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,The Object Clause (Revision),宾语从句是主从复合句的一种。复合句是 由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成的。 主句是复合句的主体,从句只是主句的一个 成分,它从属于主句。从句在主句中充当什么成分 ,该复合句就叫什么从句。宾语从句当中的 从句在全句中作宾语。宾语从句在从句中作及物动 词的宾语,介词的宾语或某些形容词的宾语。根据 引导词的不同可分以下三种:,了解宾语从句,什么样的从句叫宾语从句?,1.由that引导的; 2.由if/whether引导的; (what,which,who,whom,whose) 3.由疑问词引导的 (when,where,how,why),句子成分,句子成分包括:主语,谓语/表语,宾语,定语,状语,补语,主语 + 谓语/表语 + 宾语 + 定语 + 状语 + 补语,一个句子作主语整个 句子就是主语从句,eg: What he said is right,主语(句子),This is what he wants,表语(句子),He said (that)he missed me very much,宾语(句子),(主语从句),(表语从句),(宾语从句),系,表,主,系,主,谓,教学任务 复习宾语从句 重点和难点 1、掌握不同引导词引导的宾语从句 2、宾语从句中主从时态的呼应问题 3、宾语从句的语序问题,特别是疑问词引导的宾从语序问题,不同引导词引导的宾语从句,1.由从属连词that引导的宾语从句,2. 由连接代词 what,which,who,whom,whose, 和连接副词 when,where,how,why引导的 宾语从句,3.由从属连词 whether, if 引导的宾语从句,由从属连词that引导的宾语从句,1.由that 引导的宾语从句,that在从句中不充当成分,没有 词意,所以常省略。而且它是由陈述句转化而来的。,请把下列句子合为一句:,a, He says b, Tom is a good student,He says (that) Tom is a good student,a,He said b, He had a car accident yesterday,He said (that)he had a car accident yesterday,1. “ I am doing my homework.” He said. 2. “I will come back.” Tom said. 3.Mary said: “I have been to XinJiang three times“,He said (that) he was doing his homework,Tom said (that) he would come back,practice:,Mary said (that) she had been to XinJiang three times,由连接代词what, which, who, whom, whose, 及连接 副词 when, where, how, why引导的宾语从句,2.由连接代词和连接副词引导的宾语从句,引导词在从句中即做成分,也有实际意义,所以不能省略。它是由特殊疑问句转化而来的。,请把下列句子合为一句:,a, I dont know b, When does the train leave?,I dont know when the train leaves,a, She asked b,Where is LiMing from?,She asked where LiMing was from,注:由连接代词和连接副词引导的宾语从句,虽然从句具有疑问的语气,但语序务必保持正常陈述语序。,语序的理解,疑问语序,正常陈述语序,1.Where are you going?,Where you are going,2.Why is she late for class?,Why she is late for class,eg: 1.-Mum,summer holiday is coming. I wonder_. -How about Qinling Wild Zoo? (2014年陕西中考) A. where can we go B. where we can go C. how can we go D. how we can go,B,注 意:,2.What a nice paper fish! Can you show us _ you make it? A. whether B. how C. why D. what (2013年陕西中考) 3. Tomorrow is Fathers Day. I dont know_ A.What can I do for my father B.what I will get for my father C.where I went with my father D.where will I go with my father (2012年陕西中考) 4. I was told to meet Mr.Green at the airport.But I dont know_ he will arrive. (2011年陕西中考) A. where B. why C. how D. when,B,D,B,由从属连词if,whether引导的宾语从句,3.由连词if/whether引导的宾语从句,引导词在从句中具有实际意义(是否),但不 做任何成分,所以不能省略。它是由一般疑问句转化而来的表示不肯定的语气。,请把下列句子合为一句:,a, I dont know b, Will she come here?,I dont know if/whether she will come here,a, He asked b, Has she finished her homework?,He asked if/whether she had finished her homework,注:一般情况下if和whether可以互换,但在以下情况只能用whether。 1.在介词后引导宾语从句时; eg:He was worried about whether he could pass the English exam 2.和or not连用时; eg:I want to know whether he is free or not 3.和动词不定式连用时; eg: I asked him whether to sit beside me,e.g. 1. I want to know _. (他是否跟我们一起去公园) 2. You ask him _. (他是否能来) 3. I dont know _. (是否要下雨还是不下雨) 4. He asked me_ we could go to Beijing to watch the game by plane. (2008年陕西中考) A. that B. if C. how D. what,if /whether he will go to the park with us,whether /if he can come,whether it is going to rain or not,practice:,B,宾语从句的主从时态呼应问题,主 句 + 从 句,现在时态,从句根据实际需要选用任何时态,一般现在时,一般过去时,现在进行时,过去进行时,一般将来时,过去将来时,现在完成时,过去完成时,过去时态,从句只能用过去时的范畴,一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时,过去完成时,注:如果从句表达客观规律,客观事实,名言,警句,谚语的话,不管主句是啥时态,从句必须用一般现在时表达。(中考常考知识点),e.g. I hear (that) _. (一小时后他会回来) He said (that) _. (他非常想念我们) The teacher told us (that) _. (地球围着太阳转) 4. He said that _ (光速比声速传播的快) 5. My father used to say to me that _ . ( 失败是成功之母),he will be back in an hour,he missed us very much,the earth moves around the sun,practice:,the light travels faster than the sound,failure is the mother of success,The radio says it _ cloudy tomorrow. (be) The headmaster hopes everything _ well. (go) Tom says that they _ (play) basketball at six oclock yesterday evening. I hear they _ (return) it already. He said that they _ members of the Party since 1948. (be) He asked what they _ at eight last night. (do) The teacher told his class that light _ faster than sound. (travel) I think you _ about the race now. (talk) I didnt know whom the letters _ from. (be),will be,goes,were playing,have returned,had been,travels,are talking,were,were doing,10. Miss Wang told me that the earth _(move) round the earth. 12. Could you tell me who _ away the book already? (take) 13. Ling Feng told me he _ there several times. (be) 14. Our teacher told us in class the sun _ in the east. (rise) 15. Can you tell me what they _ yesterday? (do),moves,has taken,has been,rises,did,完成句子,who could answer the question,whom
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