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Unit Two Wheres the post office?,Period One (Section A 1a-2a),星沙英语网 ,Do you have a pen pal?,Do you have a friend in this class?,Where is your friend in the classroom?,He/ She is next to.,Teachers desk,A,B,C,D,next to between behind in front of,behind,in,in front of,on,next to,across from,between,Where is the snail?,under,A,B,near,Whats in the picture?,There is a post office.,Whats in the picture?,There is a library.,Whats in the picture?,There is a hotel.,Whats in the picture?,There is a restaurant.,Whats in the picture?,There is a bank.,Whats in the picture?,There is a supermarket.,Whats in the picture?,There is a street.,Whats in the picture?,There is a pay phone.,Whats in the picture?,There is a park.,Can you say the places in the picture?,a picture of a room,The bed is next to the drawers.,There is a bed next to the drawers.,The bear is between the trees.,There is a bear between the trees.,The cat is behind the watermelon.,There is a cat behind the ,The boy is in front of the girl.,The girl is behind the boy.,There is ,next to,between .and,behind,in front of,in front of behind,across from,opposite,Can you make a sentence with There is in/on/ ,Where is his hat?,Is there a hat in the room?,Yes, there is.,Is there a map in the room?,Tom wants to play baseball. But he cant find his hat. Lets help him.,No, there isnt.,Is there a cat in the room?,Whats in the map? Can you guess?,Is there a .? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.,school,book store,park,bank,post office,restaurant,hotel,library,Center Street,Fifth Avenue,payphone,super- market,Bridge Street,New Street,Look at the map. Do you know the places in it?,post office,library,hotel,restaurant,bank,supermarket,pay phone,park,bridge,avenue=Ave,street = ST,an avenue,on the street,museum,a,e,i,c,b,h,g,d,1b Listen and circle.,Talk about the places in the picture.,A: Is there a bank near here? B: Yes, there is. Its on Center Street.,Then give a report.,There is a bank on Center Street. And there is a pay phone on Bridge Street, next to the post office.,Explanation,1. There be 句型: (1)用法:“ 某地存在某物 /人 ” 即强调某人或某物与某地的位置关系。 (2)结构:“ There be + 主语 + 介词短语 ” 存在(有)某人/物在某地。,说明1:There be有There is和 There are 两种形式。由最近一个主语来决定be的单复数。当最近一个主语为单数或不可数名词时,用There is;为复数时,用There are。 如:There is a book on the desk. 桌上有一本书。,There are some trees near the river. 河的附近有一些树。 There is a desk and two chairs in the room. 房间里有一张桌子和两把椅子。 (最近一个主语是:a desk),There are two chairs and a desk in the room. 房间里有两把椅子和一张桌子。 (最近一个主语是two chairs),说明2:“介词短语”表示“地点”,即 “方位介词” ,可置于句首。学过的有:on, in, under, behind, between (and), next to, in front of 如: There is a clock on the wall. Under the tree there are some girls.,(3)There be句型的一般疑问句及其 回答。一般疑问句把be动词提前。 如: Is there an egg on the desk? Yes, there is / No, there isnt. Are there any birds in the tree? Yes, there are.,(4)There be句型的否定句。直接在be 动词后加not. 如:There arent any books on the desk. (5)对There be句型中的方位介词短语提问时,常用where. 如:There is a park on Green Street. Where is a park?(去掉there),(6)对there be句型中的主语提问时,常省略there。 如: There is a desk in the teachers room. Whats in the teachers room? There are two pens in the pencil case. Whats in the pencil case? (注意常用单数),(7)There be 句型与have的区别:前者强调的是一种位置关系;have强调的是一种所属关系。 如: There is a pen on my desk. 我桌子上有一支笔。 (笔在我桌子上,但不一定是我 的。),I have a pen. 我有一支笔。 (不管笔在哪,都是属于我的。) Is there a near here? 附近有一个吗?常用来问路。 如:Is there a bank near here ? near here 附近,Its on Center Street. 它在中央大街。 在街上美国英语常用on。(英国英用 in )。 如:There is a restaurant on Bridge Street.,across from 在对面 = on the other side of 如:The house is across from the street. = The house is on the other side of the street. next to 紧挨;邻近。 如:He sits next to me. 他紧挨着我坐。,betweenand 与之间。 用于两者之间,注意用宾格。 如:He is between Tom and me. 他在我和汤姆之间。 in front of 在前面(物体外部) 如:There is a tree in front of our classroom.,我们教室前有一棵树。 (树在教室外) in the front of 在前面。 (物体内部) 如:There is a desk in the front of our classroom. 我们教室前有一张桌子。 (教室内部),behind 在后面。方位介词。 如:behind the chair. 在椅子后。 Fifth Avenue. 第五大街。 专有名词, 前不用定冠词the。 询问地点用 Wheres +地点? 回答用 Its ,如:Wheres the supermarket? Its on Center Street. 超市在什么地方? 在中央大街。,2. Excuse me 对不起;打扰了;请原谅 Excuse me / sorry. 前者为客套语,常用于“向人问路”、“要离开(会场,活动等)”、“插话”、“请求许可”、“向对方询问情况,可能引起对方不快等场合。”,sorry 侧重于事后对所犯的过错 或不能满足对方要求而向对方表示歉意 的场合。 in the neighborhood 在附近 附近有一个公园。,There is a park in the neighborhood.,3. Just 用在祈使句中,意为:“就 请 吧;尽管好了”。 如: Just let me help you. 就让我帮助你吧。 go straight 一直走。 straight “一直”,副词,放动词后,常用于指示方向。 go straight down the road. 沿着这条路走下去。,4. turn left / right 向左/右转。 turn left / right at the turning /crossing . 在第个路口向左/右转。 如: Turn right at the first crossing. 在第一个路口向右转。,Turn left/right on/at +街道(地点)在某地向左/右转。 如:Turn left at New Park. 在新公园向左转。 Turn right on Green Street. 在格林大街向右转。,5. down 1)副词。“向下, 下去”。位于动词后。 如:Sit down 坐下 2)介词。“沿着”。 如:Go down this street. 沿着这条街走。,6. on the left/right 在左/右边 on ones left/right 在某人的左/右边 on the left/right of 在的左右边 如: There is a supermarket on the left. 在左边有一家超市。,L
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