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Unit 2.Look at mePart A. Lets learn. Lets do. Lets draw. Lets sing.【教学目标】1、能听说、认读head, eye, face, ear, nose, mouth,并能用英语介绍自己身体的这几个部位。2、初步了解表示接触的指示用语,能听懂、并能按指令作出相应动作。3、激发学生的学习兴趣,培养听说习惯和能力。【教学重点】关于头部的单词head, eye, face, ear, nose, mouth的学习 。【教学难点】1、eye, face 两个单词容易发音不到位,教师可鼓励学生张大口型,相互检查。2、mouth 一词的尾音发音较难,教师可适当提醒学生,注意口型。【教具准备】1、教师自制多媒体课件。2、教师准备畅言语音智能点读机、点读笔、点读书。3、教师准备一个贴有条形码的玩偶。【教学过程】Step 1、热身/复习 (Warm-up/Revision)1、 daily talkT:Hello!/Hi!/Good morning!/Good afternoon!/T: Hello! Im Mrs He. /Whats your name?T: Nice to meet you.T: Goodbye./Bye./See you.2、 Lets singHelloT:Lets sing this song together.(教师播放歌曲flash)T:From this song,we remember Sarah, John and Mike. Now, please look at this picture. Can you tell me whos this? You can use this sentence “This is”(板书)For example: This is Sarah.(学生看图介绍人物)Step 2、呈现新课 (Presentation)1、T:Look! This is Mike. Listen carefully!(点读“This is my head.”) 出示head单词,板书,带读。由此点读教学eye, nose, mouth,ear, face,让学生初步了解单词,注意eye,face,mouth的发音纠正。2、T:Read after me.(教师根据板书带读单词和句子。)3、T:Today,we have a new friend. Lets welcome!(音乐响,出示玩具熊)Listen!What will he say?点读玩具熊:Hello!My name is Teddy Bear. Look at me.Follow me, please.教师点击玩具熊head,eye,ear,nose,mouth,face,学生跟读。4、T:Can you introduce yourself about your head?Your nose?Your eye?Your ear?Your mouth?And your face?One by one, please.(给予表扬)Step 3、趣味操练 (Practice)1、T:Now,lets have a rest. Shall we play a game? Follow me.(摸摸手,说touch,带领玩Touch your nose的游戏。)2、Lets do. T:Listen to the tempo. Lets do the actions.(Do it again!)T:Now,play the game in your group.(分小组玩,教师参与其中。)T:Well, I will choose one student come here. He says, you do.(选一名学生上台发指令带领大家一起做,给予表扬。)3、Lets draw. T:Look at this picture. Whats missing? (学生说出缺少的五官。)T:Now, lets have a contest. I will choose four boys and four girls. Come to the blackboard. Listen to the tape and draw the pictures. Which group draw it quickly and beautfully, which group is the winner.(分两组竞赛)4、Lets sing. T:Now,lets sing a song. And the Teddy Bear will dance for us. Listen, what will he say?(点读玩具熊,做动作) T:Lets sing it together.(播放flash,师生边唱边做动作。)Step 4、课堂评价 (Assessment) 做练习册第二单元相应部分的练习。Step 5、扩展性活动(Add-activities)1、听录音,跟读所学内容。2、向家人或朋友展示本节课所学内容。3、和家人一起玩“Touch your nose”的游戏。【教学板书】Unit 2. Look at MeheadeyeThis is my earnosemouthface
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