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模版:Bruce (此处写本人所在地址)8 Qianhu South RoadNingbo City.Zhejiang Prov, China (0086)1506-*-5320 59*436qq.com (个人电话和邮箱)Job Objective: To work as a foreign trade salesperson (所应聘工作)Education background (教育背景)Sep.2008 present (写大学名称)* university (大学所在地)Zhejiang(写专业名称)Bachelor in Information and computer science Mathematical Finance society (此处是所在系名称) GPA: 3.7/5(大学平均学分绩点)Main Courses: International Finance, money and banking, western economics, accounting(大学主要课程)记住:此信息对于应届毕业生来说比较重要,是面试者直接了解你所学专业信息的钥匙,所求职业的不同,选择相应的课程Student Union Event 公司面试人员会根据应聘着社团的表现来直观选择,所以这一点要写得详细和具体。时间可以由近及远,也可以由远及近。Oct.2009Oct.2010 Deputy Minister in learning department l Take charge of the attendance rates of all the classes in the departmentl Organize activities with other members in learning department Mar.2009-Oct.2010 Sub-captain of Security team l Collect the information about schoolyard security from members in my team and hand in the information to teachers who are in charge of schoolyard security. organize some activities or hand out leaflets to students to emphasize the importance of public security.Sep.2009-Present Study monitor in classl Hand in our homework to teacher, at the same time, delivering messages from teachers and school and deal with the affairs in school life. English test & IT skills 这点要实事求是地写,一般此轮面试都会对你所应聘的职业知识跟你所掌握来进行测试,所一会什么就写什么。l College English Test 6: 476l Now learning English at Web international English training centerl Relatively proficient at office software and the statistic softwareScholarships & Honors 奖学金及荣誉只是反映大学生大学时期的工作,公司一般不大关心,更注重的实际工作能力,所以这里一般简短即可,有突出表现之处可以详细表述。Second-class scholarship (3 times top 5%) Outstanding Student in department Outstanding student cadre (top 5%) Outstanding graduate Working Experience 这点非常重要,有没有工作经验对于一些公司来说就是硬性要求了,所以即使没有,也要稍加修饰。 2008.92008.12 A leafleteer in an accountant training center in Ningbo 2009.72009.9 An employee in a KFC shop in Shaoxing2010.62011.1 A part-time teacher in a training center teaching pupils in Yinzhou District in Ningbo2008.82011.8 Help my brother with his work who establish an advertising designing center during holidays 英文简历模板,绝对高效的模板一份出色的Resume,是向外企求职的关键之一。不了解有关的常识和程式,不花费相当的心思来展示,光有纯正娴熟的英文功底,并不能获得单位的青睐。在一大堆错误百出、英文表达能力低劣或平庸,毫无针对性和创造性的Resume中,你的那份若能让人眼睛一亮,成功的机会必将大大增加,下面结合一个具体的例子给出说明和评述。Balance Sheet基本方法选择要应聘的工作后,必须看清招聘广告上所列出的每项要求,再将自己的学历、能力与兴趣逐一与之比较,作一张balance sheet.例如,一则关于marketing management trainee和job requirement是这样写的:We are looking for a competent person to fill the captioned position:-University graduate major in Marketing Management. Prepared to develop career in the commercial field-Outgoing personality-Able to communicate at different levels-Good knowledge of PC operations-Proficiency in written and spoken English/Mandarin那么你相应地考虑自己的qualification的选择和表述,就可以这样写(与上列各项对应):-University graduate with major in Marketing-Having actively participated in Business clubs activities and learned accounting and management-Good in communication with people and like a lot of out door activities, know how to tackle with people from all walks of life-Skillful in operating Words, Excel, Lotus1-2-3, etc-Fluent in English and Mandarin这个方法的好处是可让求职者清楚了解该职位是否适合自己,而本身资料又是否切合要求,而且,明白了各项要求后,就可依据每一点在履历表上重点提出自己在该方面的强项。突出卖点(selling point),将之放在最吸引人的地方,使招聘者一眼可见,有利于present自己。关于英文地址的书写规范一、寄达城市名的批译 我国城市有用英文等书写的,也有用汉语拼音书写的。例如“北京”英文写为“Peking”,汉语拼音写为“Beijing”二者虽然都是用拉丁字母,但拼读方法不同,前者是以音标相拼,而后者则是用声母和韵母相拼的,批译时要注意识别,以免错译。二、街道地址及单位名称的批译 常见有英文书写、汉语拼音书写、英文和汉语拼音混合书写三种。1、英文书写的,例如Address:6 East Changan Avenue PeKing译为北京市东长安街6号;2、汉语拼音书写的,例如:105 niujie Beijing译为北京市牛街105号;3、英文、汉语拼音混合书写的,例如:NO.70 dong feng dong Rd.Guangzhou译为广州东风东路70号。 三、机关、企业等单位的批译 收件人为机关、企业等单位的,应先译收件人地址,再译单位名称。批译方法为: 1、按中文语序书写的要顺译。例如:SHANGHAI FOODSTUFFS IMP AND EXP CO.译为上海食品进出口公司; 2、以英文介词短语充当定语,一般位于被修饰的名词之后,译在该名词之前。例如:Civil Aviation Administration Of China译为中国民航局; 3、机关、企业单位的分支机构一般用英文“branch”(分部、分公司等)表示。例如:Beijing Electron Co. Ltd Xian branch译为北京电子有限公司西安分公司。 201室-room 201 12号-No.12 2单元-Unit 2 3号楼-Building No.3 长安街-Changan Street 南京路-Nanjing Road 长安公司-changan Company 宝山区-BaoShan District 酒店-hotel花园-garden 县-county 镇-town 市-city 省-province 室/房Room 村Vallage 号No. 号宿舍Dormitory 楼/层/F住宅区/小区Residential/Quater 甲/乙/丙/丁A/B/C/D巷/弄Lane 单元Unit 号楼/栋Building 公司Com./Crop/LTD.CO厂Factory 酒楼/酒店Hotel 路Road 花园Garden 街Street 信箱Mailbox 区Districtq 院Yard 大学College例如: 河南省新乡市劳动路82号 张三 ZhangSan Room 82, Laodong Road,Xinxing City, Henan Prov.China 姓名方面 外国人习惯是名(Firstname)在前,姓(Lastname)在后。若碰到让您一起填的,最好要注意一 下顺序,不过你要是填反了,也没关系。中国银行收支票时是都承认的。例如:刘刚,可写成GangLiu,也可 写成LiuGang。地址翻译 翻译原则:先小后大。中国人喜欢先说大的后说小的,如*区*路*号。而外国人喜欢先说小的后说大的,如 *号*路*区,因此
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