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UNIT 6 meet my familyB Lets learn 说课稿教材分析本单元的教学是以学生能够简单介绍自己的家庭, 及简单描述家庭成员(如:this is my uncle. hes a baseball player. he is strong. he likes sports)为总的能力目标;而对家庭成员的描述(如:he is strong. he likes sports)在本册第三单元已经有较系统的学习,故在本课教学中只需稍加引导、回顾即可,无须作为新课内容重点教学。根据以上单元能力总目标及学生的年龄特征,我制订了如下课时教学目标:1能够听、说、认读单词:doctor, nurse, driver, farmer和baseball player,并能介绍人物的职业。2能听懂、会说句型:what is he (your father)? he is a doctor. 及对人物特征等的简单描述,并能做替换练习。教学目标1能力目标: 能够简单描述家庭成员(如:he is a doctor. he is tall. he likes sports.)并能用以上五个新学生词进行人物职业替换练习。2知识目标:能较好地掌握farmer, driver, doctor, nurse, baseball player五个生词,能熟练听、说、读、写。3情感、策略目标:培养学生热爱家庭,热爱生活的美好情感。积极运用所学英语进行表达、交流。教学重点、难点重点是“farmer, driver, doctor, nurse, baseball player”五个生词和人物职业的表达法。难点是句型“what is he (your father)? he is a doctor.”及简单人物特征描述的教学。教学步骤(一)热身复习(Warm-up/Revision)1Show your hand “My family” :学生利用家庭手来复习人称单词father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, uncle,aunt等,让学生认读,然后介绍自己的家人,进一步让学生描述家人,如:This is my mother, she is quiet, she has long hair。2Free talk : Talk about the familyT: How many people are there in your family? Who are they?S1:Three.My father ,my mother and me.S2:Six.My grandparents ,my parents ,my sister and me .3.歌曲导入:Sing a songMy family 欣赏第六单元歌曲“My father is a doctor ”(二)呈现新课 (Presentation) 1出示本节课的教学目标2模仿老师说句子,教师指着自己说:Im a teacher. 再指着一名学生说:He is a student.引导学生自己说句子:I am a student . You are a teacher. 并理解student ,teacher 是职业。3.学习新单词:分别展示医生、护士和农民的图片,问学生:Whats he/she?引导他们说出:He/ She is a doctor/nurse/farmer.并教读这三个单词。 4. 教师分别拿出画有cook和driver的图片,启发学生通过提问Whats his /her job ?来得知答案。并学习cook, driver.5做“冷暖”活动:教师把doctor词卡放在一位学生的课桌里,让全班学生通过朗读声音的大小帮助猜的学生找到词卡。猜的学生走近词卡时,其他学生朗读声音增强,远离该词卡时,其他学生朗读声音减弱。教师可让学生用不同的词卡做游戏。 6 .猜猜看。教师请一个学生上来表演人物,要求表演出人物的职业、外貌特征和兴趣爱好,让其他学生猜:He is a/ Whats his job? He is a famer.(三) Practice 。1. Consolidate the words.2.Finish the exercise . 扩展性活动(Add-activities) 1.Talk about your family members .For example :This is my brother , he is a driver. 2.Draw and say : A: Is this your father ?B: Yes, he is .A: Whats his job?B: He is a famer. Homework 1. Copy the words. 2.Introduce your family to your friends.设计理念不仅是学生学习的伙伴,更激起了学生学习英语的兴趣,树立了其学习英语的信心。牢牢把握以学习英语知识,培养学生学习英语的兴趣为总目标的方向,帮助而不指挥学生学习,做学生学习的向导。板书设计我的板书设计,简洁明了。是对学生所学知识的系统梳理和总结归纳。
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