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美国面签问答Part 1. 关于行程1、 你这次去美国做什么?/你这次去美国有什么目的?What are you going to do in USA? What will you do in USA?Whats your purpose of going (visiting or traveling) to USA?Whats your purpose of this summer (winter) camp? Why you want to attend this summer (winter) camp? 参考答案:熟练口语;I would like to practise (exercise) my oral English. 参观美国名校;I am very happy to visit American famous colleges.游览美国名胜风景;I would like to enjoy wonderful sightseeing of America. 体验美国教育环境;To experience American educational environment 与美国同龄人交流;(文化、音乐、娱乐、生活、学习etc)To communicate with American peers in many aspects such as culture, music, entertainment, life style and studying as well.2、你是从哪里了解这次夏(冬)令营的活动?Q:Where are you aware of the activities? (How did you hear about this summer or winter camp?) A:On the site/ Advertisements/By my Classmate introduction/When I was learning English in New Oriental School3、你在新东方学校学习过么?Q:Have you taken any classes of New Oriental School before?A:yes/no4、在游览期间你将参观哪些大学?Q:Which universities you are going to visit during your trip?A:according to the itinerary5、你什么时候出发去美国、什么时候回国(或者去美国多少天),都去哪些城市?Q:When are you leaving to America and when are you back? (or how long you are planning to stay in America and which cities you are going to visit?)A:according to the itinerary6、团队里的其他学生都多大年纪,有没有同学?Q:How old are the students in your team? Are any of them your friend?A:almost () years old. Yes/no.7、此次签证的领队老师你认识吗?叫什么名字?Q:Do you know your team leader? Whats his/her name?A:we know each other yesterday. His/her name is XX8、你参加的这个活动费用是多少,是谁承担这个费用的?觉得团费贵吗?Q:How much does this winter camp cost? And who is paying for you? Do you think the fee is expensive?A:It costs RMB(). My parents are paying it for me. I think the fee is acceptable, as I have compared different companies, and the fee is almost the same, even more New Oriental is very famous, and it has been organizing International Study Tours since 2005, and the programs are approved by many students and parents.Part.2 关于个人情况1、你今年多大了?Q:How old are you?A:()years old要求学生知道护照上的具体的出生日期2、你在什么学校上学?(请出示在校证明)Q: Which school are you studying in?A: Im studying in (学校英文名称)3、请提供学生证.Please show me your students identity card.4、你的学校/你们班有多少人?Q:How many people are there in your class/your school?A:(Number)5、你的校长(任课教师)叫什么名字?Q:Whats your headmasters (head teachers) name?A:his/her name is XXX6、你是几年级的学生?Q:Which grade are you in?A:Im in Grade one of senior middle school. The first year of senior middle school(高一年级)7、最喜欢的科目、老师、活动?为什么?Q:What is your favorite subject? Teacher?Why?A1:Tourism Management, because I love traveling so much.A2: I am very interested in psychology.8、你的业余时间都做什么?Q:What do you do in your leisure-time?A:自由发挥9、你喜欢哪种体育项目?/听哪类的音乐/看什么电影?Q:What is your favorite sport/ music/movie?A:Id like xxxxx(自由发挥)10、你是北京人/上海(或其他地方),为什么不在当地上学?Q:Why didnt you attend your local school as you were Beijing/ Shanghai born and bred?A:11、去过别的国家么?(如果去过请出示在境外的照片,最好是有标志性建筑的)Q: Have you ever been abroad? A1: Yes, I have been to Japan (Singapore, UK, Australia)A2: No, I have never been abroad.12、你最喜欢哪个国家?Q:What is your favorite country?A:Britain/其他的国家,但是要说出喜欢的理由13、你有意向去美国留学吗?Q:Do you want to study in US?A: I will consider this after my final exam, and I dont have any plan on it at the moment, because I want to complete my education in China. (想等考试结束后再考虑/暂时还没有那个想法,因为我想先完成我在中国的学业)14、你的成绩怎么样?(针对刚参加完期中、期末考试的)Q:How about your performance in your school? A:根据实际情况回答15、此次活动你是自愿参加的吗?Q:Do you participate this study tour voluntarily?A:Yes.针对大学生:1、你学什么专业?Q: Whats your major in college?A: My major is XXXXX2、你能简单的介绍下你的专业吗?Q:Could you please describe your major?A:Sure, I am major in.3、你以后想做什么工作?Q:What you want to do for living in the future? A:4、针对大一学生,你的高考成绩怎么样?Q:How about your College entrance examination?A:根据实际情况回答。Part3. 关于家庭情况1、你父母是做什么工作的?/收入是多少?(请出示他们的在职证明)Q: Whats your fathers job? / How much annual incomeA: My father works as a manager in 公司名称/ 根据在职证明上的回答2、你妈妈/爸爸的名字?/ 他们的生日?Q: Whats your M/Fs name?/ Do you know your M/Fs birthday?A: My mothers name is Wang Hong./ Her birthday is3、 你父母去过美国吗?(如果去过出示他们的护照和在境外的照片)Q:Have your parents ever been to USA?A1: Yes, my father has been there before.A2: No. they havent.4、你有家人在美国么?如果有,他何时去的美国?在美国哪个城市?在美国的身份是什么?现在在美国做什么工作?Q: Do you have any relatives in USA? If yes, when did he/she go there? Which city he/she is living? Whats his/her current status in America? What is he/she doing for living in America? A: No, I have no relatives in USA.大学年级的英文说法:大一:Freshman大二:Sophomore大三:Junior大四:Senior名词翻译:护照 passport 户口本 Hukou 身份证 ID card 在学证明 On-study Certificate 父母的在职收入证明 Statement of Employment 营业执照 Business License 存折 bankbook/deposit book 存单 deposit receipt房产证 Certificate of house property 有价证券 Securities 结婚证
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