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Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!,掌握下列单词和短语:mooncake lantern stranger relative pound put on be similar to wash away 2.理解并掌握语法:(1)that/if/whether引导的宾语从句。 (2)感叹句。,New words,mooncake lantern stranger relative pound put on,月饼,灯笼,陌生人,亲属;亲戚,英磅,增加(体重);发胖,What are these festivals?,Water Festival,Dragon Boat Festival,the Lantern Festival,the Chinese Spring Festival,Mid-autumn Festival,Look and match,challenge your memory!,the Chinese Spring Festival,Mid-autumn Festival,Dragon Boat Festival,the Lantern Festival,Water Festival,What do you know about the festival?,Dragon Boat Race,Wear sachet(香囊),What do we eat?,What do you like best about the festival? And why?,Listen and circle T for true and F for false.,1.Bill thinks that the races were not that interesting to watch. T F 2.Mary thinks that the teams were fantastic. T F 3.Bill wonders whether theyll have Zongzi again next year. T F 4.Bill and Mary believe that theyll be back nezt year to watch the races. T F,Read the conversation aloud and act it out,A:What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival? B:I love the races. I think that theyre fun to watch.,Language points,辨析Whether与if 1.whether可置于句首引导主语从句,而if不能。例如:Whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habit.你是否能做好取决于你的学习习惯。 2.whether可用在介词之后,引导宾语从句,而If则不能。如: Success depends on whether we work hard enough . 成功取决于我们是否足够努力。 3.whether后可接不定式,而if不能。如: Please tell us whether to go or stay here.请告诉我们是走还是留在这儿。 4.whether 可与not连用,而if不能。例如:Im not sure whether he will come or not.我不确定他来不来。,Pairwork,Talk about the festivals and practice conversations in pairs.,listening,Listen to the conversation and circle the correct words in the sentences. 1.Wu Yu and Herry are cousins/strangers/friends. 2.Wu Yu wnent to Singpore/Hong Kong/Macao/for his vacation. 3.He visited his relatives/friends/classmates. 4.He enjoyed eating out / shopping / the Dragon Boat Festival best.,2b:Listen again and complete the chart.,Pairwork,Work on 2c: Ask the students to read the conversation in the box aloud first. A:What did you do on your vacation? B:I visited my cousins.I think we ate five meals a day! Ive put on five pounds! A: I guess the food was delicious,right?,Role-play the conversation ,using the information in 2a and 2b.,Language points,put on 的用法: 1.穿上 例如:She put on her coat and went ou.她穿上大衣出去了。 2.上演 例如:The band are hoping to put on a UK show before the end of the year. 那个乐队希望年底之前在英国举办一场演出。 3.增加(体重) 例如:I can eat what I want but I never put on weight. 我能想吃什么就吃什么,但是体重从来不增加。,Reading.,Do you know the movie Lost in Thailand?,Chiang Mai It is a beatiful city in the northeast of Tahiland. It is one of the hottest cities because of the movie Lost inThailand.,Read the conversation and answer the following questions:,1.Whats the weather like in July there? 2.When is the water festival in Thailand? 3.What do people do to celebrate it?Why?,Its very hot there.,Its From April 13th to 15th.,People go on the streets to throw water at each other . Because it can clean and wash away bad things , bring them good luck in the new year.,Post-reading,1.Role play the conversation. Language points: in two weeks 意为“两周以后”,用一般将来时。回答由“how soon”引导的特殊疑问句。例如:How soon will he finish the work? 他多久以后能完成工作?In two hours.两小时以后。 be similar to 意为“与相似”。例如:He is similar to hi mother.他与他妈妈很相像。,Writing,Write a short passage about the Water Festival in Thailand.,1.New words and expressions mooncake lantern stranger relative pound put on be similar to wash away 2.Sentence structures Mary thinks that that the teams were fantastic. Bill wonders whether theyll have zongzi again next year. What a great day!,Summary,当堂达标,一、根据句意及汉语提示完成句中所缺单词。 1.We usually have _(月饼) on Mid-autumn Festival. 2.We put _(灯笼) outside to celebrate the festival. 3.She told her little son not to speak to _(陌生人) in the street. 4.Your cousin is your _(亲戚). 5.The bag weighs 50 _(磅).,mooncakes,lanterns,strangers,relative,.pounds,用所给单词的适当形式填空。,1.Autumn is a great time for _(travel) to Beijing. 2.Her parents _(come) back from America in two months. 3.The races are interesting _(watch). 4.Do you enjoy_(hang) out downtown? 5.She _ (visit) his uncle in Hong Kong on his last vacation.,Answers:1.traveling 2.will come 3.to watch 4.hanging 5.visited,Homework,Review the New language items. Pre-view the rest new words in 3a.,Thank you ! Goodbye,
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