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培养大学生信息素养的意义及途径(Meaning and methods of educating the students information literacy)Two thousand and nine point sixSignificance and ways of training university students Information LiteracyLiang Jianguo - Zhang Bin Wang Xinwei(Qingdao Harbour Vocational and Technical College, Shandong, Qingdao 266404)authors brief introduction: Liang Jianguo (1981), male, teacher of Qingdao Harbour Vocational and Technical College.Abstract: This paper introduces the definition and content of information literacy, and analyzes the cultivation of College Students creative ability, self-learning ability and the formation of moral quality with information literacyIt points out the main ways to improve the information literacy level of college students in China: constructing new digital libraries and optimizing various information;To carry out the information literacy education that adapts to each other; to strengthen the collection construction of the library; to train a full-time high-level information teacher team.Key words: college students; information literacy; lifelong learning; University LibrariesInformation literacy means that people acquire knowledge and information in the information societyInformation initiative and basic abilities. As we enter the 21 worldJi, the advent of the information age, has brought great changes to societyThe quality of information literacy is also getting higher and higher, and is responsible for the future of the nationTo set up a task for college students, information literacy is essential qualityFirst, information literacy education is related to the improvement of College Students innovative ability,It is related to the cultivation of autonomous learning ability, which is related to quality education in Colleges and UniversitiesSuccess or failure. Therefore, it is new to train and improve the information literacy of College StudentsAn important task of educational reform in the 21st century.First, the definition and content of information literacyIn 1974, Paul Zekas, President of the Information Industry Association of the United StatesZurkowski (Paul) defines information literacy as people are solving.Take advantage of information technology and skills when deciding a problem. Later, information literacyThe definition was constantly developed, and in 1992, the American Library Association raisedInformation literacy refers to the ability to determine when information is needed and canThe ability to retrieve, evaluate, and utilize information effectively. 1992The American Library Association and the American Educational Communications and Technology AssociationStep has formulated the student to study 9 big literacy standards, this standard from the letterInterest, skills, independent learning and social responsibility are described in three aspects,It further expands and enriches the connotation and extension of information literacy. This 1It is the definition of authority put forward by foreign countries, and there are dozens of scholars in ChinaYears of exploration, there has been no authoritative statement, but basically have been connectedThe following definition is made: information literacy is the individual catching in a purposeful wayOne of the processes in the process of catching, selecting, storing, processing, and utilizing informationThe composite quality is the individuals attitude towards information activities and informationAcquisition, analysis, processing, evaluation, innovation, communication and so onCombining ability. Information literacy should be defined as the way individuals treat informationDegree, and the synthesis in the process of carrying out information related activitiesAbility to combine and self-discipline.Information literacy is a comprehensive quality, is the original human cultureAn extension of the new era, it can include the following: (1) letterConcept of interest. The attitude of an individual to information includes how to recognize informationDoes the positive value and the negative influence of the society have the consciousness to obtain the letter?Interest,Understanding, insight, and observation of various types of information. (2)Information knowledge. Information knowledge is what people are using information technology tools,Expanding the ways of information dissemination and improving the efficiency of information exchangeThe nature and characteristics of information, the law of information movement, and the information systemAnd its principles, information technology and information methodsKnowledge constitutes the basis of information literacy. (3) information ability. informationThe core of literacy is whether an individual is able to achieve what he wantsTake, synthesize, analyze, evaluate information, and process informatio
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