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教学设计 第1 课时教学内容:Unit5 Happy birthday随堂备注教学目标:1.学习词汇:how、How old、one、tow、three、four、five、 six、seven、eight、nine、ten、happy、birthday2.掌握句型:How old is he/ she?She is two/three/ Happy birthday! Thank you.3.教学重点: 单词、对话的理解和掌握教学难点: 个别难读单词的发音教学准备:图片、单词卡片、音频教学内容:(一)Warming-up 1Greeting 2Lets singHappy Birthday! T:Children, lets sing a song together, OK?(提出问题:Why we sing this song?)*通过创设情境,让学生在一个轻松有趣的环境中进入新课的学习,既能提高学习兴趣,又能更扎实的学习。 (二)Presentation 1Lets talkT: Children, lets look at the picture, what can you see? (课件展示一幅生日派对的图片,主角为Coco。通过老师的引导让学生思考并逐步进入本课的学习。 T:Yes, we can see Coco, our old friend. Look! Today is Cocos birthday. Lets join her party, OK? (通过这个情境让学生由生日派对进入句型与词汇的学习) 2Lets guess T:And there are three animals here. They want to say “Happy Birthday” to Coco. Lets guess, who are they? (通过让学生扮演三个小角色来传递祝福,引起学生更浓的学习兴趣,从而也操练了Happy Birthday这句祝福语。) 3Lets count T: Wow! Coco is very happy now. And I have a question: How old is she? (展示图片,引导学生一起数蜡烛,从而得知Coco的年龄,在数蜡烛的过程中也口头上操练了数字的表达。) T&Ss: One、two、three、four、five、six、seven、eight ! T: She is eight. You are great!(此时老师在讲解过程中将重点句型先重复了几遍,给学生一个初步的印象。) (三)Practice1One by oneT: Now lets pass the number cards one by one. Lets see who the winner is!(通过这个小游戏让学生先熟悉数字词汇的认读,部分发音较复杂的单词再用拼读法进行操练,为接下来的练习做铺垫。)2Whats missing?T: After counting the numbers, lets play a game: Whats missing?(通过课件上的数字游戏,让学生快速反应说出消失的数字,以达到数字表达的练习。) 3Ask and answerT: After counting the numbers, lets look at the pictures. Then ask and answer. Use the sentences: How old is he/ she? He/ She is(通过课件上的单词和图片让学生两两进行对话操练重点句型;接着变换形式,将数字卡片放在几位学生桌面,让全班同学用重点句型来提问,请一位同学回答,用不同的方法来操练能大大提高学生学习的兴趣。) 4Gifts timeT: Just now we know Coco is eight years old. And in the birthday party, I have some gifts for Coco. Lets have a look.(老师展示一个礼物盒,请一名学生扮演Coco,师生进行对话,通过PPT图片展示的礼品来描述“数字+物品”的组合词汇练习。) (三)巩固与拓展 1、投影课件:Choose the number and fill in the blanks. 2、听句子,选择你听到的信息,把其大写字母编号写在题前的括号内。( ) 1.A.two bikes B.three bikes C.three buses( ) 2.A. two pencils B.one pens C.four pens( ) 3.A. three dolls B.five toys C.four dolls( ) 4.A. What colour B.Wheres C.How old( ) 5.A. red book B.red box C.black box3、听短语,把单词和相应的数字连起来。2 8 7 5 9 4 6 3planes pens bears cats ships bikes pictures dogs4、做活动手册P14第五题5、听句子,给下列数字涂上颜色。10 7 8 3 9 5 2 4四、总结1、老师小结本课学习的内容。2、带读本课所学的单词和句型。五、布置作业:1、抄写本课的单词和句子。2、听录音,朗读单词。板书设计:Unit5 Happy birthdayhow one two three four fiveHow old How old are you?Im three. /four/five/happy birthday Happy birthday! Thank you.教学后记:小学课时教学设计 总第2课时教学内容:Unit5 Happy birthday随堂备注教学目标:1、复习本课的词汇和句型。2、学习新单词:six、seven、eight、nine、ten、for、little3、继续巩固本课的句型且能用英语读电话号码。4、能用英语从0数到10教学重点:单词和句型的巩固教学难点:能用英语读电话号码教具、学具:单词卡片、金太阳、小黑板、录音机教学过程:(一)热身与复习 1、Greeting 2、Sing a song Number song 3、复习单词:单词卡片和听读录音 4、复习句型:How old are you?Im four./five/ (二)呈现与操练 1、学习新单词:six、seven、eight、nine、ten 2、操练:oneten出示单词卡片,学生看图 read and spell 3、情景学习句型:老师拿出预先准备好的袋子里面的礼物,分别给每个学生。This is for you.Thank you! 4、找学生表演课文对话。 5、通过cars简单讲讲名词有单、复数的形式。三、巩固与拓展 1、写出几个电话号码,让学生分别能用英语来进行读电话号码。 2、让学生用英语谈论个人的一些信息,讲出自己的年龄和家里的电话号码。 3、在情景中让学生反复操练本课句型。 4、Do the exer cises(1)、选择不同类的单词,把所选答案的大写字母编号写在题前的括号内。( )1.A.two B.four C.old( )2.A.guess B.how C.play( )3.A.colour B.eight C.seven( )4.A.blue B.for C.orange( )5.six B.five C.black(2)读句子,根据句子意思画画。 have three pens. 2.Do you two boxes? Yes, I do.3.I have five pencils. 4.The six toy planes are on the table.5.The four rulers are in front of the TV.(3)、把下列算式和相应的得数用线连接起来。 1. Two and five is nine. 2. Three and one is eight. 3. Five and four is seven4Six and two is six5. Two and four is four.(4)、阅读。根据课文意思,判决下列句子正确;请在题前的括号内写“T”,否则写“F”。( )1. This is a picture of a family.( )2. There are four children in the picture.( )3. It is Bens birthday.( )4Ben is nine.( )5. The four cars are for Janet.四、Home work 1、Copy down the new words.2、Read the words and the text.板书设计:Unit 5 Happy birthday sixseven How old are you?eight Im six./seven/ninenine Happy birthday!ten Thank you.forlittle教学后记:小学课时教学设计 总第3 课时教学内容:Unit5 Happy birthday Fun with language随堂备注教学目标:1、巩固本课的重点句型,并能进行流利的对话。2、完成相关的练习3、学习音标:i j k l m n教学重点:1、继续巩固本课句型和单词;2、学习音标教学难点:音标的认读教具、学具:课件、单词卡片、录音机教学内容:一、热身学习1、Free talk:How are you?/Nice to meet you. How old are you?ImWhat colour is the?Its2
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