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导航书屋文学类书目选购原则:1. 英文原文著作,英文经典文学名著,和其他一些相关文学类书籍。2. 选购国内外知名出版社出版,具有一定信誉度和社会影响力的书籍。3. 尽量选择丛书形式的图书,有系统性和连续性,方便查阅、订阅和检索。4. 推荐订阅由外研社和牛津大学出版社共同出版的:英语经典世界文学名著丛书。该丛书的版本可靠,发行量大,影响比较广泛,基本上都是英语国家的文学名著,并且在每一种书的前面都有中文简介,书后附有英文的注释。5. 另外还可以参考:Wordsworth Worlds Classics 和 Penguin Popular Classics 两套英文原版丛书,这两套丛书价格便宜,在外文书店即可订购。6. 莎士比亚戏剧集英文版本,可以订购由裘克安等主编加注的商务印书馆出版的系列莎士比亚戏剧集。外研社英语经典世界文学名著丛书:Charles Dickens查尔斯狄更斯,A Tale of Two Cities (双城记),FLTRP & Oxford UP, 1994. ,Hard Times (艰难时世),FLTRP & Oxford UP, 1994. Thomas Hardy 托马斯哈代,Far from the Madding Crowd (远离尘嚣),Jude the Obscure (无名的裘德),Tess of the dUrbervilles (德伯家的苔丝),The Mayor of Casterbridge (卡斯特桥市长),The Return of the Native (还乡)William Collins, The Moonstone (月亮宝石),Daniel Defoe丹尼尔笛福, Moll Flanders (摩尔弗兰德斯),Robinson Crusoe(鲁宾逊漂流记)William Thackeray 威廉萨克雷,Vanity Fair (名利场)Charlotte Bronte 夏洛特勃朗特,Jane Eyre (简爱)Emily Bronte艾米丽勃朗特,Wuthering Heights (呼啸山庄)George Eliot 乔治艾略特,The Mill on the Floss (弗罗斯河上的磨坊)Henry D. Thoreau 亨利D梭罗,Walden (沃尔登,或林中生活)Henry James 亨利詹姆斯,The Ambassadors (奉使记),The American (美国人),The Portrait of A Lady (贵妇画像)Herman Melville 赫曼梅尔维尔,Billy Budd (比利巴德),Moby Dick (The Whale) (白鲸)Jack London 杰克伦敦Martin Eden (马丁伊登),The Call of the Wild (荒野的呼唤),The White Fang (白牙)James Joyce 詹姆斯乔伊斯,A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (艺术家青年时期写照),Dubliners (都柏林人),Ulysses (尤利西斯)Jane Austen 简奥斯汀,Pride and Prejudice (傲慢与偏见),Sense and Sensibility (理智与情感)Joseph Conrad 约瑟夫康拉德,Lord Jim (吉姆老爷),Heart of Darkness (黑暗的心灵)Mark Twain 马克吐温,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (哈克贝利费恩历险记),The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (汤姆索耶历险记)Mary W. Shelly 玛丽雪莱,Frankenstein (弗兰肯斯坦)Nathaniel Hawthorne 纳撒尼尔霍桑,The House of Seven Gables (七个尖角阁的房子),The Scarlet Letter (红字)Ralph W. Emerson 拉尔夫爱默生Essays (论文集)Robert L. Stevenson 罗伯特L史蒂文森Treasure Island (金银岛),The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (化身博士)Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 阿瑟柯南道尔,The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (福尔摩斯探案集)Washington Irving 华盛顿欧文,The Sketch Book (见闻札记)Stephen Crane 斯蒂芬克莱恩,Maggie- A Girl of the Streets (街头女郎梅季),The Red Badge of Courage (红色英勇勋章)Ernest Hemingway海明威,The Old Man and the Sea(老人与海),Farewell to the Arms (永别了,武器,The Sun Also Rises (太阳照常升起)William Faulkner 威廉福克纳,Sound and Fury(喧哗与躁动),Go Downs, Moses (下来吧,摩西)Willa Cather 惠勒凯瑟O Pioneers! (啊,拓荒者!),The Song of the Lark (云雀之歌)Frank Norris 弗兰克诺里斯 The Octopus- A Story of California (章鱼)商务印书馆莎士比亚作品集:The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (莎士比亚全集)A Lovers Complaint (情女怨)A Midsummer Nights Dream (仲夏夜之梦)Alls Well That Ends Well (终成眷属)As You Like It (皆大欢喜)Cymbeline (辛伯林)King John (约翰王)King Richard II (理查二世)King Richard III (理查三世)Loves Labours Lost (爱的徒劳)Measure for Measure (一报还一报)Much Ado About Nothing (无事生非)Pericles, Prince of Type (泰尔亲王配力克里斯)The Comedy of Errors (错误的喜剧)King Henry the Fourth (亨利四世)King Henry the Fifth (亨利五世)King Henry the Sixth (亨利六世)King Henry the Eighth (亨利八世)The History of Troilus and Cressida (特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达)The Life of Timon of Athens (雅典的泰门)The Merchant of Venice (威尼斯商人)The Merry Wives of Windsor (温莎的风流娘儿们)The Passionate Pilgrim (爱情的礼赞)The Phoenix and the Turtle (凤凰和斑鸠)The Rape of Lucrece (鲁克丽丝受辱记)The Taming of the Shrew (驯悍记)The Tempest (暴风雨)The Tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra (安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉)The Tragedy of Coriolanus (科利奥兰纳斯)The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (哈姆莱特)The Tragedy of Julius Caesar (裘力斯凯撒)The Tragedy of King Lear (李尔王)The Tragedy of Macbeth (麦克佩斯)The Tragedy of Othello, Moor of Venice (奥赛罗)The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet (罗密欧与朱丽叶)The Tragedy of Titus Andronicus (泰特斯安德洛尼克斯)The Two Gentlemen of Verona (维洛那二绅士)The Winters Tale (冬天的故事)Twelfth Night (第十二夜)Venus and Adonis (维纳斯与阿都尼)The Sonnets (十四行诗)外研社大师经典文库:Republic 理想国The Travels of Marco Polo 马可波罗游记Utopia 乌托邦Essays 培根论说文集The Confessions 忏悔录Interpretation of Dreams 梦的解析Tao Te Ching 道德经The Analects 论语The Art of War 孙子兵法上海教育出版社剑桥文学指南丛书The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare StudiesThe Cambridge Companion to Greek TragedyThe Cambridge Companion to English PoetryThe Cambridge Companion to Eighteenth-Century NovelThe Cambridge Companion to British RomanticismThe Cambridge Companion to ModernismThe Cambridge Companion to MiltonThe Cambridge Companion to Samuel JohnsonThe Cambridge Companion to Thomas HardyThe Cambridge Companion to Jane AustenThe Cambridge Companion to Henry JamesThe Cambridge Companion to William FaulknerThe Cambridge Companion to Ernest HemingwayThe Cambridge Companion to T. S. EliotThe Cambridge Companion to Joseph ConradThe Cambridge Companion to James JoyceThe Cambridge Companion
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