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英语 公开课教案授课教师: 林燕玲 授课内容:Book 3 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note授课类型: Listening and Speaking 授课班级: 高一(1)班 授课时间: 40分钟 Book 3 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note公开课教案 I.Teaching contents:Using LanguageII.Analysis of the teaching material:In this period, we will mainly deal with the part Using Language on Pages 22 that is Act I, Scene 4 of The Million Pound Bank Note. The purpose of this part is to give students opportunity to imitate the scene in class. The teacher can let the students do the role play. They will read their speeches and try to make their language sound authentic.Analysis of the students:Class One is the key class in Senior Grade One. Some students in this class do poor in English but in other subjects, However, they show positive attitudes towards learning English. In the first semester,the average score of the end-of-termEnglishexamination was 52.6. The highestscore was 91 points,andonly one student got the score of more than 90. The lowestscore was 20. There were six students who got the scores from 80 to 90. There were eight students who got the scores from 70 to 80. There were eight students who got the scores from 60 to 70. There were nine students who got the scores from 50 to 60. There were 23 students who got the scores from 20 to 50.In their daily life, some are shy to open their mouths to speak English. Therefore, Listening and Speaking lesson can give them more chances to speak out their English, and put what they have learned into practice. In this way, they can develop their interests in Oral English and make full preparations for the College Entrance Examination. .Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:Let students learn the expressions of ordering food. Ability aims:1. Let students catch the main information about the play while listening. 2. Enable students to understand and role play Act I, Scene 4.3. Develop students listening and speaking abilities.Emotion aims:1. Develop students sense of group cooperation and teamwork.2. Let the students to know that Money Is Not Everything.Teaching key points & difficult points1. Develop students listening and speaking skills.2. Let students act the play.Teaching methods1. CommunicativeTeaching2. Cooperative Teaching Method3. 3P Teaching Method4. Task-based Teaching Method.Teaching aids1. Multimedia 2. Blackboard.Teaching procedures Step1.Revision&Leadin& Listening 1. Revision(衔接语):In the last period, we learned that Henry was given a million pound bank note. Do you know what would happen next? Now please open your book and guess what would happen next. First lets watch a video. After seeing the play, I would like you to answer my questions.2. Watching a video(衔接语):Im sure that after watching the video, all of you are ready to “Questions- answering” Games. Before this lesson, I have divided you into 4 groups. If any one of you know the answer, please stand up and speak out your answer. Ok? The teammates who win the competition will receive a mysterious gift. Now, Are you ready?! Lets downcount. 3.2.1 GO!3. CompetitionQuestions: 1. Who is the hero of this play?Suggested answer: Henry2. Where did Henry go to eat?Suggested answer: A restaurant3. What kind of drink did Henry order? Suggested answer: Coffee4. What kind of food did Henry order?Suggested answer: Some ham and eggs and a nice big steak and pineapple5. How many times did Henry order the same food?Suggested answer: Twice6. How many characters are there in this scene?Suggested answer: Five.7. How did Henry dress?Suggested answer: He dressed in rags.8. How much money did Henry pay for his bill at last? Suggested answer: None. (As for the bill, sir, please forget it.) 9. How much useful expressions did you know about ordering food in this passage?Suggested answers: Id like some ham and eggs and a nice big steak.And Ill have a large glass of beer.Same thing again, please.(衔接语):We know that all of the above are useful expressions about ordering food in the text. Can you think more about it? If a waiter wants to help the customer order food. What could he/she say? If you want to order food, what would you say?Extensive Information: Useful expressions about ordering food.财务盈利能力分析采用的主要评价指标包括静态评价指标和动态评价指标两类。其中静态评价指标主要有投资回收期,投资利润率,投资利税率和资本金利润率;动态评价指标主要有投资回收期,净现值、净现值率,内部收益率。7Waiters/Waitress:Can I help you?Ill take your order in a minute.Are you ready to order, Sir/ Madam?What would you like?Enjoy your meal.Heres your bill.Customer:Id likeDo you have?What do you suggest?Ill have that.The bill, please.Can I have the check, pleas(教学设计目的):通过回顾上一节课的内容,激发学生的想象力,然后进入新课的学习。通过一个亨利在一个餐厅的视频,图文并茂地展示给学生看,让学生能够更加深切地体会到文章的大意,并从中获取必要的信息。通过小组
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