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Unit 3 at me,东胜区第四小学 张娜,Part A Lets learn,Lets sing and do,Teddy bear,eye,Look at me! This is .,Close your eyes.,Open your eyes.,nose,Look at me! This is .,Touch your nose.,mouth,Look at me! This is .,Open your mouth.,Close your mouth.,ear,Look at me! This is .,Touch your ear.,face,Look at me! This is .,Touch your face.,Lets play a game, ok?,Whats missing?,eyes,Whats missing?,ears,Whats missing?,mouth,Game,Looking for differences.,大家来找茬,nose,eye,mouth,ear,face,Pair work (两人活动)互相介绍器官,Look at me! This is my,Lets do!,Close your eyes.,Open your mouth.,Touch your nose.,Touch your ear.,Touch your face.,I can stick(贴)and say.,look at me! this is my. This is my This is my This is my This is my,Lets try,Good morning my names This is my This is my This is my This is my,Summary:,Look at me ! This is my,eye,ear,mouth,face,nose,Eyes are the window to the soul, please protect our eyes!,眼睛是心灵的窗户,请爱护双眼。,Homework:,、read the five new words after the tape and do actions(跟录音读所学 5个单词并作动作) 、draw a picture and introduce it(画一幅图,然后介绍),Goodbye!,
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