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.Mechanical Technology Block (机械技术模块),Lesson 1 Working Drawings(工作图) Lesson 2 Tolerances and Fits(公差与配合) Lesson 3 Kinds of Steels(钢的种类) Lesson 4 Forging(锻造) Lesson 5 Five Basic Machining Techniques(五种基本加工技术),下一页,.Mechanical Technology Block (机械技术模块),Lesson 6 Jigs and Fixtures (钻模和夹具) Lesson 7 Hydraulic Power Transmission(液力传输) Lesson 8 Numerically Controlled Machine Tools(数控机床) Lesson 9 Turret Lathe Center(转塔式车削中心) Lesson 10 Flexible Manufacturing System(柔性制造系统),上一页,Lesson1 Working Drawings(工作图),Working Drawings(I) During the design process, an engineer records ideas by means of sketches and design drawings of prototypes and their development. Once satisfied with the degree of perfection, the sketches are handed over to the draftsman who “takes off“ the detail and makes working drawings of the whole unit. A set of working drawings for a machine would include detail drawings of the various parts and an assembly drawing showing how these parts are assembled to make up the complete machine. ,下一页,返回,Lesson1 Working Drawings(工作图),Detail drawings The detail drawing is used as the main reference in manufacture of individual components. It should contain sufficient information to manufacture the part as well as suitable,fully dimensioned orthographic view of each part, together with other information that may be required in the manufacturing process. A complete detail drawing should contain at least the following information (not necessarily in order of importance). See Figure 1-1-1.,下一页,返回,上一页,Lesson1 Working Drawings(工作图),1.Sufficient orthographic views of the part concerned; 2. Dimensions and instructional notes; 3. Scale used; 4. Projection used, for example, first or third angle; 5. Drafting standard reference, for example, as 1 100; 6. Name or title of drawing; 7. Dimensional units which apply; 8. Tolerances where necessary; 9. Surface finish requirements;,下一页,返回,上一页,Lesson1 Working Drawings(工作图),10. Special treatments needed; 11.Type of material used; 12. Names of draftsman, checker, approver, etc.; 13. Relevant dates of action by those concerned; 14. Zone reference system when necessary; 15. Drawing sheet sine; 16. Name of company or department as applicable; 17. Drawing sheet reference, for example, sheet 1 to 2.,下一页,返回,上一页,Lesson1 Working Drawings(工作图),New Words and Expressions 1. working drawings 工作图 2. sketch n.草图,简图 3. prototype prautataip n.原型,样机 4. development divelapmant n.发展,研制 5. perfection n.完成,完美 6. draftsman dra:ftsman n.绘图员 7. detail di:teil n.零件;细节,详细;详图,返回,上一页,Lesson1 Working Drawings(工作图),8. assembly asembli n.装配 9. individual individjual adj.个别的 10. component kampaunant n.零件,部件 11. dimension n.尺寸 12. orthographic adj.正交的,正投射的 13. view vju: n.视图 14. in order of 按照次序,下一页,返回,上一页,Lesson1 Working Drawings(工作图),15. instrctional adj.指导的,说明的 16. projectuion n.投影 17. tolerance n.公差 18. finish n.光洁度 19. approver apruva n.批准者 20. relevant relivant adj.有关的,相关的 21. zone zaun n.带,范围,区域 22. applicable adj.合适的,能应用的,下一页,返回,上一页,Lesson1 Working Drawings(工作图),Notes Once satisfied with the degree of perfection, the sketches are handed over to the draftsman who “takes off“ the detail and makes working drawings of the whole unit. 句中who引导限定性定语从句,修饰the draftsman。takes off意为:复制。 译文:当对设计感到完美时,草图就交给绘图员绘制设备的整套工作图。,下一页,返回,上一页,Lesson1 Working Drawings(工作图),A set of working drawings for a machine would include detail drawings of the various parts and an assembly drawing showing how these parts are assembled to make up the complete machine. 句中showing是现在分词短语作定语,修饰an assembly drawing。how 引导宾语从句。 译文:一套机器的工作图包括各个零件的零件图和一张装配图,装配图显示这些零件如何装配成完整的机器。,下一页,返回,上一页,Lesson1 Working Drawings(工作图),It should contain sufficient information to manufacture the part as well as suitable,fully dimensioned orthographic view of each part, together with other information that may be required in the manufacturing process. 句中to manufacture the part是不定式短语作目的状语。that引导限定性定语从句,修饰other information 。 译文:它应包含制造零件足够的信息,还有各个零件适当的具有完整尺寸的视图以及制造零件所需的其他信息。,下一页,返回,上一页,Lesson1 Working Drawings(工作图),Working Drawings(II) Assembly drawings Assembly drawings are primarily used to show how a number of components are fitted together to make a complete product unit. The term subassembly is commonly applied to a product unit which combines with other subassemblies to make an assembly. For example, an assembly drawing of a motor car engine would show a number of complete units included on the drawing. Each of these units is referred to as a subassembly of the engine assembly.,下一页,返回,上一页,Lesson1 Working Drawings(工作图),Assembly drawings may be divided into two types depending on the proposed use: 1 .General assembly where the main purpose is to identify the individual components and show their working relationship; 2. Working or detailed assembly combined detail and general assembly drawing which provides the function of both types. Features of a general assembly drawing are: 1 .Views are selected which show how the parts f
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