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外贸函电期中复习材料苏明一、英译汉(P271)1. Please be informed that we are one of the largest importers of silk in the world.We have been importing this item from Japan and now intend to extend our business to import the same from China.我们是世界上最大的丝绸进口商之一。我们过去一直是从日本进口的,现在我们想开拓市场,从中国进口同类产品。2.We regret being unable to accept your counter-offer. Since we quoted you we have concluded business with many clients at the price originally quoted. There-fore, if you are still in need of this item please place your order without delay.我们很遗憾不能接受你方的还盘。自从我们报价给你们后,我们已按原报价与其他许多客户成交,故若你方仍有需要,请立即订购。3. We have received your letter of the 10th August, enclosing S/C No.90SP-5861 in duplicate against our order No.100 for 500 sets of Sewing Machines. Attached hereto is a copy of the said sales Confirmation, duly countersigned. Please find it in order. 贵方8月10日来函收悉,谢谢。随函附上号码为90SP-5861的销售确认书提单副本一份(即订单号为100的500套缝纫机)。请相应地将信用证展期。4. Our price is quoted on CFR basis and consequently the insurance is to be covered by yourselves. However, as soon as we ship the goods we will let you know the relative shipping position.我们报的是CFR价格,因此,货物将由你方保险,但我们在货物装运后,将立即通知你们有关的装运情况。5.If you appoint us as your agent in Pakistan, we will concentrate our effort on pushing the sales of your products, this being to the benefit of both parties. 如果指定我们做你们在巴基斯坦的代理,我们将集中精力,努力推销你们的商品。这对我们双方都是有利的。6.We will send you our quotations and samples immediately upon receipt of your specific enquiry一俟收到贵公司具体询盘,我们会立即寄送报价单和样品。7. Thanks to our mutual efforts and close cooperation,our business is progressing satisfactorily.由于双方共同努力和密切合作,我们之间的业务进展顺利。8. Customers known to be financially sound may be granted more easier terms.被认为是有经济实力的客户可能会得到更多优惠的条件。9. It is with a view to expansion of trade that we should modify the original plan. 为了扩大公司的业务,我们不得不修改原计划了。10. We appreciate your efforts in fully promoting our products and your efforts will prove to be fruitful. 感谢你方全力推销我方产品,你们的尝试会有所收获。11. I am afraid you can hardly expect us to finance your sales promotion. 恐怕你不能指望我们给你们的商品促销提供资金。12. We cannot allow the amount to remain unpaid indefinitely,and look forward to receiving your cheque for the above amount within the next few days. 我们不允许无限期拖欠款项,期望这几天内收到你方上述金额的支票。13. Preliminary market investigation will be conducive to the success of business.前期的市场调查将有助于业务的成功。14. We are freed from the obligation for this offer that has been invalid since 20 October. 该盘从10月20日起已失效,我们不承担责任。15. We shall remit you the amount of your commission as soon as we have effected shipment and completed the necessary formalities. 一旦装运完毕并办妥手续,我们立即汇付你方佣金。16. We have difficulty in obtaining the materials needed for your order of June2 5 and therefore we have to decline the same. 关于你方6月25日订单,因为在获取所需原料方面出现困难,因此不得不拒绝此订单。17. However desirous we may be of meeting your wishes, we regret that we cannot grant you such unfavorable payment terms 虽然我们渴望满足你方的需要,但很遗憾不能答应你方所提的支付条件。 18. If you cannot meet the demand of our customers sufficiently, they will have to purchase from elsewhere. 如果你方不能充分地满足我方用户的要求,他们将从别处购买。19. We appreciate your efforts and cooperation and hope that this deal marks the beginning of the cooperation between us. 感谢你方的努力和合作,希望这笔交易标志着我们之间合作的开始。20. As porcelain is fragile, we feel it advisable that you should pay attention to the packing. 因瓷器易碎,因此我们务请你方注意包装。21. Please note that the 1,000 tea sets under our Order No. 123 should be packed in paper boxes padded with foamed plastics. 请注意我方123号订单项下的一千套茶具应装在垫有泡沫塑料的纸盒中。22. As the goods have to stand long ocean transportation, we require seaworthy packing. 因货物须经长途海洋运输,因此我们要求适合海运的包装。23. We make it clear that goods should be packed in wooden cases and be strong enough to the rough handling at docks. 我们指明货物应装在木箱中并包装得足够坚固,以经得起码头上的粗鲁搬运。24. We require the inner packing to be small and exquisite to promote sales and the outer packing to be 1ight and strong to be easy to carry. 我们要求内包装小巧而精美以有助于销售,外包装轻便而坚固以易于搬运。25. Tsingtao Beer is packed in bottles of 300ml each, 12 bottles to a paper box and 2 boxes to a cardboard carton. 青岛啤酒300毫升1瓶,12瓶装一纸盒,2盒装一纸箱。26. Our coffee sets are to be packed one set to a paper box.The boxes should be designed attractively enough to appeal to the most selective buyers. 我们的咖啡用具要每套装一纸盒中,纸盒应设计精美,足以吸引最挑剔的买主。 27. Green tea is packed 200 grams to a tin, 50 tins to a carton and 2 cartons to a crate. 绿茶100克装一听,50听装一纸箱,2纸箱一板条箱。28. We hope the goods will reach you in perfect condition and to your entire satisfaction. 我们希望货物抵达时状况完好并令你方完全满意。29. As crystal vases are expensive,please pack them in strict accordance with our instruction to avoid damage in transit. 因水晶花瓶是贵重物品,请严格按照我方指令包装以免运输途中受损。30. We are in receipt of your packing requirements regarding 10,000 dozen cotton bed sheets and we are now arranging packing accordingly. 我们已收到你方关于1
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