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Module 10Unit 2 Eat vegetables every day.同步练习 根据图片提示, 将下列字母重新组合成单词1. klmi _ 2. rufit _ 3. urn _ 认一认, 连一连1. exercise 2. naughty 3. wash hands 4. HealthyA. 健康的 B. 锻炼 C. 洗手 D. 淘气的 给下列图片选择适合的句子A. Do exercise every day.B. Drink lots of water or juice.C. Eat vegetables every day.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 连词成句1. be want healthy Do to you_?2. every vegetables day Eat_.3. you eat before Wash hands your_?4. water lot a of Drink_. 读对话, 判断正(F)误(T)Doctor:Whats the matter, Lucy?Lucy:Ive got a cold.Doctor:What happened to you, Daming?Daming:I fell over.Doctor:Oh, Li Hua, whats the matter?LiHua:My leg hurts.Doctor:Take this medicine. Have a good rest.( )1. Lucy is a healthy child.( )2. Daming fell over.( )3. Li Hua played computer games.参考答案 根据图片提示, 将下列字母重新组合成单词1. milk 2. fruit 3. run 认一认, 连一连1B 2D 3C 4A 给下列图片选择适合的句子1. C 2. B 3. A 连词成句1. Do you want to be healthy2. Eat vegetables everyday3. Wash your hands before you eat4. Drink a lot of water 读对话, 判断正(F)误(T)1. F 2. T 3. F 认一认, 连一连
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