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Unit 7Preparation, Market Research,and Making a Sales Plan交易前准备、市场调研和制定销售计划 Exporters, importers and forwarders(运输商) have a lot to do in order to compete effectively in foreign markets.This article shows how a company checks its resources, finds out what demand there may be for a product or service and keeps itself well informed through market research and market analysis. The strategy and tactics(策略) for making and operating a sales plan also going to be explained. 为了在国外市场上更有效地竞争,出口商、进口商和运输商要做很多准备。本文展示一个公司如何核算它的资源,怎样发现某一产品或服务的需求情况,以及如何通过市场调研和分析使自己信息灵通。文章还将阐述制定和执行销售计划的策略和技巧。Key terms:desk research 案头研究 market intelligence 市场情报market share 市场份额 cashflow forecast 现金流预测1. For successful companies trading is about long-term survival (生存) and profitability(盈利能力). 对于成功的公司来说,贸易意味着长期生存和盈利。To have a chance of success, all exporters, importers and forwarders(运输商)need to carry out an internal audit of company resources and take a realistic(现实的) look at their business in any of the following five aspects:要想获得成功,进出口商和运输商就需要对公司资源进行内部核算,并从以下五个方面对公司做一个切合实际的评价:the actual competitive position,在实际竞争中的地位the profit potential of their business,公司的赢利潜能those risks facing their business which could undermine (破坏;损失)profits,公司所面临的损失利润的风险the probable impact of new technology and new products,新技术、新产品将会带来的影响,and the probable arrival of new competitors in the market.以及市场上有可能遇到的新的竞争对手等。2. All exporters, importers and forwarders will need to invest in communications, language skills, and time delay of cash receipts(收入;收据)before getting,or placing ,any orders, or before becoming profitable.进出口商和运输商在订购或拿到订单之前或者说是赢利之前需要在交流、语言技能和资金收入的时间延迟方面进行投资。The allocation(分配) of the investment in these three areas may vary as between exporting, importing and forwarding, depending on the nature of the products, the countries concerned and the contractual(合同的)arrangement between the parties. 三个领域内的投资分配在出口、进口和运输中有所不同,它主要取决于产品的性质、涉及的国家以及双方签订的合同。But, neither the exporter nor forwarder can avoid some of this investment.但是,对于出口商或者运输商来说,谁也无法避免其中的某些投资。3. 、Market research is a systematic(系统的) and objective (客观的)collection and analysis of data, for the purpose of (目的)improving decision making and control, to ensure the most effective marketing of goods and services.市场调研就是系统、客观地收集和分析数据,其目的是为了提高决策的准确度和控制能力,以保证对商品和服务做出最有效的市场规划。Good market research reduces uncertainty when marketing plans are made and monitors(v. 监控)performance(执行)when they are in operation(在实施中). 搞好市场调研可以降低销售计划制定过程中的不确定性,并能监控计划的执行。4. The methods of market research follow a similar pattern for exporters ,importers and forwarders.进出口商和运输商的市场调研方法遵循同样的模式。There is a product or service. 有一个商品或服务。It is important to find out whether there is a demand for this product or service, what form the demand takes and how best that demand can be satisfied.对于一项产品或者服务,找出它们是否有市场需求,需求所表现的形式以及如何组好地满足这种需求,这些都是很重要的。However, the emphasis may be different between an exporter, an importer and forwarder. 但是,出口商、进口商和运输商的市场调研的重点有所不同。An exporter will have a product or service for which he is trying to find a demand in other foreign markets.出口商是尽力到国外市场上寻找对它的产品或者服务的需求。An importer will have found a demand for a product or service in his own market,and will be looking for reliable(可靠的)suppliers from several foreign markets. 进口商将在自己国内的市场上找到需求,并从不同的国外市场中寻求可靠的供应商。A forwarder will be finding out what key buyers of freight(货运)services want and seeing how best to align(调整)his service accordingly.运输商则是去寻找运输服务的主要需求方的要求并相应地协调自己的服务。5. In market research established(既定的)methods should be followed(遵循).市场调研应遵循既定的方法。Basic desk research can be undertaken(承担) mostly from the office or in a reference library(参考书预览室).基本案头研究大都是在办公室或图书馆进行。Use can be made of students from a local college or business school, who could do some specific research for a company which could also serve as a project for themselves.可以利用当地大学或商校的学生。他们可以为公司做些具体的研究,同时也可以以此作为自己的研究项目。Market intelligence should be gathered on a continuous basis from informed source such as customers, suppliers, company staff, visitors, chambers(会所)of commerce, exhibition and publications.市场情报 应该从消息灵通人士那里不断地收集,这些人包括顾客、供应商、公司职员、来访者、商业会所、展览和出版物。Active market research can be conducted in the selected export or supplying market by company travelers, distributors(分销商 )or external professional research organizations.积极的市场研究可以由公司旅行推销员、分销商或者外界的专门研究机构在选定的出口或供给市场进行。The professional organizations may be costly, but they have experience, are more objective(客观) and are perceived(认为)to have more authority than an internal research.专门机构的研究也许很昂贵,但他们有经验,更客观,往往比内部研究者更有权威。Credit(信用)insurance companies market knowledge also provide the exporter with the ability to explore(发掘)new business opportunities by using the credit insurance companies extensive knowledge of the creditworthiness of importers, countries and trade sectors.信用保险公司通过对进口商、进口国和贸易部门信用方面的广泛了解提供市场信息,使出口商有能力发掘新的商业机会。6. As far as(至于;就而言) active m
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