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数词,基数词 序数词 数词的用法,1、基数词的构成 (1)1-12的基数词是独立的单词,有其各自的形式。 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve,(2)13-19的基数词以-teen结尾。 thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen,(3)20-90 的整十位数基数词以-ty结尾。 twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety,(4)21-90 的非整十位数的表示法,是在十位数 和个位数之间用连字符“-”。 twenty-one 21 thirty-three 33 e.g. 53 64 75 99,(5)百、千、百万、十万的表示方法。 N00 hundred N,000 thousand N,000,000 million N,000,000,000 billion e.g. 100 one hundred 2,000 two thousand 3,000,000 three million 4,000,000,000 four billion,(6)101-999的基数词的表示法,是在百位数和十位数之间,或在百位数和个位数之间加”and”. e.g. one hundred and two 102 two hundred and sixteen 216 four hundred and four 404 513 222 363 999,(7)1000以上的数目表示方法。 e.g. 2,004 two thousand and four 34,228 thirty-four thousand, two hundred and twenty-eight 725,369 seven hundred and twenty-five thousand, three hundred and sixty-nine 17,657,400 1,214,000,000,巧学妙记 一至十二词各异,一个一个单独记,前轻后重(teen)是十几,前重后轻(ty)是几十 fourteen,forty分清楚,thirteen,thirty看仔细,eighteen(eighty)只有一个t,几十几和几百几连字符、and莫丢弃,Exercise,1、-Excuse me , how does this number 20,135 read ? -It read . A. twenty thousands one hundred and thirty-five B. twenty thousand one hundred and thirty five C. twenty thousand one hundred and thirty-five D. twenty thousands , one hundred and thirty-five,Exercise,2、-Bob , can you write the number seven hundred and eighty thousand and thirty-two ? -Yes , it is _. 78,032 B. 7,832 C. 7,032 D. 780,032,2. 基数词的运用 (1)表示具体数目时,hundred,thousand,million等 用单数; e.g. five hundred eight hundred (2) 表示不确切数目时可以用复数形式,与of连用表示 “数以.计的”; hundreds of 成百上千 thousands of 成千上万 e.g. Thousands of trees must be planted every year.,(3) 基数词的复数形式可用来表示人的岁数和年代。 年代:in the +年代+s(或s) 表示“在世纪年代” in ones +整10数的复数形式 表示一个不确定的年龄 e.g. He went to the United States in his twenties. That was in the early forties,(4) 由基数词和名词合成的形容词作定语时,其中的名词只用单数。 e.g. She wrote a two-thousand-word composition last night. Claude is an eleven-year-old boy. I m a eighteen- year- old girl.,Exercise,1、How many people will come to Beijing next year? (2009芜湖) Its hard to say, _ people, I think. million of B. millions of C. three millions D. three millions of,Exercise,2、 In the past twenty years, many tall buildings have been built in our city. look! This is a _. (09年天津中考) A. 70-floor building B. 70-floors building C. 70-floor buildings D.70 floors building,2.序数词的构成,(1)第一第十九的构成。,除第一,第二,第三,第五,第八,第九,第十二为特殊形式,其他的序数词均由其对应的基数词加后缀-th构成。 four fourth six sixth seven seventh eleven eleventh thirteen thirteenth fourteen fourteenth fifteen fifteenth sixteen sixteenth seventeen seventeenth eighteen eighteenth nineteen nineteenth,(2)整十的数字序数词的构成方法:将对应的基 数词结尾y变i,再加-eth. e.g. twenty twentieth thirty thirtieth forty fortieth fifty fiftieth sixty sixtieth seventy seventieth eighty eightieth ninety ninetieth,(3)表示“几十几”时,十位数的基数词不变,只把个位数变成序数词即可。 e.g. 36 thirty- six 第36 thirty-sixth 98 ninety-eight 第98 ninety-eighth 第 55 fifty-fifth 第 74 seventy-fourth 第 88 eighty-eighth 第1-99,(4)百,千,百万等的序数词在词尾加-th。 e.g. 第一百 hundredth 第一千 thousandth 第一百万 millionth 第十亿 billionth 若是多位数,则前边的数用基数词,末尾数用序数词。 e.g. 第101 one hundred and first 第199 one hundred and ninety-ninth,(5)序数词的缩写形式是由阿拉伯数字加上序数词的最后两个字母构成的。 e.g. first- 1st second - 2nd third 3rd fourth-4th twelfth-12th twenty - first 21 st forty-fifth 45 th one hundred and fifty-third 153 rd,Exercise,1、-How old is your son ? - . We had a special party for his birthday last Sunday . A. Nine ; ninth B. Nine ; nine C. Ninth ; nine D. Ninth ; ninth,2、I think that the century (世纪) will bring us more hopes . A. twenty-one B. twentieth-first C. twenty-first D. twentieth-one,2. 序数词的用法 (1)在使用序数词时,通常前面要加定冠词the. e.g. The second lesson is more difficult than the first.,(2) 序数词前面出现不定冠词a/an时,表示“再一,又一”。 e.g. Weve tired it three times. Must we try it a fourth time? His parents have two children, but they want a third one.,(3) 序数词前有物主代词或其他修饰语时不用任何冠词。 e.g. This is my first job. Mrs. Blacks second child called Lucy.,(3) 基数词表顺序,置于名词之后;序数词表顺序,置于名词之前,且与the连用 Part Two -the Second Part Lesson Seven-the Seventh Lesson page 48-the forty-eighth page Room 302, World War II,Exercise,1、I got a good present on my birthday and I like it very much . A. fifteen B. fifteenth C. the fifteen D. the fifteenth,2、-I hear your pen friend is visiting Lianyunga
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