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国国 际际 货货 物物 销销 售售 合合 同同 International Sale Contract of Manufactured Goods 第一部分第一部分 特特别别条款条款 Part I SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 该特别条款不限制当事人双方作出另外的约定。 These Specific Conditions does not prevent the parties from agreeing other terms or further details in box I-16 or in one or more annexes. 卖卖 方:方: 买买 方:方: SELLER: _BUYER: _ 地址(Address): _ 地址(Address): _ 电话(Tel): _ 电话(Tel): _ 传真(Fax): _ 传真(Fax): _ 电邮(E-mail): _ 电邮(E-mail): _ 联联 系系 人:人: 联联 系系 人:人: CONTACT PERSON: _ CONTACT PERSON:_ 地址(Address): _ 地址(Address): _ 电话(Tel): _ 电话(Tel): _ 传真(Fax): _ 传真(Fax): _ 电邮(E-mail): _ 电邮(E-mail): _ 本销售合同由第一部分的特别条款(相应的栏目中应填写了内容)和第二部分的一般条款组成,并受该两 部分的约束。 The present contract of sale will be governed by these Specific Conditions (to the extent that the relevant boxes have been completed) and by the General Conditions of Sale which constitute part II of this document. I-1 销销售的售的货货物物 I-1 GOODS SOLD _ _ 货物的品名及规格 DESCRIPTION OF THE GOODS 若空白处不够填写,可使用附件。 an annex may be used If there is insufficient space. I-2 合同价款(第合同价款(第 4 条)条) I-2 CONTRACT PRICE (ART. 4) 2 货 币: Currency: _ 用数字表述的金额: 用文字表述的金额: amount in numbers:_ amount in letters:_ I-3 交交货贸货贸易易术语术语 I-3 DELIVERY TERMS 推荐的推荐的贸贸易易术语术语(依照(依照 2000 年国年国际贸际贸易易术语术语解解释释通通则则 ) ) Recommended terms (according to Incoterms 2000): _ EXW工厂交货(Ex Works) 指定地点(named place):_ _ FCA货交承运人(Free Carrier)指定地点(named place):_ _ CPT运费付至(Carriage Paid To)指定目的地(named place of destination):_ _ CIP运费、保险费付至 指定目的地:_ (Carriage and Insurance Paid To)named place of destination: _ _ DAF边境交货(Delivered At Frontier)指定地点(named place):_ _ DDU未完税交货 指定目的地:_ (Delivered Duty Unpaid) named place of destination:_ _ DDP完税后交货 指定目的地: _ (Delivered Duty Paid) named place of destination:_ 其它其它贸贸易易术语术语(依照(依照 2000 年国年国际贸际贸易易术语术语解解释释通通则则 ) ) Other terms (according to Incoterms 2000) _ FAS船边交货 指定装运港:_ (Free Alongside Ship) named port of shipment:_ _ FOB船上交货 指定装运港:_ (Free On Board)named port of shipment:_ _ CFR成本加运费 指定目的港:_ (Cost and Freight) named port of destination:_ _ CIF成本、运费加保险费 指定目的港:_ (Cost Insurance and Freight)named port of destination:_ _ DES目的港船上交货 指定目的港:_ (Delivered Ex Ship) named port of destination:_ _ DEQ目的港码头交货 指定目的港:_ (Delivered Ex Quay) named port of destination:_ 其它交其它交货贸货贸易易术语术语: : Other delivery terms: : 承运人(当需要承运人(当需要时时) ) CARRIER (where applicable) 地址(Address): _ 电话(Tel): _ 传真(Fax): _ 电邮(E-mail): _ 3 联联系人系人: CONTACT PERSON: _ 地址(Address): _ 电话(Tel): _ 传真(Fax): _ 电邮(E-mail): _ I-4 交交货时间货时间 I-4 TIME OF DELIVERY (在此处注明卖方依照相应的贸易术语中第A4款的规定必须履行交付货物义务的日期或期限) Indicate here the date or period (e.g. week or month) at which or within which the Seller must perform his delivery obligations according to clause A.4 of the respective Incoterm. _ _ I-5 买买方方对货对货物的物的检验检验(第(第 3 条)条) I-5 INSPECTION OF THE GOODS BY BUYER (ART. 3) 装运之前(Before shipment)_天(date)检验地(place of inspection):_ _ 其它(Other): _ I-6 货货物所有物所有权权的保留(第的保留(第 7 条)条) I-6 RETENTION OF TITLE (ART. 7) _ 是(YES) _ 否(NO) I-7 付款条件(第付款条件(第 5 条)条) I-7 PAYMENT CONDITIONS (ART. 5) 往来往来帐户帐户付款(第付款(第 5.1 条)条) _ Payment on open account (art. 5.1) 付款时间(如与第 5.1 条的规定不同)Time for payment (if different from art. 5.1) :开出发票之 日起_ 天。 其它:_ _days from date of invoice. Other: _ _开立需要即期担保或备用信用证保证的帐户(第 5.5 条) _ Open account backed by demand guarantee or standby letter of credit (art. 5.5) 预预先付款(第先付款(第 5.2 条)条) _ Payment in advance (art. 5.2) 日期(如与第日期(如与第 5.2 条条规规定不同):定不同):_ 总总价款价款_ 合同价款的合同价款的_% Date (if different from art. 5.2): _ _ Total price _ _% of the price 跟跟单单托收(第托收(第 5.5 条)条) _ Documentary Collection (art. 5.5) 4 _付款交付款交单单(D/P Documents against payment )_ 承承兑兑交交单单(D/A Documents against acceptance)_ 不可撤不可撤销销的跟的跟单单信用信用证证(第(第 5.3 条)条) _ Irrevocable documentary credit (art. 5.3) _保兑(Confirmed)_ 非保兑(Unconfirmed) 发出地(如适用时)Place of issue (if applicable): _ 保兑地(如适用时)Place of confirmation (if applicable): _ 款项的取得(Credit ava
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