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摘要野性的呼唤是杰克伦敦的杰作之一。故事的主人公巴克是一只狗。起初,他是一个被惯坏的高傲的“国王”,统治着其它生物,和人类友好相处并尊重他们。那究竟为什么难于预料的厄运会降临到他身上,促使他沦落为一只拉雪橇的狗,并导致他最后变成丛林中以人为敌的凶残的狼。本文主要探讨巴克回归野性的各个因素。在巴克回归野性的过程中,他遇到了不同的主人,不同的狗,以及一些生存条件。他的主人有的对他呵护有加,有的却对他穷凶极恶。他遇到的那些狗,有的成为他的朋友,有的却和他仇深似海。这些因素都对巴克野性的回归起到了很大的影响。此外,巴克自身的遗传因素也不能被忽视,因为它也起到了关键作用。因此,本文从环境和遗传的视角来阐述巴克是如何从一只文明的狗变成凶恶嗜血的狼的。关键词:巴克;法则;野性;因素 AbstractAnalysis of the Influential Factors of Bucks Return to the Wild In the Call of the Wild By Qian xinyuThe Call of the Wild is one of the masterpieces of Jack London. The hero, Buck, is a dog. In the early years of his life, Buck is an over-spoiled and haughty King of his domain, getting along well with human beings, showing respect to them and ruling over other creatures. Thus, here comes the question that why the unexpected evil befalls him reducing him to a sled-dog, which eventually turns him into a brutal wolf in the forests and becomes the enemy of man. This paper aims to discuss the factors which contribute to Bucks retrogression to the wild. During this devolution, Buck has met different kinds of masters, dogs, and living circumstances at different periods. As to his masters, some are kind to him while others treat him badly. As to dogs, some of whom he makes friends with while towards others he feels burning animosity. The relations between Buck and these factors exert great influence on Bucks return to the primitive. In addition, his heredity should not be ignored, which plays an important role as well. Therefore, from the environmental and hereditary perspective, this paper elucidates how Buck, an initially civilized dog, regresses to a ferocious, blood-longing wolf.Key words: Buck; law; wild; factors Table of contents摘要iiAbstractiiiTable of contentsivChapter One Introduction1Chapter Two The Influence of Environment on Buck22.1The Relations between Bucks Owners and Buck and Their Influences on Buck22.1.1The Relationship between Judge Miller and Buck22.1.2 The Relations Between Buck and His Strange Masters22.1.3 The Relations Between Buck and Francois And Perrault32.1.4 The Relations Between Buck and the Scotch Half-Breed52.1.5 The Relations Between Buck and Hal, Charles, Mercedes52.1.6 The Relations Between Buck and His Masters John Thornton52.2 The Relations Between Buck and Other Dogs And their Influence on Buck72.2.1The Influence of Curlys Death on Him72.2.2 The Influence of Spitz and Bucks Competition with Him7Chapter Three Heredity, the Important Role Playing in His Survival9Chapter Four Conclusion11References13 Chapter One IntroductionJack London (18761916),one of the most distinguished leading American realists, is famous for his adventure novels. The immediate success of The Call of the Wild, catapults him to fame. After his return from England in 1902, he indirectly expressed his violent reaction against the Human jungle he had known in the East End of London; he thought that life in a natural jungle seemed an enviable by contrast. And in 1903, he wrote this novel. However, The Call of The Wild does not directly dramatize the social problems of the day but focuses on the 1897 Gold Rush. Influenced in particular by Darwin and Spencer, “London believed in evolution and determinism, the influence of heredity and of the milieu, as evidenced by much of his work and the abundant notes he left behind”(Jack London to Cloudesley Johns, 1899:89). The influence of the milieu and heredity, the concept of the survival of the fittest, and adaptation as the key to survival are of overwhelming importance in this novel. In this novel, Buck, the persona, has met different kinds of masters, dogs, circumstances, as well as his heredity, before he returns to the wild. This paper discusses the different relations between Buck and his masters, other dogs. Meanwhile, the heredity of Buck cannot be neglected. By these illustrations, people will get a clear idea of how the initially civilized dog, Buck, retrogresses to a brutal, blood-longing wolf. Chapter Two The Influence of Environment on Buck2.1The Relations between Bucks Owners and Buck and Their Influences on BuckBefore Buck returns to the primitive, he has met many different owners, they are Judge Miller, some strange masters, Francois and Perrault, the Scotch Half-Breed, Hal, Charles, Mercedes, and John Thornton.2.1.1The Relationship between Judge Miller and Buck When Buck lives in Judge Millers place, Buck lives a quite happy life. The scenery around his house seems very beautiful and picturesque. Its in the sun-kissed valley. Buck is on good terms with Judge Millers family.“He plunged into the swimming tank or went hunting with the Judges sons: he escorted Mollie and Alice, the Judges daughters, on long twilight or early morning rambles; on wintry nights he lay at the Judges feet before the library fire: he carried the Judges grandsons on his back, or r
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