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Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake section B一、重点单词(见section A)二、重点短语1.turn on(off) 打开、接通关掉(电器) 2.cut up 切碎3. pourinto 把倒入 4. milk shake奶昔5. addto把加到上 6.a piece of 一片,一张,一条,一块,一首7.how many/how much 多少 8.two spoons of 两茶匙9. fillwith 用把装满 10.coverwith用覆盖/盖着11.make a banana milk shake 制作香蕉奶昔 12.turkey slices火鸡切片13.heres a recipe for.这儿是制作的食谱 14.at this time在这时15.slices of duck =duck slices 鸭肉片 16.a cup of yogurt 一杯酸奶17.need some help需要一些帮助 18.puton把放在的上面19.one by one一个接一个20. some lettuce 一些生菜 不可数(bread, butter)三、重点句型:1. How do you make a banana milk shake? 你是怎样制作香蕉奶昔的?2.Turn on the blender.打开果汁机。turn on 把(水源、煤气、电源等)打开反义词:turn off turn up/down 调大/关小,调低电器(把收音机、电视、灯等)辨析:turn on 指打开水、电器、煤气和灯,有开关的东西; open指打开关着的门窗、箱子盒子等有盖的东西。3.Put the bananas and ice-cream in to the blender.把香蕉和酸奶倒进搅拌器里。put into 把放进 put on 穿上 put off延迟 put up 举手,张贴,搭建(帐篷)4.Finally mix together some bread pieces, onions, salt and pepper.finally 最后,放在句首、句中、句尾 at last 最后 in the end 终于mixtogether/ mix up名词可放中间或结尾,代词只能放中间,mix it up 名词放两边,mix up all the ingredients mix 的名词形式:mixture 混合体,混合三、重点知识点:1、turn on :打开电器、煤气开关等 :Please turn on the TV. turn off 关掉 :Dont forget turn off the light when you live. turn up (音量)调高 I cant hear the radio ,please turn it up . turn down (音量)调低 Could you tuen down the TV, my baby is sleeping.2、介词: into 和 in 的区别。 Into 为动态介词,和动词搭配成短语时,表示进入 In 为静态介词,表明状态,意为在什么内部3、cut up. 把切碎 代词作宾语的时候,须放在中间 cutinto.把切成(形状)eg、Can you help me cut up the apples. Frist ,you can cut them up.You must cut the apples into pieces.4、make 制作,生产常用短语:make sb sth =make sth for sb 为某人制作Eg:Lucy made me a beautiful card . =Lucy made a beautiful card for me. 使役动词,意为使、让 常用短语:make sb do sth 使某人做,后接省略to的不定式 Make sb/sth +adj 使某人/某物保持状态Eg:The story made me cry. 这个故事让我哭了。 My mother makes me clean the room. 我妈妈让我打扫房间。 You made Lucy unhappy. 你让露西不高兴了。 This photo made me very sad. 这张照片让我很伤心。拓展:与make用法相同的使役动词还有:have let 都意为使,让5、need 实意动词,意为需要,后接代词、名词或动词不定式做宾语。 Eg:Do you need help? I need some money to buy a book. She needs to get up early. 情态动词 意为需要,后接动词原形,可由need直接构成否定句、一般疑问句及其回答。 Eg:You need go to Shanghai this week. Need you go to Shanghai this week.? Yes ,I need./No, I neednt.拓展:回忆情态动词 can、could (能,会;可能) , may 、might(可以;可能) must(必须)、have to(不得不) should (应该)6、基数词+more+名词=another +基数词+名词 意为 还有,另外有Eg:one more thing = another one thing还有一件事two more days= another two days7、特殊疑问词+不定式 做宾语 Eg:Do you know how to plant the tree? I dont know what to do when the baby cry。 Can you tell me how to make banana salad. The question is where to go.8、by的用法: by+交通工具 乘、坐 I go to school by bike. by+时间 到为止 I must be in bed by ten. by+地点 在旁边 They lived by the sea. by+doing sth 通过做 Lucy remember the words by read them over and over again.9、fill with 意为用填满表示动作 be full of 充满了 =be filled with 被填满了 eg : The boy filled the bottle with sand. The glass is full of milk.= The glass is filled with milk.10、 few 、a few 、little、a littlefew几乎没有修饰可数名词There are few eggs in the fridge.a few一些There are a few eggs in the fridge, can you buy some me.little几乎没有修饰不可数名词There is little milk in the glass.a little一些I can speak only a little Japanese.11、how many与how muchhow many多少对可数名词的数量提问How many students in your class.how much多少对不可数名词的数量提问How much is your books?12、Its time (for sb)to do sth 是某人做的时候了Its time for sth 是做的时候了Eg:Its time (for me) to go to bed. Its time for dinner.13、forget忘记 forget to do sth 忘记了要做某事 forget doing 忘记做过某事remember 记得,记住 forget to do sth 记住要做某事 forget doing 记得做过某事Eg Dontt forget to close the light when you leave the class. I forget watching this book . Mum, remember to buy a story book for me. I remember going there before.课堂练习:1-Would you like some _?-Thanks. Im not thirsty at all.A. bananas B. bread C. hamburgers D. juice【解题思路】选。此题考查食品名词。由答语thirsty可知“口渴”,而,都是吃的东西。2 -Inside a box there are six smaller boxes, and inside each small box are six much smaller boxes. How many boxes altogether? -_. A. Thirty-six B. Thirty-sevenC. Forty-three D. Forty-two 【解题思路】选C。此题是考查how many用法的集知识性与趣味性于一体的综合型题目。由题可知,最小的盒子是36个,小盒子是6个加一个大盒子共是43个。3We believe scientists will _ a way to solve the problem of air pollution.A. set off B. put offC. come up with D. catch up with【解题思路】选C。此题句意:我们相信科学家们会想出解决空气污染的办法。选项A是“出发”,B是“拖延、延期”,C是“想出、发现”D是“赶上”。4.One-_ of the students in our class _ schoolgirls.A. third, is B. quarter, areC. fifths, are D. sixth, is【解题思路】选B。one-quarter属分数词,意为“四分之一”。
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