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三年级英语教学设计Unit4 We love animals!The first period 白河县城关小学 唐玥Unit 4 We love animals.The first period教学目标:A. Lets talk A. Lets play1.能听懂、会说“Look, I have a”,并能在实际情景中运用。2.能听懂、会说“Great! / Cool!/ Super!/ Oh,its nice!” 并能在实际情境中恰当的运用。3.能听懂一些简单的指示语,并能按照指令做出相应的动作。4.通过对小动物的学习,感受到小动物的可爱,从而懂得爱护小动物。教学重难点:重点:能够认读 monkey、panda、rabbit、 zoo、这几个单词。难点:熟练运用句型“Look,I have a panda!等等来介绍自己的小动物。课前准备: 1.玩具熊猫、 玩具小兔、 玩具猴、玩具狗、 玩具大象和一个可以装这些小动物的大盒子。 2.自制人物头饰。 3.让学生准备铅笔、 尺子、书、钢笔。 4.让学生课前画好小熊猫、小兔子、小猴子,还有一张有很多动物的图片。 5.教师准备几张“Super”,“Cool”,“Great”,的奖励卡片。Teaching steps:Step1: Warm up. Make greeting with eath other. T: Good afternoon! Boys and girls. Ss: Good afternoon! T: How are you today? Ss: Im fine, thank you. How are you? T: Very well, thanks.Step2: Revision T: Boys and girls, please talk out your school things. Lets chant and do!Ss:Great!(教师用幻灯片放映歌谣,师生共同做出动作。)Step3.Presentation Present the new language points.1. 用幻灯片播放几组动画的图片,师生共同欣赏。T: Boys and girls, do you love animals?Ss: Yes!T: Me too. We love animals.(出示幻灯片,呈现课题“Unit4 We love animals!”同时板书到黑板上。) T:Read after me, “We love animals!”Ss:We love animals!2. 拿出装着动物玩具的大盒子,充满神秘的地说:T:Now, Look at me .This is a big box.Whats in the box? Can you guess?S1:Pencil.S2:Book.S3: S4:Rabbit.T: Great! You are right.(教师拿出奖励卡片“Great”做以表扬,并让全班学生一起竖起大拇指说“Great,great,you are great!”进行鼓励。)拿出小兔子说:“Look,I have a rabbit!” T:Follow me. Rabbit ,rabbit,I have a rabbit.Ss:Rabbit rabbit,I have a rabbit.T:Say “Rabbit” one by one.T:Good! /Cool!/ Super!/ Great!(Learn to say “monkey”in the same way.)Teach the last word.T:Boys and girls,look at the blackboard.I can draw an animal on the biackboard. Please guess , whats this?T:Wow! Its panda!Follow me. Panda,panda,I have a panda.Say “Panda” one by one.3. 将动物们装进一个大盒子里,一边装一边说T: Look,I have a panda, a rabbit, a monkey , a dogwow,I have a zoo!Ss:Wow!/Great!/Super!/Cool!T: Follow me, zoo ,zoo I have a zoo.(展出动物园图片)Ss:Zoo,zoo, I have a zoo.T: Wow!/ Super!/ Great! /Cool!Step4:Lets play!1. Play a game“Whats missing?”to practice the animals.T:Now, Lets play a game “Whats missing?”Ss:Monkey! Monkey!.(本活动找一名学生背对大家,教师或学生藏起一种小动物,然后开始找,在找的过程中同学们都一起说这个词,从而巩固了单词的拼读,此同学找到后给予一个Great!Cool!Super!等奖励卡片,并鼓励学生们也说这些鼓励语,从而再次巩固这些词。)2. Play another game.T:Let pass the animals, and say “ I have a.”.(本活动把全班分为三组进行比赛,通过传递动物,巩固练习“I have a”的句型。)Step5: Practice “Lets talk!” (用幻灯片展示课文类容。) 1. Read the dialogue by yourself.2. T: Who are they?Ss:They are Sarah, Mike, JohnT:Now,who wants to be Sarah?S1:Me.T:Who wants to be John?S2:Me.(让学生扮演角色进行对话。)3.齐读对话。Step6.拓展练习。 出示幻灯片,师生共同讨论“I love” ,从而教育同学们要热爱小动物,保护小动物。Step9:Lets sing. 出示幻灯片,大家一起用两只老虎的曲调,遍唱新歌从而再次巩固句子,理解句子。Step10. Lets try. 出示幻灯片的习题。 T:Look here. Fill in the blanks.Step11.Summary. 师生一起说说今天这节课学到了什么?做以总结。Step12. Homework.Practise the dialogue then draw the animals.板书设计: Unit4.We love animals panda. rabbit.I have a monkey. Zoo!课后反思:在本课中我采用了直观教学法,利用动物玩偶、图片、单词卡片、头饰,创设各种真实的情境,学习单词和句型。通过任务型教学和活动型教学相结合,探究学习和合作学习相结合的各种学习活动,把简单的知识操练活化为丰富的学习活动,从而激发了学生的学习兴趣,使学生掌握了所学内容,学生们也能够熟练的进行所学对话,效果较好。
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