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北京*高级技术学校教案任课教师: 科 目: 人人说英语中级 编号: 2 授 课 章节 名 称Unit 1 Shopping Task 2, Task 3 & Task 4审 批 签 字授课班级11(话高)、12检高(1、3)授课时数2授课时间第1周(2)授课方法讲授教具多 媒 体, 黑 板教学目的及要求1. To describe shopping facilities;2. To comment on quality of goods;3. To make suggestions.教学重点、难点 重点:1. Describe shopping facilities; 2. Comment on quality of goods; 3. Make suggestions.难点: To mater various shopping expressions.作业Recite new words and main sentence structures.教 学 过 程 【复习】Do a dictation about the new words and expressions. Then, ask several students to recite or retell the passage in Turning In and the conversation in Task 1. 【导入】Last class, we came across an English-speaking shoppers in the shop. Today, we are going to follow him and see what will be happen then.【新课】 Unit 1 Shopping Task 2, Task 3 & Task 4【小结】From the Task 2, we learned how to describe shop facilities. From Task 3 and Task 4, we have mastered how to give suggestions and how to comment on the quality of good.【作业】1. Recite the dialogues in Task 2, 3 &4;2. Do Exercise 2 in Task 2, 3 & 4;3. Write bold news and expressions in the notebook.教 学 后 记教 案 纸教学内容、组织、教法、要求说 明【复习】Do a dictation about the new words and expressions. Then, ask several students to recite or retell the passage in Turning In and the conversation in Task 1. At last, check on the Exercise 2: ask pairs of students to present their dialogue in class.【导入】Last class, we came across an English-speaking shoppers who is a cute handsome guy in the shop. Today, we are going to follow him and see what will happen then.【新课】 Unit 1 ShoppingTask 2, Task 3 & Task 4 Step 1 Task 2.1. Listen to the dialogue and then read after the recording. Ask students to close their books and play the recording twice. Then, ask the following questions: What does the customer want to buy? Whats his size? How much is the jacket?After that, ask students to open the book and read the dialogue of Task 2. Then, go over the dialogue with students together and pay more attention to the bold part of the dialogue. 1) Im looking for a light blue sport jacket.我想买一件浅蓝色运动衫。2) Whats your size? 您穿多大号? What size do you wear?3) small size (S)小号; medium size (M)中号; large size (L)大号; extra large size特大号4) A moment, please. 请稍等。5) the large size will also do 大号的也行6) How much is it? 多少钱?2. Do Exercise 1. First of all, go over the substitution with students together. Then, ask pairs of students use the words or expression in Exercise 1 to substitute the respective part of the dialogue.Step 2 Task 2.1. Listen to the dialogue and then read after the recording. Ask students to close their books and play the recording twice. Then, ask the following questions: What is the Madam interested in? Where is the cloisonn vase? Is there an elevator in the store?After that, ask students to open the book and read the dialogue of Task 3. Then, go over the dialogue with students together and pay more attention to the bold part of the dialogue. 1) Anything I can do for you? 您想买点什么?2) cloisonn vase 景泰蓝花瓶3) at the souvenir counter 在纪念品专柜4) on the second floor 在二楼5) lift 电梯 = elevator; lift属于英式英语,而elevator是美国人说的,那么,电动扶梯是escalator.6) I think I can take you there. 我想我可以带你去那里。7) Thats very kind of you. 你真是太好了。8) Thats the least I can do for you. 这是我应该做的。2. Do Exercise 1. Complete the dialogues with the help of the clues provided. Ask students to do this activity individually. After that, ask students to peer-edit their work and then go over the answers as a class. The answers to the dialogue:1) the souvenir department/shop is, the third floor, there is one near the stairs2) the jewelry counter, dont know, a shop assistant here, there is one3) are you looking for, some toy dog, take you to the boy department, thank you. You are very kind.Step 3 Task 4.1. Listen to the dialogue and then read after the recording. Ask students to close their books and play the recording twice. Then, ask the following questions: What kind of jade does the man like? What does the shop assistant recommend? Does the man like it or not?After that, ask students to open the book and read the dialogue of Task 4. Then, go over the dialogue with students together and pay more attention to the bold part of the dialogue. 1) Youve got a lot of jade articles here, havent you? 你们这有很多玉器,是吗? 反义疑问句havent you?2) dealer 经销商,同义词distributor3) traditional Chinese patterns 传统的中国图案 traditional传统的; pattern 图案4) How do you like this one with birds and flowers? 您觉得这个带有花鸟的怎么样?5) look most Chinese 看上去特有中国味儿(特色)6) I am glad you like it. 我很高兴你喜欢它。7) national drama costumes 民族戏装8) classical Chinese furniture 中国古典家具9) national musical instruments 中国民族乐器2. Do Exercise 1. First of all, go over the substitution with students to
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