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Join in五年级英语期中测验卷Class班级_ Name姓名_ Mark分数 _Part 1 I can listen. 我会听(30分)1.听录音,圈出每组所听到的单词。(15)(1) Father farmer grandfather friendship (2) Phone police photo picture(3) School shell stamp silver(4) clock cool mascot chair(5) driver doctor worker word 2.听录音,为下面图片排序(15) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3.听录音,选择正确的一项。(25)( )(1) A .what dose your father do ?B.what dose your grandfather do?C.what dose your mother do?( )(2) A.I have twenty friendship bands. B. I have twelve friendship bands.C.I have twenty-five necklaces.( )(3)A. How many animals can you draw ?B. How many times can you jump ?C.How many English words can you write( )(4) A.It is twenty-five to eight . B.It is twenty-nine to eight .C. It is twenty-five past eight .( )(5) A.there is a dog on the desk . B. there is a toy dog on the desk .C. there is a toy panda on the bed .4. 听音,判断正 “T” 误 “F”。(25)( )1. The top athele can run about 100 metres.( )2. My aunt is a dentist.( )3. The necklace costs 100 gold coins.( )4. My uncle cooks well.( )5. Mikes mother is a teacher.Part 2 I can write. 我会写(70分)5.Write the letters.按顺序写出字母大小写。(0.526)6. 单项选择。(17)(1) whats - your father do? A dose B do C be(2) - these your parents? A Are B Is C Am(3) -the time on the clock? A when B whats C where(4) Has she got a mascot?- A Yes ,he has B Yes,she has C Yes,she have(5) I -it very much . Amy -it very much. A like,like B likes,like C like,likes (6) There_three shells in the pencil case. A am B is C are(7) She _got two soft toys. A is B have C has7. 给问句找出正确的答案。(25)( )1. Who is girl in red?A. Yes, there is.( )2. What mascot do you have?B. She is little red riding hood.( )3. What does your mother do?C. At ten to seven.( )4. What time do you get up?D. Soft toys.( )5. Is there a pencilcase on the desk?E. She is a teacher.8. 看题并圈出正确的答案。(25)1.( Have/ Has )you got a silver necklace? Yes.I have 2. There( is/are ) two soft toys on the desk 3. Toby( have/ has)got a new football. 4 4.( Are /Is) your mother a doc tor 5. Are these your cousins? No, they (isnt/arent)9. 选择正确的活动填空。(15)go to bed have breakfast have lunch go to school school starts1. ten to twelve2. half past seven3. nine oclock4. ten past seven5. quarter past eight( )( )( )( )( )10. 写出对应职业的单词。(15)1.My uncle is a _.2.My cousin is a _.3.I want to be a _.4.My grandmother is a _.5.My brother is a taxi _. 11. 连词成句。(25)(1) What your mother do? dose (2) My years eleven old. sister is (3)rings are the bed. There eight on (4)past at half I go seven. to school (6) a got she Has mascot? 12. 阅读理解。(25) Look at the big tree. Its behind our class. A man and a woman are under it. Theyre our teachers. The man in the blue coat is Mr. Wang. Hes our maths teacher. He is a tall man. The woman in the yellow skirt is Miss Gao. She is an English teacher. She teaches us English. Miss Gao is a young woman. The two teachers are good. We all like them. They are my friends. We are in the same class, Class Four.( ) 1. The tree is behind _. A. our school B. our house C. our class( ) 2. The man and the woman are _. A. teachers B. parents C. friends( ) 3. Mr. Wang wears a _ today. A. blue shirt B. blue coat C. yellow coat( ) 4. Miss Gao is _. A. an English teacher B. an English woman C. a maths teacher( ) 5. Were in _. A. Class 4 B. different classes C. the same row5
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