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Exercise,2. Translate the following into EnglishMaterials and methods,研究对象 征集研究对象是通过报纸广告和给医生去信进行的。入选标准是:(1)年龄55岁以上;(2)入睡性失眠或持续性失眠,其定义是每周至少有3夜上床后半小时不能入睡,或入睡半小时后觉醒;(3)失眠持续至少6个月;(4)觉醒时至少有一种失眠引起的负效应(如疲倦、无力、心情烦躁)。排除标准为:(1)失眠与某种疾病或药物不良作用直接相关;(2)睡眠时有呼吸暂停(呼吸暂停呼吸过浅指数15)或周期性肢体运动(肌阵挛指数15);(3)经常服用安眠药或其它对精神状态有影响的药物且不能或不愿停药;(4)正在进行精神治疗;(5)有重症抑郁症或其他严重精神病;(6)小型智力状况测验低于23分,表明有认知障碍。Reference words: 睡眠障碍:sleep onset latency 负效应:negative effect疲倦: fatigue 无力: impaired functioning心情烦躁:mood disturbances呼吸暂停:apnea呼吸暂停呼吸过浅指数:apnea-hypopnea index肌阵挛指数:myoclonic index with arousal安眠药:hypnotic medication 对精神状态有影响的药物:psychotropic medication 严重精神病: severe psychopathologic conditions知障碍:cognitive impairment小型智力状况测验:Mini-Mental State Examination,Subjects Prospective subjects were recruited through newspaper advertisements and letters to physicians. Inclusion criteria were (1) age 55 years or older; (2) sleep-onset or maintenance insomnia, defined as sleep onset latency and / or wake after sleep onset longer than 30 minutes per night at least 3 nights per week; (3) insomnia duration of at least 6 months; and (4) a complaint of at least 1 negative effect during waking hours (e. g. fatigue, impaired functioning, mood disturbances) attributed to insomnia. Exclusion criteria were (1) evidence that insomnia was directly related to a medical disorder or adverse effects of medication; (2) presence of sleep apnea (apnea-hypopnea index 15) or periodic limb movements during sleep (myoclonic index with arousal 15); (3) regular use of a hypnotic medication or other psychotropic medication with an inability or unwillingness to discontinue medication; (4) currently in psycho-therapy; (5) presence of major depression or other severe psychopathologic conditions; and (6) cognitive impairment as suggested by a score lower than 23 on the Mini-Mental State Examination.,报名受试者要进行各种筛选,包括:(1)电话筛选;(2)询问睡眠史、精神病史检查、医疗史和查体。这些工作分别由有执照的睡眠专家、临床精神科医生和内科医生进行。工作小组定期开会以确定受试者是否符合标准。有163例进行了第二步审查,因精神病(n=9)、其它睡眠障碍(n=9)、不愿或不能在随机分组前停服催眠药(n=21)、内科疾病(n=6)或不符合失眠标准(n=3)而被排除者48例。115例进行了多项睡眠描记图的最后筛选,其中又有37例因睡眠呼吸暂停(n=23)、睡眠时有周期性肢体运动(n=6)、两种情况兼有(n=2)、无失眠迹象(n=3)以及其他医学或精神病原因或无兴趣(n:3)而被排除,Prospective subjects underwent a multistep screening evaluation, which consisted of (1) telephone screening and (2) a sleep history interview, a psychological assessment, and a medical history taking with physical examination. These evaluations were conducted respectively by a board-certified sleep specialist, a clinical psychologist, and by a physician. Team meetings were regularly held to ascertain that subjects met the study criteria. Forty-eight persons of the 163 who underwent step 2 evaluation were excluded because of psychopathology ( n = 9), another suspected sleep disorder ( n = 9), lack of interest or inability to avoid taking sleeping medication prior to randomization (n = 21), medical problems (n = 6), or not meeting criteria for insomnia (n = 3). One hundred fifteen individuals underwent the final screening phase of polysomnography. After this final evaluation, another 37 subjects were excluded owing to sleep apnea (n = 23), periodic limb movements during sleep ( n = 6), a combination of these 2 conditions (n = 2), no evidence of insomnia (n = 3), or for other medical or psychiatric reasons or lack of interest (n = 3).,其余78例入选者随机分为认知行为治疗组(CBT,n=18)、药物治疗组(PCT,n=20)、CBT及PCT联合治疗组(n=20)和安慰剂对照组(n20)。78例中女性50例(641)、男性28例(35.9),平均年龄65岁(SD,7岁),平均教育水平14.4年(SD,2.5年)。入选者均为社区居民,白人70位(89.7),黑人7位(9),美洲本土人1位(1.3),已婚53位(67.9),已退休37位(47.4)。多数受试者(49位,62.8)自述有入睡和持续混合性失眠,22位(28.2)报告有持续性失眠, 5位(6.4)报告只有入睡性失眠。平均失眠持续时间16.8年(SD,16.9年),60位(76.9)用过安眠药。,The remaining 78 subjects were randomly assigned to either cognitive behavior therapy (CBT, n = 18),pharmacotherapy (PCT, n = 20), combined CBT and PCT (n = 20), or a placebo condition (n = 20). Of the 78 participants, 50 (64.1%) were women and 28 (35.9%) men, with a mean age of 65 years (SD, 7 years). The average education level was 14.4 years (SD, 2.5 years). All subjects were community-dwelling residents, 70 (89.7%) were white, 7 (9%), black, and I (1. 3%), Native American; 53 (67. 9%) were married, 37 (47.4%), retired. Most 49 (62.8%) of the subjects reported mixed sleep onset and maintenance insomnia; 22 (28.2%) reported sleep maintenance insomnia and 5 (6.4%) reported sleep onset insomnia only. The average insomnia duration was 16.8 years (SD, 16.9 years) and 60 (76.9%) had previously used sleeping medication.,
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