the secrets 我认为做大量的听力练习是成为一名优秀的语言学习者之一。I think that. is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner.19.作笔记 take notes 作大量的语法笔记 make lots of grammar notes因此,我决定在每一节课上做大量的语法笔记。So I decided to .in every class.20.写我自己的原始的句子 write my own original sentences21.做有困难 have trouble (in)doing sth 她造完整的句子有困难。She had . . complete sentences.22.在原始的句子中 in original sentences23.(在字典,参考书)中查询 look up(代词放中间如:look it up)在字典中查询它们 look them up in the dictionary24.这种纸摸起来非常软。 This kind of paper feels very soft.25.听流行歌曲 listen to pop songs26.作为第二语言 as a second language 多数人把英语作为第二门语言来讲。Most people speak English 27.全世界 around(all over) the world28.在科学上 in science 英语常常在科学上被使用。 English is often used 29.编对话 make up conversationReading1.本族语讲话者 native speaker2.母语 native language3.处理,处置 deal with 你怎样处理我们的问题?How do you deal with our problems?4.为担心(着急) worry about5.学会忘记 learn to forget6.对某人生气 be angry with sb. 我们多数人可能对我们的朋友,父母或老师生气过。 Most of us have probably been angry with our ., or .7.(指时间)过去,消逝 go by随着时间的流逝,良好的友谊可能失去。Time goes by, and good friendship may be lost.8.决定做某事 decide to do sth. 决定不做某事 decide not to do sth. 有时候,他们有分歧并决定彼此不说话。 Sometimes they have . and decide each other.9.持续很久 last for long 然而,这不会持续很久。However, this usually does not last for long.10.通过学会忘记 by learning to forget 解决问题 solve a problem我们可以通过学会忘记来解决问题。We can solve a problem by learning to forget.11.把视为regard . as把问题
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